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June 15-26, 2015

18th Plant Variety Protection Course

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands

The following subjects will be introduced through lectures, discussions and working groups: legal aspects, institutional aspects, technical aspects, exploitation of plant breeders rights.

June 29, 2015 - July 1, 2015

Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance III

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Festsaal Bundesamtsgebaude - Vienna, Austria

Researchers from academy and industry will present and evaluate the most recent advances in understanding and combating plant abiotic stress and tolerance mechanisms and to define new frontiers in this field.

June 25-27, 2015

AUSVEG National Convention 2015

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Australian Vegetable Growers Federation (AUSVEG)

Jupiters Hotel and Casino - Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

June 18-19, 2015

The Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology 2015

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Korean Culture Training Institute - Chung-Nam, Korea

Objective: to discuss ways to vitalize plant bio-industry and strengthen plant biotechnology cooperation in Korea, China and Japan










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