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August 09
Bayer CropScience and China
National Rice Research Institute sign agreements for rice
research and development
Bayer CropScience und
chinesisches Reisinstitut CNRRI vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit
July 09
Interim report for
the second quarter of 2009: Bayer robust in a difficult
Zwischenbericht zum 2. Quartal 2009: Bayer robust in
schwierigem Umfeld
Development of
new canola seed varieties: Bayer CropScience opens canola
research facility in Canada
Entwicklung neuer Raps-Saatgutsorten: Bayer CropScience
eröffnet Raps-Forschungsstation in Kanada
cooperation with leading Australian research institute
CSIRO: Bayer CropScience expands global R&D activities in
seeds and traits by setting up new research focus area in
cereals - Superior solutions for wheat farmers could be
available as early as 2015
Langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit führendem australischem
Forschungsinstitut CSIRO: Bayer CropScience weitet Forschung
und Entwicklung auf Getreide-Saatgut als weitere Kernkultur
aus Neue Lösungen für den Weizenanbau könnten bereits 2015
verfügbar sein
CropScience making changes to LibertyLink system
June 09
CropScience and Monsanto sign cross licensing agreement on
herbicide tolerance traits in rapeseed/canola
Bayer CropScience und Monsanto schließen Lizenzabkommen
über Austausch von Herbizid-Toleranz für Raps/Canola
Development of
vegetable seed varieties for the Mediterranean Basin: Bayer
CropScience unit Nunhems opens research & development
station in La Palma-Cartagena/Spain
Entwicklung neuer Gemüsesorten für die Mittelmeerregion:
Bayer CropScience eröffnet Forschungs- und
Entwicklungseinrichtung in La Palma-Cartagena/Spanien
New choices for corn and
soybean farmers worldwide: Bayer CropScience and DuPont
expand collaboration with broad license agreements
Neue Optionen
für Mais- und Sojabohnen-Farmer weltweit: Bayer CropScience
und DuPont bauen Zusammenarbeit mit umfangreichen
Lizenzabkommen aus
Preparing for
postemergence herbicide applications - Laudis herbicide from
Bayer CropScience manages tough weeds while ensuring crop
Delayed spring
planting puts greater emphasis on postemergence weed control
May 09
New InVigor hybrid
canola from Bayer CropScience sets highest yield bar yet
Tattoo C fungicide
from Bayer CropScience now fully registered in Canada for
control of downey mildew in cucurbits
New identification
guide for broadleaf weeds now available to cereal and soybean
growers in Ontario and Quebec
Results of fungicide
Demonstration Strip Trials conducted by Bayer CropScience in the
Canadian Prairie confirm fungicides protect cereals, canola
yield potential
CropScience's new Stoneville cotton varieties improve on
market leader
CropScience signs research agreement with Innovative Vector
Control Consortium
Bayer CropScience unterzeichnet Forschungsvereinbarung
mit dem britischen IVCC
CropScience to invest in Plant Health Research
Bayer CropScience investiert in Forschung für
New fungicidal active
ingredient fluopyram strengthens product portfolio
Fungizidwirkstoff Fluopyram soll Produktportfolio stärken
Bayer CropScience to extend
its plant biotechnology research in the United States
CropScience baut die Forschung für Pflanzen-Biotechnologie
in den USA aus
insect control can help protect soybean yields - Bayer
CropScience's Leverage 2.7 insecticide kills pests and helps
plants thrive
Liberty +
Distinct tank mix from Bayer CropScience registered in
Eastern Canada and British Columbia
CropScience honors the 2008 class of One Ton Club cotton
growers at the fourth annual FiberMax One Ton Club awards
April 09
Court victory for Bayer
CropScience: counterfeiters of crop protection products
convicted on grounds of health risk
Bayer CropScience
vor Gericht erfolgreich: Fälscher von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
wegen Gesundheitsgefährdung verurteilt
Bayer interim
report for the first quarter of 2009
U.S. EPA approves
label updates for Laudis postemergence herbicide from Bayer
Bayer CropScience
donates $1.1 million to United Fresh Research & Education
Foundation to create the Center for Global Produce
Strengthening rice research: Bayer
CropScience and Evogene to extend collaboration for rice yield
Stärkung der
Reisforschung: Bayer CropScience und Evogene weiten
Zusammenarbeit zur Verbesserung von Erträgen bei Reis aus
New post-harvest solutions for
fresh fruit and vegetables - Bayer CropScience and Janssen PMP
conclude research agreement
Neue Lösungen für
den Schutz von frischem Obst und Gemüse nach der Ernte - Bayer
CropScience und Janssen PMP schließen Forschungsabkommen
Bayer CropScience
achieves partial success in enforcing its patent rights in a
Chinese court of law
Bayer CropScience erzielt vor einem chinesischen Gericht
einen Teilerfolg in einem Patentstreit
U.S. soybean
growers gain three ways to receive localized aphid alerts
Bayer CropScience
recommends to use data to make 2009 cotton purchase decisions:
