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DuPont donates technology valued at US$4.8 million to Africa Nutritionally Enhanced Sorghum Project
Des Moines, Iowa
July 1, 2005

We are very pleased that Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International has been selected for a grant of $16.9 million for the project, Nutritionally Enhanced Sorghum for the Arid and Semi-Arid Tropical Areas of Africa, by the Grand Challenges in Global Health Initiative.

"Partnering with Africa Harvest, we are excited to be the scientific lead on this project and will donate the initial technology valued at $4.8 million," stated Dean Oestreich, president, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. "This project promises to help improve the nutritional value of sorghum and fight malnutrition in parts of Africa."

The $4.8 million in-kind donation represents the intellectual property rights, materials and know-how for creating sorghum with improved nutritional value for human consumption. The initial donation is a transgenic biofortified sorghum that contains 50 percent more lysine compared to traditional sorghum.

Lysine is an amino acid and a key component of protein.

DuPont, through its subsidiary Pioneer Hi-Bred, will also host scientists from Africa at its headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, beginning Fall 2005. The visiting scientists will develop the next generation of African biofortified sorghum (ABS) and learn about key technologies, which is expertise that they will further develop when they return to their home countries. In developing the next generation of ABS, scientists will explore the inclusion of a highly fortified product with improved essential amino acid composition, protein and starch digestibility, iron and zinc availability, and elevated levels of select vitamins, including Vitamin E.

"Today marks the beginning of an innovative approach toward addressing tragic malnutrition issues in areas of Africa," Oestreich said. "Our scientists are anxious to work with the African scientists on this project to explore the potential of sorghum through this unique opportunity provided by the Grand Challenges initiative. We fully appreciate the opportunity that the initiative has provided."

For additional information, visit Grand Challenges in Global Heath,
DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world's leading source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers, and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions, and quality crop systems to customers.

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