The half day conference will aim at giving the latest information on the production and consumption of tomato products globally in 2022 and the outlook for the future.
A joint webinar between the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS), the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), and the International Network for Seed-Based Restoration (INSR).
Aula der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Göttingen, Germany
Gemeinsame Wintertagung 2022 der GPZ Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kartoffelzüchtung und Pflanzgutproduktion und der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften & Zentrum für Integrierte Züchtungsforschung (CiBreed), Abteilung Nutzpfla...
"Plant phenotyping for a sustainable future" - IPPS 2022 will serve as a platform to discuss and realize options to harness the power of plant phenotyping and contribute to a sustainable future.
EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding
Campus de l’Université Paris-Saclay - Paris-Saclay, France
The conference will be preceded by a Satellite Workshop on Phenomic Selection, that will also be held at ENS Paris-Saclay. Registration is free but mandatory.
Bringing together vertical farming operators, investors, suppliers and customers, this 3rd annual Vertical Farming World Congress is designed to help develop and advance the sector’s future. It is the most substantial dedicated event of the year, featuring two days of...
The focus of the Amphacademy is on practical applications of pollen quality monitoring. It is our aim to show methods for the use of Amphasys Pollen Analyzers to get the best results for data-driven decision making.
As emerging technologies radically disrupt all aspects of food and agriculture, how do we enable legal frameworks to meet this accelerated pace of innovation while leaving no one behind?
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to have specific que...
webinar aims to: Illustrate the need and desire of seed testing industries for computer vision (one type of advanced technology), Understand better the computer version (AI) for end-users (seed testing labs), Motivate collaborations among seed testing labs or organisati...
Join plant breeding experts for a day of fruitful knowledge exchange and creativity. Priorities, collaboration opportunities and shared resources as well as technology and policy enablers will be discussed and debated to ensure our breeding programmes meet the needs of ...
The workshop will focus on seed lot sampling, labelling and sealing, automatic seed sampling, sample reduction, and quality assurance. As the workshop will be held at a large seed cleaning and production site in Højme, there will be a lot of practical exercises after e...
This innovation showcase will provide a forum to share the latest research and technological innovations in the plant breeding field, focusing on the most impactful technologies in current development in 2022.
The greenhouse horticulture sector is in the midst of a transition from the linear “Take-Make-Waste” system to a circular “Reuse” one. But how to reduce, reroute and reuse the various flows? And how to differentiate over low, mid and high-tech solutions?
61 breeding companies in three regions - Various locations, Netherlands
61 breeding companies in three regions present their latest innovations and future developments in pot and bedding plants. / 61 deelnemende bedrijven presenteren in 3 regio's hun noviteiten en toekomstige ontwikkelingen in pot- en perkplanten / 61 teilnehmende Unternehm...
A free, 24-hour, virtual conference that aims to bring together plant genome researchers across the globe. Will be held via Zoom webinar on April 27th-28th (starting 8 am Pacific time) and will be organized across six 4-hour sessions. Each session will have a keynote sp...
Kolpinghaus oder Online-Veranstaltung - Fulda, Germany
Geplant ist eine Präsenzveranstaltung unter der jeweils aktuell gültigen gesetzl. Corona-Verordnung. Falls dies jedoch nicht möglich sein sollte, findet alternativ eine Online-Veranstaltung statt.
Faites le point sur le marché de la bière, la récolte 2021, la gestion de l'eau en orges brassicoles, la R&D au sein de la filière... En deuxième partie de journée, découvrez l'état des lieux de la filière brassicole française sur les marchés.
The winter school, which is sponsored by the ISSS, will provide an up-to-date theoretical background and the practical laboratory and statistical skills needed for the measurement, analysis and reporting of seed functional studies linked to three main functions: dispers...