Stoneville cotton performed at top of numerous university trials
University of the Negev signs collaborative contract with Bayer
Bayer CropScience
invests EUR 30 million in expansion of crop protection
production at the Dormagen Chemical Park
Bayer CropScience
announces 2009 Shared Risk Program for U.S. cotton growers
Realignment of
biotech research activities: Bayer CropScience to consolidate
European Plant Biotechnology Research in Ghent - Focus to lie on
stress tolerance, increasing yields and optimized quality traits
in plants in future
Neuordnung der Biotech-Forschungsaktivitäten: Bayer CropScience
konzentriert europäische Pflanzenbiotechnologie-Forschung in
Gent - Zukünftiger Fokus liegt auf Stresstoleranz,
Ertragssteigerung und optimierten Qualitätsmerkmalen von
CropScience's LibertyLink soybeans approved for import into
March 09
Kamel Beliazi,
new CEO for Bayer CropScience Inc., Canada starts July 1
strengthens its crop protection portfolio: Bayer CropScience
acquires certain AgroGreen´s biological products for the
crop protection business
Unternehmen stärkt sein Pflanzenschutz-Portfolio: Bayer
CropScience übernimmt biologische Produkte von AgroGreen für
das Pflanzenschutz-Geschäft
Bayer Crop
Science and the French research organization CNRS intensify
Bayer CropScience und die französische
Forschungsorganisation CNRS intensivieren Zusammenarbeit
Trilex 6000,
with Yield Shield, provides solution to soybean disease,
pest control puzzle - Bayer CropScience offers extended
disease and insect protection with combination treatment
CropScience receives U.S. EPA registration permitting
in-furrow applications of Proline fungicide to peanuts in
the 2009 season
European Food Safety Authority:
(Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2008-51) for the placing on the
market of glyphosate tolerant genetically modified cotton
GHB614, for food and feed uses, import and processing under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience
FiberMax okra
leaf cotton varieties from Bayer CropScience perform in
South Texas - FM 835LLB2 and FM 840B2F provide solid yield,
quality in dry region
Early blight
testing tracks presence of mutation affecting strobi
efficacy in many potato-growing areas of Canada
U.S. soybean
growers can increase yields by limiting early-season
competition - Bayer CropScience's Ignite herbicide on
LibertyLink soybeans protects fields from more than 120
yield-robbing weeds
Texas High
Plains grower harvests one ton cotton despite early season
weather woes - FiberMax 9180B2F and FiberMax 9063B2F from
Bayer CropScience yield big with best management practices
Seven of eight
National Champions of the 2008 U.S. NCGA National Corn
Yield Contest know the secret to success: Poncho from Bayer
independent yield measure by the Manitoba Agricultural
Services Corporation puts InVigor hybrid canola on top
February 09
CropScience submits extensive data on use of clothianidin
for treatment of maize seed
Bayer CropScience and Nature
Source Genetics announce collaboration for cotton
enhancement - Partnership expected to bring essential
improvements in cotton breeding and variety development
CropScience und Nature Source Genetics arbeiten künftig
gemeinsam an der Verbesserung von Baumwolle - Partnerschaft
verspricht deutliche Fortschritte in den Bereichen
Baumwollzüchtung und Sortenentwicklung
Seven of
eight first-place winners of the NCGA National Corn Yield
Contest know the secret to success: Bayer CropScience's
Poncho seed-applied insecticides
Rice - food
for the world
CropScience showcases new innovations in crop protection at
the 2009 Commodity Classic
soybeans provide top yields with top-of-the-line protection
- Bayer CropScience offers Trilex 6000 seed treatment on all
LibertyLink soybeans for 2009 growing season
CropScience U.S. announces 2009 cotton varieties - Only the
best experimental varieties become FiberMax and Stoneville
CropScience signs research agreement with the Leibniz
Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
Bayer CropScience schließt Forschungsvereinbarung mit
Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
January 09
Bayer CropScience presents new
herbicidal active ingredient indaziflam - Launch of
innovative weed-control product scheduled for 2011
CropScience stellt neuen Herbizid-Wirkstoff Indaziflam vor -
Markteinführung für innovatives Produkt zur
Unkrautbekämpfung im Jahr 2011 geplant
US$1 million
endowment from Bayer CropScience establishes Chair of
Sustainable Development at North Carolina State University
herbicide from Bayer CropScience delivers a one-pass
solution for U.S. corn growers’ weed-control challenges
Unlimited Canada and Bayer CropScience team up to increase
winter wheat in North America - Project aims to benefit
wildlife habitat and take action on sustainable agriculture
CropScience adds CSI Safener 500FS to its line of sorghum
seed treatments
Flexx corn herbicide from Bayer CropScience knocks out tough
