World Processing Tomato Council Web: The World Processing Tomato Council (WPTC) is an international non-profit making organization representing the tomato processing industry. Currently, its members represent more than 95% of the volume of tomatoes processed worldwide.
The organization was created in May 1998 during the 3rd World Processing Tomato Congress held in Pamplona (Spain).
The World Processing Tomato Council is constituted by professional growers and/or processors organizations representative of their production area. It is headquartered in Avignon (France) and currently chaired by Jim Beecher from California, while Sophie Colvine is the General Secretary.
Professional organizations from the following countries were the founding members of the Council: AMITOM countries (France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey), Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, California. These countries have since been joined by new AMITOM members Morocco and Egypt, as well as Japan, South Africa and China.