August 09
DuPont takes
actions to capitalize on global growth opportunities,
streamlines organization and names new leadership team
DuPont hosts
National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy
July 09
DuPont posts
solid second quarter 2009 results - Company benefits from
seed share gains and lower costs
From the
pipeline: using DuPont science to feed the world
June 09
DuPont updates
timelines for Optimum GAT corn
DuPont divests
Linuron herbicide assets as part of crop protection strategy
With two
acquisitions, DuPont adds cotton to its seed product lineup in
New choices for corn and soybean
farmers worldwide: Bayer CropScience and DuPont expand
collaboration with broad license agreements
Neue Optionen für
Mais- und Sojabohnen-Farmer weltweit: Bayer CropScience und
DuPont bauen Zusammenarbeit mit umfangreichen Lizenzabkommen aus
DuPont asserts
anti-trust, patent claims against Monsanto, affirms that
"stacking" can occur under existing Monsanto license
DuPont North
America agricultural seed sales volume up significantly
Plenish high
oleic soybean oil offers trans fat solution with superior
performance - DuPont scientist outlines oil testing results,
industry opportunities at major food conference
DuPont files
lawsuit against BASF to protect intellectual property,
claims BASF is infringing patents relating to herbicide
tolerance technology
BASF sues
DuPont for patent infringement
May 09
innovation addressing major global market trends
Five new DuPont
PrecisionPac herbicides registered in Canada for customized
weed control
DuPont Galaxy
herbicide tank mix approved in Canada for use with atrazine
for enhanced residual control of lamb’s-quarters
DuPont receives
Canadian regulatory approval for high oleic soybean trait
Innovation helps
farmers put insect refuge ‘in the bag’
DuPont Crop
Protection launches three new products in India
DuPont alleges
anti-competitive conduct by Monsanto
challenges unauthorized use of Roundup Ready technology by
April 09
cellulosic biofuels from lab to market
Canada's Guardian Big Guy herbicide tank-mix is ideal for
larger-acreage soybean growers
DuPont reports
first quarter 2009 earnings in-line with guidance - Strong
performance of the Agriculture & Nutrition segment driven by
higher North American volumes and significant seed pricing
Agriculture is
up to global productivity challenge, says DuPont leader
DuPont Fellow
George Lahm honored for innovations in agriculture, food
March 09
DuPont and the
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences collaborate to
advance crop insect control, increase yield
DuPont Crop
Protection partners with GVK Biosciences and Syngene
International to boost product pipeline
Triton K
herbicide from DuPont now registered in Canada for broadleaf
weed control in durum wheat
partners with Indonesian Center for Rice Research to advance
hybrid rice
DuPont and the
International Rice Research Institute partner to boost rice
New DuPont
Harmony SG formulation registered in Canada for one-pass
broadleaf and grassy weed control in spring and durum wheat
- No more mixing and measuring adjuvant into the spray tank
February 09
DuPont unveils
innovative mobile wind machines to help improve corn yield
University of
Delaware signs commercialization agreement with DuPont on corn
disease trait
animal & nutrition pipeline, products and people are aligned
to fuel growth
DuPont expects
increased global seed corn share, continued agriculture earnings
January 09
fourth quarter 2008 business segment performance reflects
downturn in demand
Express PRO registered in Canada for non-crop weed control -
New herbicide blend delivers a step-change in control of the
toughest broadleaf weeds
DuPont and
Athenix collaborate to advance insect control in corn,
insect protection product Optimum AcreMax 1 reaches regulatory
December 08
acquires ag data management business to enhance information
solutions for growers
unveils new strategy to expand its seed business - Pioneer
Hi-Bred partners with seed companies to introduce new
products, brands
insect protection product Optimum AcreMax 1 reaches regulatory
Product, Right Acre' is a winning seed strategy for farmers
and DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred - High performance
products and individualized service are netting strong early
November 08
DuPont to
build corn seed production capacity in Hermiston, Oregon to
meet strong global demand
October 08
DuPont is
meeting significant 2008 milestones in progressing advanced
September 08
Ellen Kullman
to become Dupont's President, Director, CEO
DuPont opens
facility for corn research in Bangalore, India
Vansetti appointed Business Director of DuPont Canada Crop
Protection Division
Market focus
and strong innovation pipeline are key to growth strategy for
DuPont focuses
on accelerated revenue growth and emerging markets
August 08
New DuPont laser
technology speeds development of higher yielding corn and
DuPont boosts
seed research in Europe to extend leadership position - Two new
