July 09
productivity and trade objectives in a competing environment:
should India commercialize GM rice with or without China?
June 09
Policy Brief No. 14
Marketing and Trade
Policies for Genetically Modified Products: Lessons from South
May 09
Measuring the
economic impacts of transgenic crops in developing agriculture
during the first decade - Approaches, findings and future
April 09
Local markets,
local varieties: rising food prices and small farmers' access to
September 08
Promoting a
strong seed sector in sub-Saharan Africa - An IFPRI policy brief
"Publish or
Patent? Knowledge Dissemination in Agricultural Biotechnology" -
An IFPRI discussion paper
Agricultural Research for Food Security, Poverty Reduction, and
the Environment: What to Expect from Scaling Up CGIAR
Investments and “Best Bet” Programs
June 08
Policy Brief No. 3
Investing in
agriculture to overcome the world food crisis and reduce poverty
and hunger (PDF)
IFPRI assessment of
the food summit declaration
May 08
Global response
needed to rising food prices - Investments in agriculture,
improved bio-energy and trade policies, and programs that target
vulnerable people would reduce the threat of hunger
April 08
Plant Genetic
Resources for Agriculture, Plant Breeding, and Biotechnology -
Experiences from Cameroon, Kenya, the Philippines, and Venezuela
Rising Food
Prices: What Should Be Done? - An IFPRI policy brief
February 08
biotechnology regulations - Design options and implications for
good governance
December 07
Modified Food and International Trade - The Case of India,
Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines
September 07
The Economic
Impact and the Distribution of Benefits and Risk from the
Adoption of Insect Resistant (Bt) Cotton in West Africa
May 07
Reforming global
sugar trade: what do changes in sugar policy mean for the
considerations of biosafety and biotechnology regulations in
January 07
Public policy
and international collaboration for sustaining and expanding the
rice revolution
November 06
The Promises and
Challenges of Biofuels for the Poor in Developing Countries
October 06
Applied economics
literature about the impact of genetically engineered crop varieties in
developing economies
Risk Assessment and
Management of Genetically Modified Organisms Under Australia's Gene
Technology Act
September 06
Building an Agricultural
Research for Development System in Africa
June 06
Promising crop
biotechnologies for smallholder farmers in East Africa
May 06
Experts in agriculture and
health convene workshop to discuss new technology to fight malnutrition
and improve health in Africa
April 06
A Gap Analysis of Confined
Field Trial Application Forms for Genetically Modified Crops in East
Africa: Evaluating the Potential for Harmonization
February 06
An Analysis of Trade
Related International Regulations of Genetically Modified Food and their
Effects on Developing Countries
January 06
Agricultural and
Economic Development Strategies and the Transformation of China and
December 05
Assessing the
Environmental Impact of Biotechnology
Iron-biofortified rice improves the iron stores of nonanemic
Filipino women
September 05
Long-Term Prospects
for Africa's Agricultural Development and Food Security
August 05
US$15 billion needed' for
African crop research
July 05
New IFPRI study debunks
misconceptions about biotech crop research in Africa
January 05
New IFPRI report debunks
misconceptions about biotech crop research in poor countries
December 04
Assessing and
Attributing the Benefits from Varietal Improvement Research in
February 03
The economics of generating and
maintaining plant variety rights in China