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September 24, 2024

Raad voor plantenrassen - Brieven herregistratie 2024 verstuurd
Letters prolongation of registration 2024 sent

September 23, 2024

En biotecnología, “perdemos por goleada el partido con Brasil y Estados Unidos” - El gerente de marca DonMario, Patricio Munilla, destacó la importancia de fortalecer la propiedad intelectual de la semilla en el plano de la biotecnología y la genética (InfoCampo)

September 20, 2024

Varieties that are edible and that are traded or sold as pot vegetables or ornamental products should be registered (admitted) as vegetables in the EU common catalogue
Rassen die eetbaar zijn en die als vensterbankgroenten of sierproduct worden verhandeld of verkocht, dienen als groente geregistreerd (toegelaten) te worden op de rassenverkeerslijst van de EU

Bundessortenamt - Blatt für Sortenwesen, September 2024

September 16, 2024

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, Special edition, September 2024

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, September 2024

September 9, 2024

India - Industry bats for strong enforcement of intellectual property rights in seeds to ensure food security (Agriculture Post)

Indian seed industry advocates for stronger intellectual property rights enforcement (Rural Voice)

August 30, 2024

Swedish Board of Agriculture - Växtsortmeddelanden (växtförädlarrätter) / Plant Varieties Gazette, 2024:07

Potato team lead by David Douches awarded new patent

August 29, 2024

Argentina - Inquietud por la proliferación de semillas de soja no fiscalizadas (Sur 24)

FMC Corporation granted a temporary restraining order against Sharda USA LLC for patent infringement in the United States

August 27, 2024

Successful Plant Variety Protection Seminar in The Philippines
Succesvol seminar over kwekersrecht in de Filipijnen

August 22, 2024

Gazette van de Raad voor plantenrassen augustus 2024
Gazette of the Board for plant varieties August 2024

The CIOPORA Academy announces September webinars on global PVP systems and AI applications

August 21, 2024

Nederland - Herregistratie voor een actueel Rassenregister 2024
Prolongation of registration for an actual Variety Register 2024

Etude INRAE - Contribution sur les semences fermières : assurer la viabilité économique et stimuler l’innovation agricole

August 19, 2024

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, Special edition, August 2024

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, August 2024

Raad voor plantenrassen - Herregistratie september 2024
Prolongation September 2024

August 16, 2024

European Union, Community Plant Variety Office - Official Gazette 4.2024

Bundessortenamt - Blatt für Sortenwesen August 2024

August 15, 2024

Evergreen FS awarded patent for crop disease prediction tool

August 9, 2024

Farm-saved seed, royalty rates, and innovation in plant breeding (American Journal of Agricultural Economics)

France - Contribution sur les semences fermières : assurer la viabilité économique et stimuler l’innovation agricole

August 6, 2024

Inari Agriculture can't sink patent case over corn seed (Law 360)

August 5, 2024

México - Claves para identificar las semillas pirata o ilegales - AMSAC

August 2, 2024

Deutschland - Beschreibende Sortenliste für Getreide, Mais, Öl- und Faserpflanzen, Leguminosen, Rüben, Zwischenfrüchte 2024

Erntegut-Urteil des deutschen Bundesgerichtshofes: Zur Verantwortung auch des Händlers von Erntegut sowie FAQ

July 31, 2024

The Kingdom of Bahrain joins the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


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