state-of-the-art research centers to deliver higher yielding
corn and sunflower hybrids
obtains biotechnology endorsement for Pioneer brand
products: U.S. growers planting Pioneer products with
Herculex XTRA will qualify for lower crop insurance rates
Rynaxypyr wins 2008 R&D 100 Award - Novel chemistry in new
insect control products recognized as a top technology by
Research & Development magazine
DuPont and
Hexima Ltd. partner to develop and commercialize fungal
disease resistance technology
July 08
DuPont Danisco
and the University of Tennessee partner to build innovative
cellulosic ethanol pilot facility - Fast-track pilot plant
will develop commercialization technology for corn, stover
and switchgrass
leads DuPont to solid second quarter growth
DuPont soybean
leadership advances with U.S. approval of Optimum GAT trait
- Regulatory milestone key step in bringing higher
productivity to soybean growers
Pioneer brand
soybeans from DuPont deliver step-change in soybean yields -
New generation of soybean varieties is largest product
launch in Pioneer Hi-Bred's history
June 08
DuPont leader
tells United Nations that barriers to improved ag
productivity can be overcome - Open access to agricultural
inputs, information and markets are key to abate hunger and
reduce poverty
New DuPont
molecular markers increase soybean productivity
DuPont opens
new maize research center in northern Mexico
DuPont and
Syngenta enter into crop protection technology exchange
More can be
done now to address the growing global demand for grain -
Increasing yields is the best option, says DuPont leader at
UN Food and Agriculture Conference
May 08
DuPont reaffirms
expectations for North America seed corn market share
DuPont leader
urges United Nations to move agriculture higher on the
DuPont and
Genencor create world-leading cellulosic ethanol company -
Joint venture combines companies’ strengths in the
development and deployment of second generation ethanol from
non-food feedstocks to address $75 billion market
April 08
partners with China to increase farm productivity
Knowledge Center in Hyderabad, India, inaugurates its
Biotechnology Research Center
DuPont reports
first quarter earnings growth of over 20 percent - Sales
increase 9 percent with strong growth in agriculture and
emerging markets
purchases equity stake in Farms Technology
DuPont expects
higher first quarter 2008 earnings
March 08
DuPont donates
sequences from corn disease agent to advance research
DuPont opens
new seed production plant to meet increasing demand for
Pioneer brand canola
confirms better oil from new DuPont high oleic soybean trait
- Bunge, DuPont alliance on track to deliver first biotech
product with direct consumer benefits
DuPont and
Arcadia Biosciences collaborate to improve nitrogen use
efficiency in corn
DuPont sees
large growth opportunities for seed business in Eastern
launches next generation technology to accelerate corn
research and increase productivity
February 08
innovation to increase corn yields, simplify compliance -
Optimum AcreMax new insect protection system introduced to U.S.
strengthens leading biotechnology position with leadership
Pioneer Hi-Bred
President highlights technologies at USDA's Agricultural Outlook
significantly increases seed production acres for second
consecutive year
technologies are key to meeting the increased demand for grain -
DuPont leader discusses agricultural productivity at USDA
Agricultural Outlook Forum
DuPont launches
Online MarketPoint resource for agriculture industry - Web-based
service links growers with end users to market quality grain
DuPont sign agreement for access to broad insect control
technology in corn
Syngenta und DuPont unterzeichnen Vereinbarung über die
Technologie einer breiteren Insektenbekämpfung in Mais
Syngenta et DuPont signent un accord pour l’accès à un
caractère biotechnologique permettant de lutter contre de
nombreux insectes ravageurs du maïs
Syngenta y
DuPont firman un acuerdo para acceder a la tecnología de control
de insectos para el maíz
unveils strategies to increase ag productivity
DuPont and
Precision BioSciences collaborate to accelerate crop product
development - Genome engineering technology to bring new
choices, more options to global agriculture
pledges $1 million to World Food Prize - Contribution helps
establish Norman E. Borlaug Hall of Laureates
DuPont and
Kansas State University Research Foundation partner to
commercialize sorghum herbicide-tolerant traits
hosts meeting of leading plant scientists to improve world
agricultural productivity - Three-day symposium focuses on
improving drought tolerance
January 08
announces expansion at Pioneer Hi-Bred production facility
in York, Nebraska, part of ongoing effort to meet high
demand for Pioneer brand seed corn
receives U.S. federal registration for two corn herbicides,
Resolve Q and Require Q
leader stresses collaboration as the key to improving global
December 07
congratulates David Hula for highest overall yield in U.S.