weeds with the power of Recharge - New herbicide provides
broad-spectrum control, application flexibility and crop
December 08
CropScience hosts 40 industry leaders to discuss sustainable
CropScience unveils 2009 Growing Strong Rewards Program -
Participating U.S. growers can redeem rewards for cash or
calls for One Ton Club entries - Bayer CropScience will
honor the 2008 class of growers
in the expansion of Bayer’s global trait activities: Bayer
CropScience launches herbicide-tolerance technology for
soybeans in the United States in 2009
Meilenstein im Ausbau der weltweiten Trait-Aktivitäten:
Bayer CropScience: Markteinführung der
Herbizidtoleranz-Technologie in Sojabohnen in den USA in
- Bayer
CropScience launches new LibertyLink soybeans for 2009
canola hybrids from Bayer CropScience take top spots in
Prairie Canola Variety Trials for the 6th consecutive year
Evogene and
Bayer CropScience to evaluate additional genes for rice
yield improvement
November 08
CropScience offers Poncho 500 rebate to U.S. growers
Demonstration strip trials confirm Bayer CropScience InVigor
canola hybrids yield advantage of 5 to 6 bu/ac over Roundup
Ready hybrids
CropScience successful in preventing counterfeiting in China
Bayer CropScience erfolgreich im Kampf gegen chinesische
CropScience CEO opens new rice development center in
Bayer CropScience-Vorstandschef eröffnet neues
Reis-Entwicklungszentrum in Thailand
plants" lab for schools opened in Monheim: Bayer CropScience
encourages students’ interest in science and new
Eröffnung des Bayer CropScience Schülerlabors "Baylab
plants" in Monheim: Schüler für Naturwissenschaften und neue
Technologien begeistern
CropScience and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
sign memorandum of understanding, initiate joint projects in
seeds and traits business development
Bayer CropScience und die Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences unterzeichnen Vereinbarung Strategische
Partnerschaft zum Ausbau des Saatgut- und Traitsgeschäfts
CropScience plans to invest EUR 15 million in Nunhems’ Parma
site in the U.S.
Bayer CropScience investiert 15 Millionen Euro am
Nunhems-Standort Parma in den USA
October 08
Commission authorises the use of Bayer CropScience's GM
LLCotton25 in food and feed
Bruselas aprueba
la venta de una nueva variedad de algodón transgénico
cotton varieties start strong, yield strong - Early season
seedling vigor maximizes yields and profits
OGTR: DIR 087 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
September 08
“We need a
second green revolution” - Safeguarding food for a growing world
Manage resistant
weeds effectively with fall control measures
Bayer broadens
its manufacturing basis for biopharmaceuticals in tobacco plants
"Successful Practice" Award geht
an Bayer CropScience
"Successful Practice
Award" goes to Bayer CropScience
What we need
is nothing less than a second green revolution, sagt member of
the Board of Management of Bayer CropScience
Wir brauchen nichts weniger als eine zweite grüne Revolution,
sagt Mitglied des Vorstands der Bayer CropScience
CropScience extends commitment to Linguamatics text mining
platform for agrochemical research
CropScience and Plant Health Care sign harpin gene licence
agreement - New technology with growth and quality effects for
use in Brassica oilseeds
U.S. growers
and retailers “Race to Innovation” with Bayer CropScience -
Event at Iowa Speedway highlights robust product pipeline
CropScience promotes Rod Merryweather to North American
Oilseeds Business Operations Manager
the course after a very successful first half of 2008
Weichenstellung nach sehr erfolgreichem 1. Halbjahr 2008
Belt SC
insecticide (flubendiamide) from Bayer CropScience receives
U.S. federal registration
August 08
registered in first market - New Bayer CropScience active
ingredient approved in Romania: Thiencarbazone-methyl
registered in first market Annual sales potential of more
than EUR 100 million for new corn herbicide
Thiencarbazone-Methyl weltweit erstmals zugelassen - Neuer
Bayer CropScience-Wirkstoff erhält Registrierung in
Rumänien: Thiencarbazone-Methyl weltweit erstmals zugelassen
Umsatzpotenzial von mehr als 100 Millionen Euro für neuen
RFD-TV goes
live at the Farm Progress Show: noon television shows
feature Bayer CropScience's new LibertyLink soybeans and new
corn herbicide technology for US growers’ use in 2009
Belt SC
insecticide from Bayer CropScience receives U.S. federal
CropScience licenses Ariadne Pathway Studio with ResNet
Plant database
July 08
New corn herbicide
safener in development: Bayer CropScience plans to introduce
unique safening chemistry with two new corn herbicides
Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences and Bayer Group discuss cooperation
strategy on crop research
European corn
production at risk from the “billion dollar beetle” - Spread
of the Western corn rootworm has significant consequences
for agriculture
CropScience introduces new Rely 200 herbicide for potatoes
in the U.S.
