August 09
AgResearch and
the University of Auckland forge unique science collaboration
for ground breaking agri-food research
June 09
Partnership model
agreed as best future for AgResearch and Lincoln University
March 09
New Zealand's
AgResearch and Lincoln University consider a merger
February 09
Clover root
weevil spreads further into South Otago, New Zealand
November 08
scientists overcome first hurdle in finding treatment for
ryegrass staggers
September 08
Professorial Fellowship in Plant Breeding marks revival of plant
breeding education at Massey and Lincoln Universities, New
encourages New Zealanders to have their say about its genetic
modification proposals
November 07
tall fescue grass shows promise for pasture improvement
June 07
AgResearch appoints
Dr Travis Glare as new General Manager of Science Strategy
AgResearch and The
University of Queensland to jointly fund new Chair in Systems
Thinking and Practice - Trans-Tasman partnership to solve
complex problems in agriculture
May 07
CSIRO Plant Industry
and AgResearch sign collaborative agreement
January 07
New Zealand
Crown Research Institutes Scion and AgResearch join forces with
leading US enzyme discovery company Diversa Corporation to develop New Zealand biofuels industry
October 06
AgResearch and
Pennington Seed announce US settlement of tall fescue endophyte patent
June 06
War on clover root weevil
well underway in New Zealand
Crusader clover takes the
limelight in ministerial visit to Grasslanz Technology
May 06
AgResearch wins prestigious
National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) Variety Cup for its new
generation white clover, Crusader
April 06
Irish wasp making itself
at home in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand to help counter pasture pest clover
root weevil
AgResearch scientists headline
13th annual Australasian Plant Breeding Conference
Clover root weevil found
established near Nelson, New Zealand
March 06
AgResearch calls attention
to the value of biocontrol by this week focusing on four pastoral
February 06
AgResearch launches new
plant biotechnology company
AgResearch presents its
visionary ‘2020 Science’ strategy to help New
Zealand prosper
Clover root weevil
detected for the first time in the South Island of New Zealand
January 06
Release of biocontrol
agent will help save New Zealand's pastoral sector hundreds of millions
December 05
New Zealand's Luisetti
Seeds and Crop & Food Research in premium wheat breeding joint venture
AgResearch software
will provide ‘on farm’ quality assurance
June 05
ERMA New Zealand receives
application from AgResearch for approval to release parasitic wasp to
control clover root weevil
April 05
Near Infra Red
Spectoscropy: a new technology changing world of agriculture
root weevil (Sitona
has been discovered in
southern Wairarapa, New Zealand
March 05
AgResearch scientists
seeking ERMA authorization to release biocontrol to counter destructive
plant pest
Measuring grass growth
from space
and Pennington Seed announce part settlement of tall fescue endophyte
patent lawsuit in the U.S
EXTREME™ perennial
ryegrass with AR6 - At last a non staggering ryegrass with resistance to
Black Beetle
December 04
AgResearch announces
key positions in internal restructuring
October 04
fatty acids
equals healthier meat
August 04
AgResearch appoints three Science &
Technology General Managers
and new Commercial Services General Manager
AgResearch appoints
Allanah James Corporate Affairs Manager
July 04
AgResearch confirms plans
for major boost to pastoral science research
June 04
Clover root weevil, a
growing pest in New Zealand pasture, confirmed at two sites in the
Manawatu district
May 04
Resignations at
The world looks to
New Zealand for safe biological pest control advice
Flax at the the cutting edge
of biotechnology
April 04
New Zealand's
fledgling ag biotech sector to get boost from NZ$100 million
investment fund planned by Celentis
AgResearch and Dexcel to work more
closely together
New AgResearch test
improves maize harvesting
March 04
Past becomes future for new
AgResearch and Victoria University establish a proteomics facility joint
Mealbugs – gettting to the
root of a hidden problem in New Zealand pastures
AgResearch and Auckland
University launch Bioinformatics Institute
December 03
Biological control of
pasture pests is a major undertaking, but AgResearch has proved it can
also be very successful
Outsmarting weeds using
innovative bio-economic strategies
October 03
If there was one thing
New Zealand couldn’t do without, it would have to be white clover
Grasslanz Technology Ltd.
, new
primary vehicle for commercialising AgResearch plant technologies,
will develop
proprietary forage cultivars, grass endophytes and applied biotechnology
September 03
management software tool available for
New Zealand
August 03
Ryegrass endophytes
research partnership formed in New Zealand
July 03
AgResearch confirms Science
Innovation Centers plan
May 03
AgResearch's NZ$65 million
path to the future
October 98
toxin-free pasture grass to save farm industry millions by reducing health risks among
grazing livestock