National Corn Yield Contest - Growers planting Pioneer brand
hybrids win 20 of 27 national titles in 2007 contest
divests terbacil herbicide from crop protection business
joint venture with Chinese biotech firm strengthens gene
discovery research efforts
Agriculture & Nutrition on track for strong 2007 - Business
segment positioned for double-digit growth in 2008 and into
next decade
November 07
introduces technology to help increase ethanol production -
QualiTrak allows ethanol plants to track and communicate
detailed production information to corn growers
congratulates Kip Cullers on breaking world record soybean
yield with Pioneer brand variety - New record set with
Pioneer brand 94M80, yielding 154 bushels per acre
supports Indonesia's rice and corn industry
business Pioneer Hi-Bred announces leadership changes
October 07
DuPont makes
$2.175 million investment in plant breeding research and
DuPont and
Evogene collaborate to increase drought tolerance in corn
and soybeans
delivers strong earnings growth in third quarter 2007
Biotechnology needed to help meet growing global needs for
food, feed, fuel and materials, says DuPont Chairman & CEO
at World Food Prize
recognized for best agricultural R&D pipeline and products -
Receives industry award for bringing leading-edge technology
to growers
September 07
free GM soybean produced by gene excision
August 07
Gift from
DuPont helps CIMMYT scientists look for genes in wheat and
maize, and gives breeders an affordable tool to help select
the best
leaders brief investors on its agriculture businesses
scientists identify and silence plant gene that controls
phytic acid - Discovery improves livestock feed,
environmental quality
July 07
DuPont and Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory join forces to boost crop yields,
meet global demand
DuPont reports
second quarter earnings per share of $1.04, reaffirms full
year outlook
DuPont to open
new soybean research center in Lawrence, Kansas
DuPont meets
regulatory milestones for Optimum GAT trait in corn -
Company stays on track for 2010 commercial introduction of
next-generation herbicide tolerance trait in corn
PGG Wrightson to
purchase AgarCross Uruguay SA from DuPont Argentina S.A.
June 07
DuPont and FOSS
North America announce joint agreement to enhance ethanol
New research
center strengthens DuPont leadership position in Brazil seed
DuPont helps
meet global demand for grain
DuPont launches
DuPont Cerenol, its newest renewably sourced polymer family
- Family of polyols contains 80-100 percent renewable
content while enhancing performance
May 07
DuPont receives
experimental use permits for new Rynaxypyr insecticides -
Altacor and Coragen take next step toward commercial release
diversity is key to solving future global challenges - Left
unprotected, genetic resources will be lost forever
April 07
DuPont submits
Optimum GAT trait in soybeans for EU approval -
Next-generation herbicide tolerant trait awaiting EFSA
safety evaluation
DuPont reports
15% earnings growth in first quarter 2007, reaffirms full
year outlook
DuPont to help
meet growing demand for plant breeders - Partnership with
Purdue University develops scientists to address global
demand for grain
receives final U.S. label for Express herbicide on sunflower
Herculex RW
advances toward EU approval with positive scientific safety
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the
European Food Safety Authority on an application (Reference
EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-12) for the placing on the market of
insect-resistant genetically modified maize 59122, for food
and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC)
No 1829/2003, from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. and
Mycogen Seeds, c/o Dow Agrosciences LLC
March 07
DuPont plans plant
biotech research center in India
Court confirms
DuPont ownership of soybean marker technology: judgment upholds
patent for development of soybean cyst nematode resistance
Biofuels Vice President & General Manager addresses the
World Biofuels Markets Conference
innovations to help agriculture meet global challenges -
Advanced seed products, biofuels and biomaterials are just
the beginning
February 07
DuPont executes
investments to accelerate new seed product development - Plan
expands R&D to meet demand for better genetics, biotech traits
DuPont Punch
fungicide receives U.S. EPA Section 18 quarantine exemption for
soybean rust
Agriculture & Nutrition growing and advancing rich pipeline of
new technologies - Growth driven by better seed products,
increased biotech penetration and crop protection advances
DuPont achieves
milestone for Rynaxypyr insecticide
January 07
DuPont Group
Vice President discusses future of African agriculture at World
Economic Forum Annual Meeting
technologies to help farmers and others meet President Bush's
biofuels challenge
Vanguard Corporation and DuPont Crop Protection to offer corn
growers Impact herbicice in the Truchoice Opportunity Programm
through Pioneer Hi-Bred International
DuPont licenses
new fungicide from Mitsui - Penthiopyrad controls a broad
spectrum of plant diseases and augments the product portfolio
Increased demand
for food, feed, fiber and fuel revolutionizes the farming
