AgResearch confirms Science Innovation Centers plan

July 30, 2003

AgResearch today confirmed plans to turn its major campuses into Science Innovation Centres in a $60 million drive to bolster science capabilities and accelerate the commercialisation of scientific discoveries.

Chief Executive Dr Keith Steele said that AgResearch intends to strengthen its national science capabilities through a consolidation of research, facility and staff resources to three Innovation Centres at Ruakura, Grasslands and Invermay with shared campuses at Auckland, Lincoln, and Otago Universities.

“Advanced scientific research is becoming increasingly complex and requires a critical mass of science capabilities and specialised facilities for it to be globally competitive. AgResearch’s decision to establish the three Innovation Centres and shared campuses will enable us to further develop a dynamic, multi-disciplinary approach, focused on delivering life science products and services to our customers, both within New Zealand and globally.

This will further enhance New Zealand’s reputation for scientific innovation and ensure that significant economic value continues to be extracted from New Zealand science,” he said.

AgResearch’s plans have been finalised following a two month consultation process with staff and stakeholders. Government, as owner, is expected to complete due diligence of the Business Plan within a week. Science capabilities at the Wallaceville campus in Upper Hutt will relocate to Palmerston North and Dunedin. This decision will be implemented within the context of ensuring that AgResearch continues to focus on building significant scientific capabilities and customer relationships.

Dr Steele said that AgResearch’s plans will also provide time for the local Upper Hutt community to optimise the value of the Wallaceville campus. “While we are sad to be leaving Wallaceville after many years of being located there, the availability of a huge tract of land close to the Upper Hutt City augurs well for other potential business opportunities in the area,” he said.

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