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NC+ Hybrids
March 08

David Stamp named National Sales Manager at NC+ Hybrids

August 07

NC+ Hybrids announces 2008 corn and soybean product lineup - New offerings include VecTran stacked traits

NC+ Hybrids to celebrate 50th anniversary

February 07

NC+ Hybrids reports increased interest in Vistive soybeans

December 06

NC+ Hybids growers recognized in U.S. National Sorghum Yield and Management Contest

October 06

NC+ Hybrids reports increased demand for stacked-trait corn hybrids

September 06

NC+ Hybrids reports strong grower interest in new Vistive low-linolenic soybeans

August 05

NC+ Hybrids announces 2007 product lineup - New offerings include more technology traits

NC+ Hybrids announces 2006 new product lineup, including technology options in nine new triple-stack corn hybrids

March 05

NC+ Hybrids joins Monsanto's American Seeds, Inc. and Channel Bio Corp., providing additional opportunity to serve growers with new technology

NC+ Hybrids acquired by American Seeds, Inc. - Remington Hybrid Seed Company, Inc. acquires seed production facilities in Hastings, Nebraska and Grand Junction, Iowa

August 04

NC+ Hybrids offers full range of technology options in 2005 corn, soybean and grain sorghum product lineup

January 04

NC+ Hybrids has three national winners in Sorghum Yield Contest

December 03

NC+ Hybrids signs license agreement with ExSeed Genetics to market corn hybrids with the NutriDense trait

NC+ Hybrids releases more new biotech corn hybrids for 2004

November 03

NC+ Hybrids agronomist says YieldGard Plus is another important tool for farmer’s battle against corn pests

September 03

Consortium seeks to develop high-starch sorghum for ethanol production
NC+ Hybrids sorghum researcher says grant funded project could lead to revitalization of the sorghum industry

NC+ Hybrids corn hybrids receive Processor Preferred approval

August 03

YieldGard® rootworm corn and Poncho® seed-applied insecticide among new NC+ Hybrids products for 2004

June 03

NC+ Hybrids researchers on target for finding high starch sorghum hybrids

May 03

NC+ Hybrids announces new Director of Research

February 03

NC+ Hybrids agronomist says YieldGardÒ Rootworm offers great potential In the control of devastating corn pest

NC+ grain sorghum hybrids garner national and state contest honors

July 02

NC+ Hybrids combines best genetics with newest technology to offer customers wide variety of options for 2003

May 02

NC+ Hybrids dealers receive real time information from new internet-based service

October 01

NC+ Hybrids sorghum researcher says grant funded project could lead to revitalization of the sorghum industry

August 01

NC+ Hybrids independent breeding and research programs yield high performing new products for 2002

May 01

NC+ Hybrids in discussions to license Cargill Hybrid Seeds sorghum breeding program

March 01

Getting the most out of lower quality soybean seed

NC+ Hybrids tests all corn hybrids for StarLink

January 01

NC+ sorghum hybrids win honors in national yield contest

Farmers may consider grain sorghum more of an option for the 2001 growing season

October 00

NC+ Hybrids unveils 2001 payment plan designed to give customers more value

NC+ Hybrids is first company to sign use agreement with Gustafson for new seed-applied insecticides

September 00

NC+ Hybrids conditioning the 2000 seed corn crop at mew $7.5 million facility

August 00

NC+ Hybrids offers wide variety of options with new products for 2001

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