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N. L. Chrestensen GmbH

N. Sgaravatti & C. Sementi S.p.a.

N.U. Agrar GmbH

N.V. Roger Maes


Naïo Technologies

Nabat Agricultural & Trading Co.

Nadide Seeds Co.

Nadini Agri Biotech Pvt. Ltd.

Nadir Zarai Markaz & Seed Services

Nafaso SA

Nagari Seed Nigeria Ltd.

Nagoya University

Nakoshi Semences


Nalweyo Seed Company (NASECO)

Nama Genetics Trading Ltd.

Namdhari Seeds (Thailand) Co. Ltd.

Namdhari Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Nanjing Agricultural University

Nanto Seed Co. Ltd

Nanyang Technological University


Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Naracoorte Seeds

Nas Ag-Consultancy BV

Nas Ag-Consultancy BV

NASA Harvest

Naseco Seeds

Nath Bio-Genes India Ltd.

Nath Seeds Ltd.

National Academies of Sciences

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)

National Agricultural Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA)

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Of India Ltd. (NAFED)

National Agricultural Genotyping Center (NAGC)

National Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NARDI)

National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)

National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)

National Agricultural Seeds Council (Nigeria)

National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)

National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA)

National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) *

National Association for Plant Breeders (NAPB)

National Association of Wheat Growers

National Biosafety Authority (Ghana)

National Center for Atmospheric Research

National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP)

National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR)

National Center for Seeds and Seedlings (NCSS)

National Cheng Kung University

National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)

National Corn Growers Association (NCGA)

National Cotton Council of America

National Cottonseed Products Association

National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders (NCCPB)

National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI)

National Farmers Union (NFU) - Canada

National Farmers Union (NFU) - United Kingdom

National Farmers Union (USA)

National Farmers' Federation (Australia)

National Forum on Seed, Canada

National Garden Bureau

National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA)

National Industrial Hemp Council

National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS)

National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS)

National Institute of Crop Science

National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)

National Institutes of Natural Sciences

National Maize Research Institute (Vietnam)

National Pasture Seed Program (Cuba)

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

National Rice Research Institute (NRRI

National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Seed Association of India (NSAI)

National Seed Association of India (NSAI)

National Seed Association of Malaysia (NSAM)

National Seed Association of Rwanda (NSAR)

National Seed Centre (NSC)

National Seed Co.

National Seed Company Limited

National Seed Health System

National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG)

National Seeds Corporation (NSC)

National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI)

National Sorghum Foundation

National Sorghum Producers

National Sunflower Association

National Sunflower Association of Canada

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

National Tested Seeds

National University of Ireland

National University of Singapore (NUS)

National Variety Trials (NVT)

National Watermelon Association, Inc.

Native Seed Science, Technology and Conservation ITN (NASSTEC)

Native Traits Corporation

NativeSeed Group

Natur-Saaten GmbH

Natural Industries Inc.

Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

Naturally Enhanced United Seed (NEU Seed)


Nature Biotechnology

Nature Genetics

Nature Herbs

Nature Source Genetics

Nature Source Improved Plants

Nature Source Tropicals

Nature's Seed

Nature’s Crops International

Navankur Agritech Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

NBN Sementes

NC Corporation

NC+ Hybrids

Nebraska Crop Improvement Association

Nebraska Irrigated Seeds

Nebraska Seed Trade Association

Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB)

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)


Nelson Garden AB

NemGenix Pty Ltd

Neo Technology, Inc.

Neocrop Technologies

Neogen Corporation

Neogen Semillas


NeoVentures Biotechnology, Inc.

Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)

Nepal Seed Company Pvt. Ltd.

Nepal, National Seed Board

Nepal, Seed Quality Control Centre

Netafim Ltd.

Netherlands Institute of Ecology

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

Netherlands, Government

Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture

Nethra Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.

Neutec Group Inc.

Nevada Seed Certification Program

New Ag International

New Disease Reports

New Edge Microbials

New Energy Farms

New England Biolabs

New Gene

New Janta International Nursery

New Mexico Chile Association

New Mexico Crop Improvement Association

New Mexico Seedsmen's Association

New Mexico State University

New South Wales Farmers Association

New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries

New West Genetics LLC

New York Seed Improvement Cooperative

New York State Seed Association

New York University

New Zealand Grain & Seed Trade Association (NZGSTA)

New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science Inc.

