March 08
scientists test plant growth in outer space
Les scientifiques européens testent la croissance des plantes
dans l'espace
January 08
Debate over GMOs
rages on in Europe
June 07
What scenarios for
the future of European agriculture?
April 06
Enhancement and
exploitation of soil biocontrol agents for bio-constraint management in
New crop of technology
reveals plant health
February 06
GMO communication and safety evaluation platform
Tracking food products
from farm to the fork
September 05
EU-funded research
project HEALTHGRAIN: exploiting whole grain to improve health
July 05
Second report on biotechnological inventions adopted by European
June 05
Germany to fund research
into the safety of green gene technology
EU Environment Council's
refusal to lift national restrictions casts doubt over GMO rules
March 05
French expert explains her
concept of a 'new transaction space' for innovation
February 05
EU project finds answer
to traceability legislation
Raw carrots help
prevent colon cancer, say Danish researchers
Scientists unveil
global warming timetable, outline risks for species, ecosystems,
agriculture, water and socio-economic conditions
January 05
EU project publishes
conclusions and recommendations on GM foods
December 04
Biotech industry
laments E.U. Member States' 'lack of political coherence' on GM
EU Council of
Environment Ministers fails to reach decision on importation and
feed use of GT73 GM oilseed rape in the EU
November 04
U.K. study
finds GM benefits
Commission's Joint Research Centre and European Committee for
Standardization sign cooperation agreement