CropScience's Movento insecticide receives U.S. federal
registration - Product with unique ‘2-way systemic’ activity
available in wide range of crops
- Movento
insecticide receives California Department of Pesticide
Regulation registration
CropScience adds new option to the Poncho family of products
Systems grants exclusive license to Bayer CropScience for
the use of PXL’s DiagnostIQ test device for innovative
applications in two agricultural fields
CropScience launches new patented fingerprint
authentification technique: Qualidate to combat illegal
trade and counterfeiting
Bayer CropScience führt neue patentierte Technik zur
Echtheitsprüfung ein: Mit Qualidate illegalen Handel und
Fälschungen bekämpfen
Innovative active ingredient
provides reliable weed protection for corn: Tembotrione from
Bayer CropScience approved in Brazil - Launch of Soberan
planned for 2008
Wirkstoff schützt Mais sicher vor Unkräutern: Tembotrione
von Bayer CropScience erhält Zulassung in Brasilien -
Markteinführung von Soberan noch in 2008 geplant
CropScience strengthens global position in insecticides
market: insecticide Movento approved in United States and
Canada - Launch planned for 2008
Bayer CropScience stärkt weltweite Position im
Insektizidmarkt: Insektizid Movento® in USA und Kanada
zugelassen - Markt-Einführung für 2008 geplant
June 08
Bayer will
use tobacco plants to produce medicines
U.S. Federal Register:
CropScience - Availability of petition and draft
environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated
status for cotton genetically engineered for glyphosate
herbicide tolerance
Inauguration of Bayer ’s pilot
facility for the “production of medicinal products in
tobacco plants”
Bayer-Pilotanlage zur „Herstellung von Medikamenten in
CropScience opens rice research laboratory in Singapore
Bayer CropScience eröffnet Reis-Forschungslabor in
Conventionele koolzaadproef gecontamineerd door
niet-toegelaten GGO’s
Essai de colza conventionnel contaminé par des OGM non
May 08
registration for the fungicidal substance Fluopicolide in
Europe: Bayer CropScience´s Infinito receives registration
in Belgium
Weitere Zulassung für fungiziden Wirkstoff Fluopicolide
in Europa: Infinito von Bayer CropScience in Belgien
New Laudis
postemergence corn herbicide from Bayer CropScience
eliminates broadleaf weeds and grasses with residual to
canopy - U.S. corn growers get superior weed control with
unmatched crop safety
Bayer CropScience's Folicur
protects against harvest losses caused by Ug99
Mit Folicur
Ernteverluste durch Ug99 verhindern
First hybrid rice variety
worldwide resistant to bacterial leaf blight: Bayer
CropScience launches new high-yielding rice variety in India
Weltweit erster
gegen Bakterienbrand resistenter Hybridreis: Bayer
CropScience führt neue Hochertrags-Reissorte in Indien ein
CropScience honors top-class U.S. cotton growers at third
annual FiberMax One Ton Club awards banquet
CropScience “Pair Up Program” offer continues for U.S.
