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April 4-5, 2023

Treinamento de atualização da legislação de sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (ABRASEM)

Rondonópolis, MT, Brazil

March 31-31, 2023

ONLINE WORKSHOP "Ornamental Certification System in Mexico"

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Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture

Online, 15:00 – 18:00 (NL time) - Online, Netherlands

During the workshop, SNICS will present the different mechanisms and tools available for breeders to strengthen and guarantee their breeder’s rights in Mexico. Additionally, a new public – private initiative between Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture and Mexico’s ...

March 29-30, 2023

Treinamento ‘Atualização da Legislação de Sementes’

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Hotel Crystal - Londrina, PR, Brazil

O curso será ministrado pelo Dr. Jonas Farias Pinto, Gerente de Certificação da Fundação Pró-Sementes. Objetivo: Treinar e capacitar profissionais envolvidos ou interessados na área de sementes sobre as novas legislações vigentes.

November 30-30, 2020

Global Status of Biotech Crops 2019 Webinar

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International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA)

Online - Online, Philippines

The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) presents the latest report on the global status of GM crops in 2019.

July 8-10, 2019

Curso de Capacitação: Gestores de Unidades de Benefinicamento de Sementes (UBS)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

AACC, Associação Atlética Copercampos - Campos Novos, SC, Brazil

September 5-6, 2017

Treinamento para Responsáveis Técnicos

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Faculdade Campo Real - Guarapuava, PR, Brazil

Controle de qualidade em Pós-Colheita de Sementes (UFPel); Vistoria de campo de Sementes (Embrapa Soja); Legislação de Sementes (MAPA)

August 31, 2017 - September 1, 2017

Treinamento para Responsáveis Técnicos

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Centro de Eventos do Hotel Thomasi, Sala Ouro - Londrina, PR, Brazil

Controle de qualidade em Pós-Colheita de Sementes (UFPel); Vistoria de campo de Sementes (Embrapa Soja); Legislação de Sementes (MAPA)

August 31, 2017 - September 1, 2017

Treinamentos para Responsável Técnico

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Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Centro de Eventos do Hotel Thomasi – Sala Ouro - Londrina, PR, United States

Palestras: Controle de qualidade em Pós-Colheita de Sementes (UFPel) Vistoria de campo de Sementes (Embrapa Soja) Legislação de Sementes (MAPA)

June 16-17, 2016

Curso: Interpretação da Legislação Nacional de Sementes

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Associação Nacional de Produtores de Sementes (ANPROSEM)

Muchiutt Park Hotel - Prudente, SP, Brazil

February 26-26, 2016

Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay - Jornada Hortícola

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INASE Sede Central - Canelones, Uruguay

November 11-11, 2013

1st Workshop on Trade and Arbitration Rules

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Asociacion Semilleros Argentinos (ASA)

Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center - Buenos Aires, Argentina

September 3-5, 2013

4th Seed Congress of the Americas

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Seed Association of the Americas (SAA)

Conrad Punta del Este Resort & Casino - Punta del Este, Uruguay

The motto of the meeting is “Promoting the Seed Business in the Americas” and the principal focus is on Trade and Regulations. The agenda addresses the main burning issues that the industry is facing today: Intellectual Property, Biotechnology, Phytosanitary and See...

September 16-19, 2012

XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Espaço de Convençoes Centro Sul - Florianópolis , SC, Brazil

January 9-28, 2012

COURSE: Plant Exploration and Collecting: the ethics, the process, and world laws

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Cornell University

from the Atacama Desert in the north of Chile down to Valdivia in the south - , Chile

Contact information: Dr. Bridgen. Director and Professor. Cornell University. Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center. 3059 Sound Ave.Riverhead, NY 11901 Tel: 631-727-3595 Fax: 631-727-3611 e-MAIL mpb27@cornell.edu

June 23-24, 2011

Third Global Business Forum of Plant Biotechnology - Biotechforum 2011

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Rosario's Board of Trade - Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Meet the experts and join with key players in the world of plant biotechnology.




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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