New Zealand Intellectual Property Office

New Zealand Plant Breeding & Research Association Inc (NZPBRA)

New Zealand Plant Breeding & Research Association Inc. (NZPBRA)

New Zealand, Environmental Protection Authority

New Zealand, Ministry of Agriculture


Newcastle University

NewLeaf Symbiotics

Newsom Seed

Nexgen Plants Pty Ltd

NexGen Turf Research

Nexgrow Genetics


NexSteppe Sementes do Brasil Ltda

Nextera - Agribusiness & Consulting, Un, Lda.

Nextfood IVS

Nextgen Cropscience LLP


NFC Seeds Limited

NGS Seeds

Niagara Seeds

Nichia Corporation

Nichino America, Inc.

Nickerson (France)

Nickerson GmbH

Nidera Sementes Ltda.

Nidera Semillas

Nidus Partners L.P.

Nijssen Koeling BV

Nimbus Holdings Pvt. Ltd.

Nimbus Therapeutics LLC

Ninsar Agrosciences

Nippon Norin Seed Co. Ltd.

Nippon Soda

Nippon Soda Co. Ltd.

Nippon Soda Co. Ltd.

Nirit Seeds Limited

Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Nisso America, Inc.

Nitragin Argentina

Nitral Urbana

NK Semillas

Nobactra Israel Ltd.

Nobell Foods

Noble Research Institute, LLC

Noble Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

NOD Apiary Products

Noldus Information Technology BV

Nomad Bioscience

Non-profit organization

Nong Woo Seed America, Inc.

Nongwoo Bio Co. Ltd.

Nongwoo Seed India Pvt Ltd

Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG*

Nordic Beet Research

Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen)

Nordic Maize breeding

Nordic Seed A/S

Nordic Seed Germany GmbH

Nordkorn Saaten GmbH

Nordsaat Saatzucht GmbH

Norfolk Healthy Produce, Inc.

Norfolk Plant Sciences

Noriap Group


NoroGard AB

Norseco s.e.c.

North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NAPPN)

North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO)

North Carolina Biotechnology Center (NCBC)

North Carolina Crop Improvement Association

North Carolina Foundation Seed Producers Inc.

North Carolina Seedsmen's Association

North Carolina State University

North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP)

North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association (NDCISA)

North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association (NDCISA) *

North Dakota State Seed Department

North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University Research Foundation

North Dakota Wheat Commission

North Pacific Seeds Inc.

Northeastern IPM Center

Northeastern University

Northern Agri Brands, LLC

Northern Arizona University

Northern Crops Institute (NCI)

Northern Illinois University

Northern Seed Trade Association

Northern Seed, LLC

Northern Tier Seed Company

Northern Wildflowers

Northstar Agri Industries

Northstar Genetics Ltd.

Northstar Seed Ltd.

Northwest A&F University

Northwest Agricultural Products, Inc.

Northwest Horticulture LLC

Northwestern Alfalfa Seed Growers Association

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent University

Nouvelle France Genetics

Nova Synthetix


NovaFlora Inc.

Novag SAS


Novasem Srl

NovaTero BioAg

Novisem BV

Novogene Corporation

Novogold Seeds Pvt. Ltd.


Novoplant GmbH

Novozymes BioAg, Inc.


NRGene Technologies Ltd.

NRI Agritech Pvt. Ltd.

NS Seme

NSF International

NSure BV

Nu Genes Pvt. Ltd.

NU Horizon Genetics

Nucelis Inc.


Nufarm (Brasil)

Nufarm Agriculture Inc.

Nufarm Americas, Inc.

Nufarm Deutschland GmbH

Nufarm France

Nufarm Ltd.

Nufarm Ltd. (Canada)

Nufarm UK Ltd.


NuGEN Technologies Inc.


Nungesser Semences


Nunhems Beijing Seed Co., Ltd.

Nunhems Deutschland GmbH

Nunhems do Brasil

Nunhems España S.A.

Nunhems France Sarl

Nunhems India Pvt. Ltd.

Nunhems Italia S.R.L.

Nunhems USA, Inc.


Nurture Agro Seeds LLP

Nuseed Americas Inc.

Nuseed Argentina

Nuseed do Brasil S.A.

Nuseed Europe Ltd.

Nuseed Pty. Ltd.

Nuseed USA Inc.

NuTech Seeds LLC


Nutrien Ag Solutions

Nutrien Ltd.

Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.


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