Brussels, Belgium
February 8, 2005
Source: CORDIS News
In preparation for the General Food Law, which came into
force on 1 January 2005, the Commission decided in 2001 to fund
the e-fruitrace project, aimed at achieving food security in the
EU through an efficient traceability system based on Internet
The new EU food hygiene regulations, which require farmers,
processors and distributors to implement farm to fork
traceability, call for a comprehensive and compatible solution
to allow all the actors involved in the agri-food sector to
track products.
With 200,000 euro of funding from the Fifth Framework Programme
(FP5), the e-fruitrace project has successfully tested a
Europe-wide Internet-based, customised and integrated
traceability system for the fruit sector.
'Within the food chain there are three major steps: production,
transformation and distribution,' explained project coordinator
Itziar Cuenca in an interview with CORDIS NEWS. 'Thanks to the
software we have developed, we are able to cover all three. Each
player in the chain identifies his purchase of fruit and
vegetables and registers that information in the system.'
Consumers want not only to be ensured of the quality of the
products that they eat, but also of the source of these
products. The concept of 'food traceability' means complete
knowledge of the food eaten by consumers, including health,
analysis, inspection of quality registers, origins, species,
manipulation, chains, transport, logistics and marketing.
As Ms Cuenca explained to CORDIS NEWS, all the partners in the
project worked together to quantify the information that needed
to be included in the software application. Such information
included where fruit was grown, what fertilizers or pesticides
were used, what type of irrigation water was employed.
'For example,' said Ms Cuenca, 'if a box of bad apples makes it
onto the market, it is important to find the origin of the
problem. To be able to go back in the food chain and find where
the problem comes from is the main goal of traceability. And it
is the 'raison d'être' of e-fruitrace,' she added.
'Thanks to e-fruitrace, we can tell where the apples came from,
what sort they are, who picked them, who washed and transferred
them, and even where the tray they are in comes from,' Ms Cuenca
E-fruitrace has also overcome the key problem dogging
Europe-wide traceability legislation: the incompatibility of
different platforms used by different actors in different
countries. E-fruitrace did not design a whole new system, but
simply unified the various traceability systems using
Internet-based tools. The result is a de facto standard for
fruit traceability.
Since e-fruitrace can be used with existing traceability
solutions, the investments required from agricultural
cooperatives, processors and distributors is small compared to
the cost of implementing new tracking systems. In addition,
explained Ms Cuenca, not only can information be exchanged
quickly and easily up and down the food chain, but it can also
be used anywhere in the world.
'It is a flexible system adaptable to individual cases,'
concludes the project coordinator. 'It helps the industry
control its production and produce quality products that are
safe for consumers. We are very happy with the result but at
present we missing the response from the market. However, this
might change now that the legislation is in place.'
For further
information about the e-fruitrace project, please visit:
Or contact: Santiago
Sanchez Beneitez |