December 06
DuPont achieves
regulatory milestone for high oleic soybean oil trait - Bunge DuPont
Alliance on track for U.S. commercialization of next-generation healthy
soybean oil trait in 2009
DuPont further
strengthens its seed business with second Chinese joint venture
DuPont Agriculture &
Nutrition increases investment in plant biotechnology; streamlines
butrition and crop protection businesses
November 06
DuPont announces new
biotechnology advisory panel member
DuPont achieves
regulatory milestone for Optimum GAT trait in soybeans - Next-generation
herbicide tolerant trait on track for 2009 U.S. commercialization
DuPont soybean genetic
marker technology speeds yield enhancement - Proprietary genetic markers
deliver yield gains three times industry average
DuPont updates analysts
on Pioneer North America harvest and Brazil performance
October 06
DuPont reports third
quarter 2006 earnings of $.52 per share; revenues grow 7 percent,
operating margins increase
Dr. William S. Niebur to
serve as the new chair of CGIAR's Private Sector Committee
DuPont and CIMMYT
announce $1.3 million maize collaboration for Africa - Public-private
partnership to speed product development
Dow AgroSciences, DuPont
expand access to Herculex traits - High demand prompts co-developers to
make biotech traits more readily available to growers
DuPont leader outlines
company's biofuels growth plans
September 06
Consolidated Grain and Barge Company
announces low linolenic soybean contracting opportunities with the Bunge
DuPont Biotech Alliance
DuPont Crop Protection
expands its corn herbicide offerings
DuPont and Bayer
CropScience to expand corn market offerings: DuPont to access Bayer
chemistry; Bayer to participate in Pioneer TruChoice program
Bunge DuPont biotech
alliance expands contracting opportunities for production of TREUS low
linolenic soybean oil
August 06
DuPont and Bunge broaden
soy collaboration to include industrial applications and biofuels
New plant
sciences are key to meeting global demand for crops -
DuPont Vice President says a better understanding of plant genes will
help both developed and developing countries
DuPont to increase speed
to market for new seed technology
DuPont leader outlines
challenges and opportunities in crop production over the next decade
DuPont helps growers
maximize soybean market opportunities - Characterization of high oil,
protein levels beneficial for emerging biodiesel market
July 06
DuPont scientists outline
company’s biofuels strategy
Delta and Pine Land Company
acquires technology licences from DuPont
June 06
DuPont and BP announce
partnership to develop advanced biofuels
DuPont Vice President of
Research & Development, Agriculture & Nutrition Platform briefs analysts
on technology pipeline
May 06
DuPont helps increase
sunflower production for biofuels, healthy oils
DuPont and
Devgen extend research collaboration on pest resistance solutions
DuPont executive outlines
company’s plan for growth in alternative energy technologies
April 06
7.3 percent of DuPont
shareholders vote in favor of a GMO disclosure resolution
DuPont statement on
Japanese approval of Herculex RW and Herculex XTRA
DuPont and Syngenta
form joint venture to facilitate the outlicensing of seed
genetics and biotech traits
DuPont und Syngenta
bilden Joint-Venture zur Lizenzierung von Saatgut-Genen und
biotechnologischen Traits
DuPont et Syngenta créent une co-entreprise pour la concession
sous licence de matériel génétique et de caractères
biotechnologiques dans le domaine des semences
March 06
DuPont names new
proprietary glyphosate, ALS-tolerant trait Optimum GAT
February 06
Syngenta and
DuPont announce crop protection technology exchange
Syngenta und DuPont tauschen Pflanzenschutz-Technologien aus
Syngenta et DuPont annoncent un échange de technologies dans le
domaine des phytosanitaires
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
awards 7 millionth patent to DuPont for bio-based material
December 05
Bunge and DuPont
statement on Kellogg's announcement to use low linolenic soybean oil
November 05
DuPont updates
investors on agriculture and nutrition segment
October 05
DuPont announces actions
to increase shareholder value
September 05
DuPont names William
Niebur to lead crop genetics research and development
July 05
DuPont announces new
Biotechnology Advisory Panel member
DuPont Crop Protection and
three Western Australian Research Groups announce research development
license agreement to evaluate and explore seed germination technology
June 05
DuPont donates technology
valued at US$4.8 million to Africa Nutritionally Enhanced Sorghum
May 05
CompleGen, Inc. and DuPont
Crop Protection announce research agreement
April 05
Biotechnology can
help meet global food, wellness and materials needs, says DuPont
February 05
Icoria signs deal to
screen chemicals from DuPont Crop Protection to identify new
agricultural products
November 04
Syngenta and DuPont
reach agreement on lawsuits
October 04
DuPont, Bunge introduce
new soybean oil that eliminates trans fats in food; low linolenic
soybean oil to be marketed under the NUTRIUM brand
September 04
DuPont CEO says
benefits of biotechnology here today, more on the way