CropScience announces exclusive U.S. partners for the 2008
Certified FiberMax Cotton program
CropScience introduces Proline fungicide for soybeans in the
U.S. - Proline provides improved control of Asian soybean
rust, powdery mildew
CropScience introduces íts global food chain partnership
concept in the USA in the USA - Greenfield Alliance with the
Western Growers Association serves as example
April 08
CropScience U.S. introduces Trilex, seed-applied fungicide
for soybeans that protects against stand-reducing diseases
As weed
resistance increases, cotton growers look for new control
methods - FiberMax LibertyLink cotton seed varieties keep
yield and profit potential high
CropScience's Cotton Agronomic Performance (CAP) trials add
value for U.S. cotton growers, give growers added chance to
evaluate local variety performance data
Bayer CropScience to enforce
its Mefenpyr patent
CropScience will Mefenpyr-Patent durchsetzen
CropScience at the 3rd Late blight Conference in Beijing,
China - Phytophthora infestans: A pathogen on the move -
Company developed new control strategies for potato growers
Leverage 2.7
insecticide from Bayer CropScience receives U.S. EPA
registration for soybeans and cotton
management preserves corn yield potential - U.S. growers
boost their potential return-on-investment with a two-pass
program from Bayer CropScience
CropScience supports British Fresh Produce Consortium: Eat
in Colour - The tasty route to healthy nutrition Program to
increase consumption of fruit and vegetables
Bayer CropScience
unterstützt Fresh Produce Consortium in Großbritannien: "Eat
in Colour" - der schmackhafte Weg zu gesunder Ernährung
Initiative für einen höheren Obst- und Gemüseverzehr
CropScience and Monsanto enter agreement for new fungicide
seed treatment option for corn farmers
Reason 500 SC
fungicide from Bayer CropScience gets reduced plant-back for
2008 season in the U.S.
March 08
CropScience signs letter of intent regarding cooperation in
hybrid rice with Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture
Trilex 6000
soybean system from Bayer CropScience helps growers simplify
effort, maximize yield
Refuge acres a
‘must’ to protect Bt traits in corn - Additional insect
protection available from Aztec
active ingredient protects against fungal diseases:
Fluopicolide from Bayer CropScience receives registrations
in Japan and the United States - Launch of Reliable, Stellar
and Presidio planned for 2008
Innovativer Wirkstoff schützt vor pilzlichen Krankheiten:
Fluopicolide von Bayer CropScience erhält Zulassung in Japan
und in den USA - Markteinführung von Reliable, Stellar und
Presidio in 2008 geplant
February 08
Back-to-back NCGA National Corn Yield Contest champions with
one common bond: Bayer CropScience's Poncho
Biotechnology announces new research partnership with Bayer
CropScience focuses on ‘Helping You Grow’ initiative during
2008 Commodity Classic
CropScience’s new food chain partnership project in Brazil
Neues food chain partnership-Projekt von Bayer
CropScience in Brasilien
Intense -
A Tomato, that does not lose its juice
Intense - Die Tomate, die den Fruchtsaft nicht verliert
CropScience at Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin - Successful
partnerships all round: from producer to consumer, company
presents international food chain partnership projects
Bayer CropScience auf der Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin
- Erfolgreiche Partnerschaften für alle: vom Erzeuger bis
zum Verbraucher Unternehmen stellt internationale Food Chain
Partnership-Projekte vor
January 07
effective cotton plant management now more affordable -
Stance plant growth regulator from Bayer CropScience is a
better value this season
CropScience announces partnership with AgVenture on Liberty
Greenback Offer
2007 data
show differences in early season cotton insecticides - Bayer
CropScience's Temik provides proven performance on spider
mites, lygus, nematodes and other early season pests
Stoneville variety lineup shows strength and versatility - A
wide range of cottonseed offerings promises rapid stand
establishment and high yield potential
Bayer CropScience at Fruit
Logistica 2008 in Berlin: Fruits and vegetables with more
intensive flavors - Company presents Flavour Guarantee
project from Brazil
CropScience auf der Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin: Obst und
Gemüse mit intensiverem Geschmack - Unternehmen stellt
"Flavour Guarantee"-Projekt aus Brasilien vor
examines ways to optimize cotton stands
With harvest
complete, South Texas cotton growers prepare for 2008 -
Newest FiberMax cotton seed varieties keep profit potential
Select Seed
Hybrids announces partnership with Bayer CropScience on
Liberty Greenback offer
Texas A&M
University's Robert Lemon honored as 2007 Extension Cotton
Specialist of the Year
CropScience announces 2008 shared risk program for U.S.
