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Shivalik Seeds Corporation

47 Panditwari
P.O. Prem Nagar
Dehra Dun Uttaranchal 248007

E-mail: hilander@vsnl.com

Tel: +91 135 277 3348

Fax: +91 135 277 3776

Web: http://www.shivalikseeds.com

Exporter & importer of tree seeds, forestry seeds, agro-forestry, seeds, fodder seeds, green manure seeds, ornamental (bulbous, palms, bamboos besides other trees and shrubs) seeds, horticultural seeds, live plants, herbs, etc.

Product line:

 Field & farm seed
   Alfalfa / Lucerne
   Birdwood Buffel / Grass
   Bromegrass, smooth
   Congo grass
   Fescue, tall
   Millet, finger
   Millet, foxtail
   Millet, proso
   Ryegrass, annual or Italian
   Ryegrass, perennial
   Stylo, amiga
   Stylo, siran

 Forage & turf seed
   Alfalfa / Lucerne
   Birdwood Buffel / Grass
   Bromegrass, smooth
   Fescue, tall
   Ryegrass, annual or Italian
   Ryegrass, perennial

 Trees & shrubs

 Tropical seed
   Stylo, amiga
   Stylo, siran



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