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September 26, 2024

UC Davis doctoral student Samjhana Khanal seeks resilient lettuce

Blocky peppers bred for all growers, climates, and demands

September 25, 2024

Innovative integration of cutting-edge AI and genetic diversity in wheat breeding revolutionizes agricultural practices

September 24, 2024

Légumineuses : BELIS (Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability) dévoile son programme d’actions

Rijk Zwaan opens new trial station in Vietnam’s Lam Dong region
Rijk Zwaan opent nieuw proefstation in de regio Lam Dong in Vietnam

Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía) y Cajamar analizan en Almería las oportunidades de la edición génica (Portagrano)

Rice phytobiome engineering could lead to greater food security, says IRRI and UC Davis scientists

HudsonAlpha scientists are using genomics and biotechnology to help create safer peanuts

MAS Seeds renforce sa génétique tournesol (Wikiagri.fr)

Científicos españoles logran avance significativo con un trigo «sin gluten» mediante edición del genoma

Pesquisadora explora a tecnologia CRISPR e a nova fronteira da edição gênica em palestra no CBSementes

September 23, 2024

New KWS research project for the development of sustainable baking wheat varieties – Cem Özdemir presents grant approval
Neues KWS Forschungsprojekt - Cem Özdemir überreicht Förderbescheid

New breeding tool created (Agri-View)

September 20, 2024

Korrelationsbrecher im Fokus der Forschung - Gut fürs Brot und gut fürs Klima: Verbundprojekt MAGIC-KlimaBack

Züchtungsfortschritt regional umsetzen - Landessortenversuche als Schlüssel für die Sortenwahl

Illumina and LGC Biosearch Technologies join forces to drive genomic innovation in agriculture

UC Davis' lima bean project battles bottlenecks in breeding - Dry Bean Field Day shows latest research

September 19, 2024

United Kingdom growers to benefit from new soft fruit pre-breeding research programme

Der klimaschonende Backweizen von morgen

Computomix podcast S6E1- Plant breeding’s moonshot: inside the next generation of plant breeding

Breakthroughs in crop breeding that boost food security likely in next 20 years, says global seed sector - Improved seeds and greater acceptance of crop biotechnology are on the horizon, according to a survey of more than 200 seed sector insiders

Super golden lettuce richer in vitamin A - A team from the IBMCP (UPV-CSIC) has developed a technique that multiplies the beta-carotene content in plant leaves

New zinnia varieties debut from UC Davis student project (Greenhouse Grower)

September 18, 2024

Pairwise poised to revolutionize agriculture with industry-leading Fulcrum Platform following $40M Series C funding

September 17, 2024

APAC seed sector welcomes Thailand's new gene editing regulation

September 16, 2024

Israeli researchers develop tomatoes resilient to viruses and heat to tackle crop threats (CTech)

South African Cultivar and Technology Agency (SACTA) drives new cultivar development in the seed industry through its breeding and technology levy (Farmer's Weekly)

CGIAR leading the charge: How data analytics is transforming crop breeding

September 13, 2024

UC Davis' Student Collaborative Organic Plant Breeding Education (SCOPE) program debuts new zinnias, tomatoes, wheat - Wanted: Collaborators for organic farm trials

Cornell University's professor Mike Gore recognized for impact in public sector plant breeding


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