cotton growers
Season’ builds foundation for improved cotton profitability
- Company offers unmatched products, people and innovations
through day 40 and beyond
Daniels Midland Company, Bayer CropScience and Daimler to
cooperate in Jatropha biodiesel project
research looks at new way to protect cotton against thrips -
Aeris insecticide/nematicide seed treatment from Bayer
CropScience delivered a consistent, broad spectrum of
protection in 2007
December 07
solutions for pre and postemergence weed control in corn - Bayer
CropScience to launch new herbicidal mixtures in the United
States in 2009
CropScience’s vegetable seed business Nunhems acquires US
lettuce seed company Paragon Seed
Bayer CropScience-Tochter
Nunhems erwirbt das US-Saatgutunternehmen Paragon Seed
Stine Seed
Company and Bayer CropScience partner to introduce
LibertyLink soybeans - Companies expect varieties to be
available for U.S. growers’ use in 2009
and Bayer CropScience partner to develop and introduce
LibertyLink soybeans - U.S. soybean growers can anticipate
growing the first varieties in 2009
CropScience and Euralis Semences form alliance to develop
new winter oilseedrape products for the European market
Bayer CropScience und Euralis Semences kooperieren in der
Entwicklung neuer Winterrapssorten für Europa
Mid-South cotton gets a seed-applied boost - New Aeris
insecticide/nematicide seed treatment from Bayer CropScience
delivered a consistent, broad spectrum of protection in 2007
herbicide receives U.S. EPA registration for use in all corn
plays vital role in pre-season plans for 2008 corn crops -
Market leader is the reliable choice to protect seed corn
from extreme insect pressure
November 07
European Food Safety Authority:
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on an
application (reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2004-04) for the placing on
the market of glufosinate tolerant genetically modified rice
LLRICE62 for food and feed uses, import and processing, under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience GmbH
CropScience, Mertec and M.S. Technologies to co-develop new
soybean trait products
Bayer CropScience, Mertec und M.S. Technologies wollen
gemeinsam Sojabohnen mit neuen Eigenschaften entwickeln
CropScience LP, the U.S. business of Bayer CropScience AG,
announces new BioScience leadership team
Integrated measures for increasing climate protection and
dealing with climate change: Bayer launches Group-wide climate
- Responding to
climate change with stress-tolerant plants and higher yields -
Innovation is the key to protecting crops and safeguarding
Biotechnology optimizes yield in agriculture - Green
“fitness program” for safe harvests - Scientists optimize
photosynthesis in crops
Biotechnologie erhöht den Ertrag in der Landwirtschaft -
Grünes „Fitnessprogramm“ für sichere Ernten - Forscher
optimieren Photosynthese bei Nutzpflanzen
Research International and Bayer BioScience start a research
collaboration to improve plant glycosylation
Research International B.V. en Bayer BioScience N.V. hebben
een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten op het gebied van
glycosylering van eiwitten in planten
New Bayer CropScience
insecticide spirotetramat granted first regulatory approval
Neues Bayer
CropScience Insektizid Spirotetramat weltweit erstmals
expects a record year in 2007
launches new program with Bayer Cropscience for uses of
meganuclease technology in crops
October 07
Bo-Jac Seed
Company partners with Bayer CropScience on Liberty greenback
brands from Bayer CropScience account for largest share of U.S.
CropScience comments on USDA report on biotech rice
Bayer CropScience’s vegetable seed
business Nunhems acquires Teboza’s asparagus breeding
CropScience-Tochter Nunhems erwirbt Spargelzuchtprogramm von
CropScience and Geosys conclude longer-term agreement to
develop innovative information systems
Bayer CropScience und
Geosys unterzeichnen mehrjähriges Abkommen zur Entwicklung
innovativer Informationssysteme
USA: Bayer
CropScience names Jeff Springsteen marketing manager for
corn herbicide products
September 07
Ellmanns to head up Bayer CropScience Australia
CropScience protects cotton defoliant patents
LibertyLink soybeans achieve a key milestone in EU approval
Hybrids partners with Bayer CropScience on Liberty greenback
CropScience adds third license to Senesco Technologies' gene
CropScience is key partner in new research projects to fight
Bayer CropScience ist wichtiger Partner bei neuen
Forschungsprojekten im Kampf gegen Malaria
CropScience opens first agricultural technology center in
CropScience CEO Professor Friedrich Berschauer: “Innovation
and new technologies will help us to meet the growing demand
for food and energy-producing plants”
Bayer CropScience-Vorstandsvorsitzender Professor Dr.
