September, 2008
Policy Brief No. 6
Promoting a Strong Seed Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nicholas Minot
September 2008
Given that Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest incidence
of poverty and malnutrition in the world, the stagnation
in per capita grain production there is worrisome. Since
1970, per capita grain production in Sub-Saharan Africa
has declined more than 10 percent. Increasing the
productivity of staple foodcrops will help poor farmers
and consumers, and one of the most sustainable ways to
expand food production in Sub-Saharan Africa is to
generate new technologies—including staple seed
varieties—that are adapted to the constraints of the
continent's small-scale farmers. The region thus
requires a cost-effective system of seed production and
distribution to ensure that appropriate seeds are
delivered to farmers.
Both the private and public sectors have a role to play
in developing the seed sector in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Although the private sector can effectively carry out
many seed production and distribution activities, for
reasons discussed in this brief, private companies
acting on their own will not develop and produce optimal
amounts of appropriate seeds for Sub-Saharan Africa.
Thus the public sector also has a role to play.
The Public-Sector Role in Developing Seed Systems
The seed industry has several economic characteristics
that justify selective government involvement. First,
developing new seed varieties involves large fixed costs
in terms of fields, equipment, and scientific expertise,
and the development process can take up to 20 years. The
payoff for these investments is uncertain, especially
given that many types of seed are easy for farmers to
reproduce. Only a large private company or a subsidized
public entity can afford to invest in an activity with
such uncertain, long-term payoffs, and the private
sector will supply less than the socially optimal
amount. The difficulty of capturing the benefits of
improved seed varieties provides a public-good rationale
for government support for plant breeding, particularly
for crops that are easy to recycle and for crops that
are important to small farmers. This does not imply that
the public sector must be involved in all stages of seed
production or in plant breeding for all crops. Nor does
it imply that breeding must be carried out by scientists
at government-funded research institutes. Rather, it
implies that there is some social value in subsidizing
plant breeding and other agronomic work that generates
new and improved varieties of important crops,
particularly those produced and consumed by the poor.
Second, seed quality varies widely, depending on the
genetically determined performance potential, varietal
purity, physical cleanliness, and viability. Yet quality
is difficult for farmers to observe until after the seed
has been purchased and planted. Public intervention is
thus needed to provide farmers with information about
seed quality. A range of policies and regulations has
been adopted to protect farmers from low-quality seed,
including minimum standards, voluntary or mandatory seed
certification, import restrictions, licensing and
registration of seed companies, and legal protocols for
testing seed quality. Overly strict quality controls,
however, will impede international flows of seed
technology and slow the diffusion of new technologies
from the research station to the farmers.
Third, most seed consumers in Sub-Saharan Africa are
poor and risk averse. Cash constraints often limit their
ability to make investments—even profitable ones. The
fact that small-scale agriculture is the main source of
income for the majority of the poor in most African
countries suggests that there is a strong equity
argument for public investments to strengthen the system
of developing new crop varieties and delivering them to
Yet many of the individual functions within the seed
supply system, such as seed multiplication, processing,
and distribution, do not have significant externalities
or public-good characteristics. Thus, an efficient seed
system is likely to involve a complex combination of
public-sector support and private-sector commercial
activities. The public sector must play a bigger role in
plant breeding and some aspects of quality control,
whereas the private sector has better incentives in the
area of seed multiplication, processing, and
distribution. Moreover, the private sector has adequate
incentives to play a major role in producing and
distributing seed of hybrids (particularly maize) and
other crops (such as vegetables) for which farmers tend
to rely on external supply. On the other hand, the
public sector generally needs to play a bigger role in
seed systems for open-pollinated varieties of staple
foodcrops, as well as the seeds of minor crops for which
the scale of production is relatively small. These crops
include sorghum, millet, cassava, and cowpeas. In
addition, the state may need to play a larger role in
poor countries where the private sector is not
sufficiently developed to assume the risks associated
with seed production and distribution.
Developing New Varieties
Farmers have been creating new and improved varieties of
crops for thousands of years, but in the 20th century,
advances in knowledge about genetics led to more
scientific approaches to plant breeding. Studies show
that plant breeding has generated high rates of return
to public investments, thanks to improvements in yield,
disease resistance, and other characteristics. In spite
of this fact, public funding for plant breeding and crop
improvement in developing countries has been variable
and on a downward trend in recent years. Given that
agricultural research is a cumulative, long-term
endeavor, adequate and stable funding is crucial.
When the research institutes of the Consultative Group
on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) were
established in the 1970s, breeding for global adaptation
was a commonly accepted paradigm, but the resulting
traits did not always improve performance in the variety
of agroecological conditions in which the crops were
actually grown. More recently, CGIAR centers and
national agricultural research systems (NARSs) working
on crop improvement have made efforts to define
cross-national regions with common agroclimatic
features. Neither regional (cross-national) nor local
(national and subnational) breeding strategies alone are
likely to be as successful as a judicious blend of
regional and local breeding strategies. In general,
however, it is better to start with a decentralized
approach, to promote communication and interaction
within a region, and to build a regional strategy from
the ground up than to use a top-down approach.
