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The Global Crop Diversity Trust
June 09

New study finds that sharing genetic resources key to adaptation to climate change in Africa - Stanford and Crop Trust researchers emphasize need for collection and identification of crop varieties to address growing conditions unlike any in existence today

May 09

Hunt for “climate-ready” crops accelerates as organizations search seed collections worldwide

"Hitched to everything else in the universe" - Dependency in foods, genebanks, crop varieties, trand and food prices, and the environment

February 09

Global seed vault marks 1-year anniversary with 4-ton shipment of seeds of critical food crops

One of history’s biggest biological rescue efforts poised to save 100,000 critical crop varieties from certain extinction - Push by Global Crop Diversity Trust is rapidly reviving ailing seed samples from 46 countries that could provide genetic traits vital to maintaining global food security

Darwin on the farm

January 09

Global Crop Diversity Trust reaches important milestones in 2008

December 08

Name your crisis

October 08

In the wake of the financial, energy, climate and food crises, crop diversity is key to ensuring global food supply

September 08

Global Crop Diversity Trust scientists accelerate search for traits that could arm agriculture against the impact of future changes

July 08

The Global Crop Diversity Turst examines the global food crisis

May 08

Tulip prices and food crises - An analysis from the Global Crop Diversity Trust

February 08

Arctic seed vault opens doors for 100 million seeds - Ceremony marking unprecedented effort to protect global agriculture draws world leaders and seeds from over 100 countries
La Chambre forte semencière arctique ouvre ses portes à 100 millions de graines
Arktischer Saatguttresor öffnet seine Türen für 100 Millionen Samen
Il Deposito Artico di Sementi apre le porte a 100 milioni di semi

Svalbard not the only safe haven for crop diversity

ICRISAT's germplasm to strengthen the collection at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

USDA/ARS and Bioversity International partner with the Global Crop Diversity Trust to develop a global plant genebank information system

January 08

Keeping maize and wheat seed safe against a global catastrophe

USDA's Agricultural Research Service contributes seeds to Global Storage Vault in Norway
USDA/ARS contribuye semillas a la Bóveda Global de Semillas en Noruega

Global Seed Vault in the Arctic will keep potatoes and sweet potatoes

Thousands of crop varieties from the four corners of the world depart for Arctic seed vault - Seeds contributed by global network of agricultural research centers considered “crown jewels” of crop diversity

December 07

Global Crop Diversity Trust to ensure the long-term availability of funds for ICRISAT's genebank

November 07

We are not hardwired to react to the crop diversity crisis

Engineers begin critical cooling down of Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Des ingénieurs lancent le refroidissement crucial de la Dépôt international pour les semences de Svalbard
Ingenieros comienzan enfriamiento crítico de la Bóveda Global de Semillas de Svalbard
Gli ingegneri hanno dato inizio al cruciale raffreddamento del deposito artico di sementi

May 07

Global Crop Diversity Trust receives £10 million investment from UK's Department for International Development

Genetic diversity is key to solving future global challenges - Left unprotected, genetic resources will be lost forever

Dinosaurs and crop diversity: how great is the loss?

April 07

Gates Foundation funds efforts to rescue 95 percent of the world's endangered critical crop biodiversity - Historic effort to secure biodiversity of 21 most important crops includes many "orphan crops", critical to poor but often neglected by modern plant breeding

March 07

New agreement to permanently secure biodiversity of rice, the world’s most important and most consumed crop

February 07

Architectural plan revealed of doomsday arctic seed vault

September 06

Purpose and cost-benefit ratios of germplasm collections

July 06

The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - A real treaty

June 06

Scientists to employ Arctic ice and polar bears to protect diversity of world's crops
Des scientifiques pour l’emploi des glaces arctiques et des ours blancs afin de protéger la diversité mondiale des cultures
Científicos a Emplear Hielo Ártico y Osos Polares para Proteger la Diversidad de los Cultivos Mundiales
Ghiaccio artico e orsi polari a tutela della diversità delle colture mondiali
Wissenschaftler nutzen arktisches Eis und Polarbären zum Schutz der weltweiten Kulturpflanzenvielfalt

May 06

Orphan crops

March 06

The genetics of water

January 06

Arctic cave to safeguard global crop diversity - The seed banks will hold samples of all of the world's crop varieties

November 05

A word about the Global Crop Diversity Trust and its future

April 05

Crop diversity expert Dr. Cary Fowler appointed Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust

February 05

Failure to maintain global crop diversity is emerging as a major threat to U.S. agriculture

October 04

Global Crop Diversity Trust to conserve plant diversity - Rich and poor nations sign on to save seeds worldwide

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