has expanded its value-added
customer-service program to
include a state-of-the-art
facility designed specifically
for training, testing and
palletizing demonstrations.
This new dedicated facility
includes a fully operational
robotic palletizing system,
providing Columbia/Okura
customers with hands-on training
in a simulated manufacturing
environment. With the goal of
providing the best possible
level of service, this facility
provides machine operators with
opportunities to gain experience
and raise their “comfort levels”
for working with the palletizers
in their own plants. Training
is tailored to specific customer
needs based on the products they
produce and the Columbia/Okura
robot that they use. In order
for the facility to be prepared
for the customer needs it
includes an assortment of end
effectors, a vacuum technology
center, video recording aids,
teleconferencing capabilities,
and a computer projection
machine for group training.
Columbia/Okura’s customer
service program doesn’t end at
the facility but continues
through an on-line
troubleshooting guide that
provides fast and easy-to-use
reference for specific
production questions.
Another important feature of
Columbia/Okura’s demo facility
is quick-turnaround palletizing
demonstrations for prospective
customers’ products, with the
capability to test and
video-record the handling of
specific products, cases, bags
and other packaging
configurations. An interested
company can simply ship a
pallet-load of product directly
to the Columbia/Okura facility.
There, operators configure the
robot and end effectors, run the
palletizing process, and record
the operation. The video
segment is transferred to tape
or CD for delivery to the
prospective customer either
through mail or e-mail.
The fully operational facility
also provides opportunities for
Columbia/Okura to research and
develop new machinery and tools
designed to meet expanding
industry demands. |