CompleGen and DuPont Crop Protection sign agreement to allow CompleGen
access to a large compound chemical library
July 04
DuPont completes purchase of
Maxygen subsidiary Verdia
June 04
DuPont to acquire Maxygen
subsidiary Verdia
May 04
March 04
DuPont announces US$1
million commitment to Global Crop Diversity Trust
February 04
DuPont Agriculture &
Nutrition group vice president addresses Goldman Sachs Agricultural
January 04
DuPont discovery could
improve availability of key food ingredient: Pioneer scientists transfer
"gum" gene to soybeans
DuPont announces organizational alignment to drive growth
- Dean C. Oestreich to succeed Richard L. McConnell at Pioneer
December 03
U.S. patent granted to
Dupont for soybean products with improved carbohydrate composition and
soybean plants
November 03
Therapeutics signs
multi-year agreement with DuPont
DuPont purchases Griffin
Corporation's share of Griffin LLC
October 03
DuPont and
the U.S. Department of
Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory
to develop world's first integrated
June 03
J. Erik Fyrwald named Group
Vice President - DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition; Des Moines will become
agricultural business headquarters
First soybeans grown in
space similar to earth-grown crops; DuPont research unveils future
benefits in crop production, space exploration
May 03
Diversa expands relationship
with DuPont
February 03
Clothing from corn
fields: DuPont develops a fermentation-based process to create Sorona(R)
polymer from renewable resources
January 03
DuPont and Bunge announce
global alliance, including joint venture to produce and market specialty
food ingredients
December 02
DuPont names new
Biotechnology Advisory Panel members
DuPont establishes
commercial seed business in China
October 02
DuPont shares
significant wheat genome information
DuPont is part of
science-based consortium receiving U.S. Dept. of Energy `bio-refinery'
grant to develop ethanol fuel, value-added chemicals from renewable
resources like corn
First soybeans grown in
space return to earth; DuPont research demonstrates future benefits in
crop production
May 02
DuPont to launch soybeans
into space; first soybeans grown in space will focus on discovering
future benefits
April 02
Myriad Genetics and
DuPont form $24 million research collaboration
DuPont and Monsanto
reach agreement that brings new technologies to farmers worldwide
February 02
DuPont aligns its
businesses in five market- and technology-focused growth platforms
Monsanto and DuPont
resolve issues relating to YieldGard(R) insect-protected corn
September 01
Dupont gives agricultural
pesticide patent to Purdue University
makes key polymer ingredient from corn instead of petroleum
to phase out sale of Benlate
reaffirms Pioneer Hi-Bred ability to market Roundup Ready(R) soybeans and Roundup Ready(R)
Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives, Cargill and DuPont to create, new Web marketplace for farmers - Dealers, co-ops and manufacturers under one virtual roof
reviews progress toward double-digit earnings growth
and Affymax Technologies announce collaborative research and
development agreement
and Monsanto announce glyphosate supply agreement
December 99
Lynx Therapeutics
achieves technical milestone in collaboration with DuPont
October 99
Soy protein
health claim, filed by DuPont's Protein Technologies International, receives FDA
Pioneer to stay
true to customers, bring new opportunities as part of DuPont
Pioneer names
Chicoine President and CEO
DuPont and
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. merger completed
DuPont and
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. announce preliminary proration factor
September 99
DuPont and
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. announce stock conversion ratio for merger
DuPont takes
public leadership role in biotechnology
August 99
SEC declares
effective registration statement relating to proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc.
Pioneer sets
record date for DuPont merger
July 99
realigns senior leadership responsibilities; sets Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.,
post-merger executive roles (2020)
DuPont and
Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. file transaction statement outlining proposed merger
June 99
DuPont to
restructure crop protection business
Commission clears proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
May 99
U.S. antitrust
review completed of proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
April 99
DuPont and
Pioneer Hi-Bred International update review timeline related to proposed merger
March 99
DuPont to
acquire Pioneer
DuPont takes
steps to execute life sciences strategy
December 98
and the United Soybean Board announce signing of a letter of intent to form a research
November 98
and Lynx Therapeutics announce genomic research collaboration
September 98
DuPont forms
research allliance with John Innes Centre, The Sainsbury Laboratory, and Plant Bioscience
July 98
and DuPont Announce Collaboration to Explore the Power of Genomics to Enhance Crop
Protection Product Discovery and Development
April 98
DuPont acquires
Hybridnova S.A., hybrid wheat subsidiary from Lafarge |