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Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project (ABS)
February 07

South Africa’s Minister for Agriculture underscores need for biofortification

Research consortium to continue engagement with South African government in efforts to proceed with sorghum greenhouse

August 06

South Africa may reconsider GM sorghum permit if proper containment is assured

July 06

South Africa rejects application by the Africa Biofortified Sorghum project to set up laboratory and greenhouse

April 06

University of California, Berkeley joins Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project

November 05

Biofortified sorghum project boosts African scientific capacity

July 05

Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International offered US$16.9 million Grand Challenges in Global Health Grant to improve Africa's health through a full range of nutrients in sorghum

DuPont donates technology valued at US$4.8 million to Africa Nutritionally Enhanced Sorghum Project

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