Lusaka, Zambia
August 15, 2005
Talent Ngandwe, SciDev.Net
Some US$15 billion will need to
be spent on agricultural research in sub-Saharan Africa over the
next 20 years if efforts to tackle hunger and malnutrition are
to succeed, says the
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
In a report released yesterday
(12 August), the US-based institute recommended policies to
increase food security on the continent.
To project how the number of
malnourished children could change by 2025, IFPRI compared
different policy scenarios.
Under the 'pessimistic' scenario,
in which investment declines and HIV/AIDS continues to grip
sub-Saharan Africa, the number of children affected was
predicted to increase to 55.1 million from the 1997 figure of
32.7 million.
A 'business as usual' scenario,
in which current policies persist, would also see child
malnutrition increasing, to 39.3 million.
But under the 'vision' scenario,
the figure would drop to 9.4 milllion, which would more than
meet the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving, by 2015, the
proportion of children who are malnourished.
Achieving this 'vision' would,
however, require "dramatic increases" in funding for
agricultural research and other sectors such as irrigation, road
building and the provision of clean water.
IFPRI's report says sub-Saharan
Africa would need US$15 billion of investment in crop research
by 2025 to increase yields. It recommends investment in both
conventional breeding and biotechnology.
Although the report says that
genetically modified crops have the potential to alleviate
hunger in Africa, it acknowledges that some countries are
reluctant to adopt the technology. Other biotechnologies, such
as tissue culture and using molecular techniques to accelerate
conventional crop breeding, should still be pursued, it says.
"Drastic changes must also take
place in the way research and extension are carried out in
Africa," it adds, highlighting the need for agricultural
extension officers to increase farmers' knowledge about
sustainable pest management and fertiliser use, especially in
semi-arid areas.
The report also calls for stronger
links between universities and government research institutions,
as well as the establishment of better networks for the exchange
of technical information within Africa and outside the region.
Mark Rosegrant, the report's
lead author, told SciDev.Net that public-private partnerships
will be essential if biotechnology is to take off in African
agricultural research.
"Rather than leaving it to the
private sector alone, public companies in Africa should get
involved in biotechnology research and genetic modification," he
The report points out that as
African governments' spending on crop research has declined,
private-sector involvement in crop research has not greatly
It says that in 1995, private
sector investments in developed countries amounted to 55 per
cent of the total in agricultural research and development —
whereas in the same year, private sector investments in
developing countries were just 5.5 per cent of total spending.
In addition to boosting
investment in crop research, the report calls for more funding
to improve education, supplies of drinking water, irrigation and
rural roads.
"Our findings reveal that an
additional US$4.7 billion per year in investments above
'business as usual' investment levels, along with appropriate
policy changes, would enable Africa to confront child
malnutrition as effectively as the rest of the developing
world," says Rosegrant.
The report says that donor
assistance to African agricultural research has declined as a
result of priorities shifting towards environmental protection,
health and education.
Link to full IFPRI report: |