Although the allocation of resources between
conventional breeding and biotechnology is a contentious
issue, well-targeted objectives and effective field
testing and selection are essential for success under
either approach. The first priority should therefore be
to provide training, infrastructure, and operational
funds to support core breeding activities.
In addition, new varieties will be adopted only if they
possess agronomic and postharvest characteristics that
are acceptable to farmers and consumers in the target
production environments. Farmer participation in
selecting the best experimental varieties for commercial
production is thus highly desirable.
Finally, in many countries, the procedures for releasing
new crop varieties need to be clarified, simplified, and
accelerated. Excessive regulations slow the diffusion of
new technology to farmers without providing offsetting
benefits in terms of protecting farmers from
underperforming varieties.
Producing Seeds
Since the mid-1980s, seed programs have turned away from
supporting state seed enterprises and toward the
development of a more diverse and competitive seed
sector, including private seed companies,
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and farmer
organizations. The number of private firms involved in
seed production has increased, although not as much as
hoped for, and private firms are reluctant to provide
seed for minor crops. In some cases, it may simply not
be profitable to produce seed for minor crops or crops
that are easily recycled. It is likely, however, that
the private sector could play a larger role in seed
production given a more favorable policy environment,
including the following conditions: (1) a clear
regulatory framework; (2) fair competition, including
assurance that private seed companies will not be forced
to compete with a heavily subsidized state-owned seed
enterprise; (3) access to germplasm from national or
international research centers; and (4) limits on the
distribution of free emergency seed.
Whereas early programs ignored the informal seed sector,
there is now greater interest in understanding and
learning from it, including attempts to combine the
strengths of the formal and informal seed sectors.
Community seed production projects have become quite
common in Sub-Saharan African countries to provide
emergency seed relief, to develop the seed sector, or
simply to generate income, but they often require
external support.
Marketing Seeds
The government has a role in supporting agricultural
research and extension activities related to seed
development, as well as in setting standards, testing,
and requiring labels to inform buyers. But the economic
justification for direct government involvement in seed
marketing per se is not strong; rather, the government
should facilitate the development of private marketing
For example, governments can facilitate international
trade in seed by promoting regional harmonization of
seed regulations and reciprocal recognition of new
varieties. By expanding the potential size of the
market, this policy creates stronger incentives for
investments by private seed companies, both local and
In addition, governments can work with networks of
agricultural input dealers, providing them with credit,
helping them understand seed demand, and training them
to provide technical information regarding seed and
other inputs. Governments can also help ensure that
seeds distributed by NGOs for free after emergencies do
not have an adverse effect on private-sector seed
companies. Private seed companies tend to focus on
hybrid maize, vegetables, and industrial crops, so there
is a role for government in marketing seeds of minor
crops and to farmers in remote areas.
Building Effective and Sustainable Seed Systems
To help build effective and sustainable seed systems,
governments need to focus on educating and training
participants in the public and private sectors to
increase their understanding of the technical aspects of
varietal development, seed production, and seed
marketing, as well as of policies and regulations
related to seed development.
Governments should also work to strengthen output
markets so that as agricultural research generates
productivity-increasing technology to farmers, countries
can avoid a situation of oversupply that depresses
prices and causes farmers to reject the technology. Such
steps will include more coordinated and predictable
government behavior and increased investment in
infrastructure and regulatory frameworks to support the
development of food markets. Reducing barriers to grain
trade would expand markets and make them less vulnerable
to local supply disturbances.
In summary, promoting the development of a strong seed
sector in Sub-Saharan Africa requires a coordinated
effort between the public and private sectors, where the
roles may differ across activities (seed development,
production, and marketing), across crops, and across
countries. The public sector needs to invest more in
plant breeding and the development of new varieties,
particularly for open-pollinated varieties of staple
foodcrops. Seed production and marketing are often more
efficiently carried out by private seed companies, but
they must be supported with an enabling policy
environment. Such an environment would include a clear
legal framework for private seed companies, access to
public-sector germplasm, the absence of subsidized state
seed companies, streamlined varietal release policies,
regional harmonization of seed regulations, and limits
on the distribution of free seed by NGOs in nonemergency
situations. Seed policy should also help promote
efficient informal seed systems, while controlling
misleading sales practices. Effective and sustainable
seed systems can help improve the livelihoods of
Sub-Saharan Africa's small farmers and benefit consumers
as well, serving as an important element in strategies
for agricultural development and poverty reduction.
Nicholas Minot is a senior research fellow in the
Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division of IFPRI. This
brief is based on N. Minot, M. Smale, C. Eicher, T.
Jayne, J. Kling, D. Horna, and R. Meyers, Seed
Development Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of
Experiences, prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation
(Washington, DC: IFPRI, 2007).
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