Friedrich Berschauer: „Mit Innovation und neuen Technologien
wollen wir der steigenden Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln und
Energiepflanzen begegnen“
New insecticidal active
ingredient flubendiamide granted regulatory approval in
major Asian markets - Product launch strengthens Bayer
CropScience’s portfolio in the region
insektizider Wirkstoff Flubendiamide in wichtigen
asiatischen Märkten zugelassen Produkteinführung stärkt
Portfolio von Bayer CropScience in der Region
August 07
commitment in Brazil attracts great interest
CelPril completes
integration into Bayer CropScience
July 07
herbicidal active ingredient pyrasulfotole granted first
regulatory approval - Bayer CropScience to launch new cereal
herbicide Huskie in the United States in 2008
herbizid-wirkstoff pyrasulfotole erstmals zugelassen - Bayer
CropScience will neues Getreideherbizid Huskie ab 2008 in den
USA vermarkten
CropScience granted new license to Senesco Technologies'
gene technology for cotton
CropScience’ Nunhems acquires Korean vegetable seed company
Bayer CropScience-Tochter Nunhems übernimmt koreanisches
Gemüsesaatgutunternehmen SeedEx
Canada: Bayer
CropScience launches new InVigor Health hybrid canola in
alliance with Cargill
Bayer CropScience führt zusammen mit Cargill neue 'InVigor
Health' Rapslinie ein
U.S. cotton
growers stick with insect control standard despite seed
treatment options - At-plant insecticides provide better
control of many early season pests
U.S. cotton
growers want to finish the season with affordable, reliable
harvest aid programs - Bayer CropScience's Finish 6 Pro adds
value to harvest aid tankmix
Bayer CropScience
receives updated U.S., EPA label for Oberon 2 SC
miticide/insecticide on oats - Increased crop rotation
flexibility improves application options
June 07
Bayer CropScience
and Monsanto enter long-term business and license agreements for
key enabling technologies
Bayer CropScience und Monsanto
vereinbaren langfristige Geschäfts- und Lizenzvereinbarungen für
Bayer CropScience
completes acquisition of Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Company
Bayer CropScience schließt
Akquisition des US-Baumwollsaat-Herstellers Stoneville ab
Bayer CropScience
and Evogene to collaborate on crop yield improvement
Kartoffelfungizide von Bayer CropScience erhält beste
Gesamtbewertung beim EuroBlight Workshop
Bayer CropScience's potato fungicide Infinito receives best
combined rating at the EuroBlight workshop
May 07
Bayer CropScience
agrees to acquire US cotton seed company Stoneville for US$ 310
Bayer CropScience will
US-Baumwollsaatgut-Hersteller Stoneville für 310 Millionen
US-Dollar übernehmen
Cotton losses from
nematodes at all-time high in the U.S. - Growers have several
timing options to optimize control
Cellectis reaches
key milestone in collaboration with Bayer CropScience on uses of
meganuclease technology in plants
Court of Appeal for
Saskatchewan dismisses class action certification application
brought forward by Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
Notice of submission
for approval of novel food and livestock feed use that includes
an environmental safety assessment of cotton genetically
modified for herbicide tolerance from Bayer CropScience
Avis de demande d’approbation, qui est appuyée par une
évaluation de sûreté environnementale, relativement à un aliment
nouveau pour animaux et humains consistant en un coton modifié
génétiquement afin de le rendre résistant à un herbicide de
Bayer CropScience Inc.
April 07
CropScience's Stratego fungicide receives Section 3 label in
soybeans in the United States - New fungicide dual chemistry
protects soybean health and yield potential
Infinito, Trivia
and Profiler: strong brands for fluopicolide, the new fungicidal
active ingredient from Bayer CropScience
Infinito, Trivia und Profiler: Starke Marken für
Fluopicolide, den neuen Fungizid-Wirkstoff von Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience
co-hosts 2007 Insect Film Festival at Fresno State University
Infinito, Trivia and Profiler:
strong brands for fluopicolide, the new fungicidal active
ingredient from Bayer CropScience
Infinito, Trivia und
Profiler: starke Marken für Fluopicolide, den neuen
Fungizid-Wirkstoff von Bayer CropScience
CropScience's Stance plant growth regulator delivers on plant
management promise - First year U.S. data shows cotton plant
regulation and fiber quality boost
March 07
Challenges and
opportunities for crop protection of the future - Bayer
CropScience Fungicide Symposium promotes dialog between science,
industry and agriculture
Provost fungicide
from Bayer CropScience gives most complete peanut protection -
Broadest spectrum of disease control leads to consistently
higher yields
Bayer CropScience
aims to grow in China
U.S. Department of
Agriculture identifies safe protein in Clearfield 131 rice seed
Trimax Pro
insecticide now registered for use in California cotton fields -
Growers have a new option for control of aphids and lygus
Bayer CropScience
announces 2007 Shared Risk Programs for FiberMax and AFD cotton
seed varieties for West Texas, New Mexico, Okalahoma and Kansas
February 07
Chris Hopkins
joins Bayer CropScience FiberMax cotton seed team as U.S.
