Lincoln, Nebraska
February 19, 2007
Higher premiums, additional
processor locations lead to heightened interest in new low
trans-fat Vistive soybeans
A 20 cent premium increase and additional processing locations
for Vistive™ low-linolenic soybeans means increased profit
potential for soybean growers in the western Corn Belt,
according to Mike Calhoon with Nebraska-based
NC+ Hybrids, Inc.
Calhoon says a recent announcement by Monsanto and participating
processors increasing the premium on grain harvested from
VistiveTM low-linolenic soybeans combined with additional
delivery locations has resulted in increased farmer interest in
planting the low-linolenic soybeans.
"It's big news in the country," says Calhoon. "Growers are now
making final decisions on how many acres to devote to corn
versus soybeans. Premiums up to 65 cents per bushel for Vistive
soybeans have created renewed interest in soybeans."
Calhoon says grower interest in Vistive soybeans increased
significantly in the Hastings, Neb., area after Ag Processing
Inc. announced that its Hastings facility would process the
Vistive soybeans. Interest is also running high near Sioux City,
Iowa, where the Cargill soybean processing facility is
processing Vistive soybeans.
According to Calhoon, premiums and contract details vary by
processor, location and delivery date. Some processors require
delivery directly to their facility while others work through
country elevators as collection and delivery points.
"Growers are having to make some hard choices right now,"
Calhoon says. "Corn prices are higher with ethanol demand but
the new, higher premiums for Vistive soybeans make soybeans very
attractive also. Plus, you have the benefits of rotation with
Additional NC+ Vistive Soybean Announced
NC+ has announced an additional Early Group II Vistive soybean,
NC+ 2V21RR, bringing the number of Vistive varieties offered by
the company to seven. Calhoun says the new offering is
especially well-suited for northern maturity areas of the Corn
Belt. All NC+ Vistive soybeans include the Roundup Ready
technology trait.
Key NC+ Vistive varieties:
- NC+ 2V51RR, Mid Group II
- NC+ 2V62RR, Mid-Late Group
- NC+ 2V71RR, Mid-Late Group
- NC+ 3V01RR, Early Group
- NC+ 3V51RR, Mid Group III
Vistive soybeans are attractive to
food companies as a substitute for oils that contain unhealthy
trans fat.
With access to leading genetics and technology traits, NC+
Hybrids, Inc. independently markets the NC+ brand of seed corn,
soybeans, grain sorghum, forage sorghum, sudangrass and alfalfa
as an operating subsidiary of Channel Bio Corp. For more
information on NC+ and all the 2007 new products, visit the NC+
web site at