Southeast agronomist
CropScience’s new food chain partnership project in Africa Green
World: Working with Kenyan traders and small-holders to produce
safe and healthy food Corn and vegetables for farmers’ own use
and for the European export market
Nunhems, Bayer CropScience ’s
vegetable seed business, signs agreement with Unilever to
co-develop new tomato varieties for taste, nutrition and health
Bayer CropScience’
Gemüsesaatgutgeschäft Nunhems und Unilever kooperieren bei der
Entwicklung neuer Tomatensorten
January 07
CropScience's AERIS seed-applied system takes cotton seed
treatment segment to new heights
CropScience launches potato fungicide Infinito in Poland,
Germany and Austria
Bayer CropScience startet
Markteinführung von Infinito in Polen, Deutschland und
CropScience's corn herbicide Laudis launched in Austria for the
spring season 2007
CropScience's Stance plant regulator now registered for use in
California cotton fields
U.S. Federal Register:
Experimental use
permit - Receipt of application 264-EUP-140 from Bayer
CropScience LP requesting an experimental use permit for the
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein and the genetic
material necessary for its production in Events T303-3 and
T304-40 cotton plants
Autumn herbicide
now available to U.S. growers for superior burndown control in
CropScience unveils 2007 Growing Strong Rewards Program -
Participating U.S. corn growers can treat up to 6.5 percent of
their acres for free
CropScience at Fruit Logistica 2007 in Berlin: sharing success
through the food chain partnership, company presents "Green
World" project from Kenya
December 06
Bayer CropScience
starts to market Arize hybrid rice seeds in Indonesia
Two acquisitions
advance Bayer CropScience U.S. cotton platform: assets of California
Planting Cotton Seed Distributors (CPCSD) and Reliance Genetics
strengthen growing cotton seed portfolio
Bayer CropScience stärkt Baumwollgeschäft in den USA durch zwei
Akquisitionen: Kauf der Assets von CPCSD und Reliance Genetics stärkt
Basis des Wachstumsgeschäftes mit Baumwollsaatgut
FiberMax gives cotton
growers in the Southwestern U.S. a new round of high quality, high
yielding varieties
New FiberMax varieties
equip Southeastern U.S. cotton growers with high fiber quality, yield
New FiberMax varieties
equip growers in the U.S. Mid-South with high fiber quality, yield
November 06
TRILEX Advanced gives
U.S. cotton growers new choice in seedling disease protection
Bayer nega que milho
resistente a agrotóxico cause danos à saúde
Bayer CropScience and Cheminova sign a
multi-year distribution agreement for DFF ® (diflufenican) mixtures in
Bayer CropScience und
Cheminova unterzeichnen ein mehrjähriges Lieferabkommen für DFF®
(Diflufenican) in Europa
Bayer CropScience
announces AERIS seed-applied system for 2007 cotton season - U.S.
Producers have new option for early season insect/nematode protection
Bayer CropScience
licenses rights to Senesco Technologies' gene technology
October 06
CropScience presents new research approaches in the field of
plant health
Bayer CropScience
releases bacterial leaf blight resistant hybrid rice in the Philippines
Bayer CropScience at the "Perspective on
Innovation 2006"
Bayer CropScience opens
new canola seed processing facility in Canada
CropScience's FiberMax cotton seed increases 2006 acreage share
September 06
Bayer CropScience
launches the first hybrid rice seeds in Vietnam
Icon Genetics and
Bayer CropScience publish milestone paper about the production of
antibodies in plants
Bayer CropScience CEO:
"We want to more intensively exploit the opportunities for growth in the
areas of innovation, new technologies and seeds
Bayer CropScience-Vorstandsvorsitzender: "Wir wollen Wachstumschancen
in den Bereichen Innovation, neue Technologien und Saatgut verstärkt
Bayer CropScience and
its FiberMax cotton seed brand are committed to development and growth
DuPont and Bayer
CropScience to expand corn market offerings: DuPont to access Bayer
chemistry; Bayer to participate in Pioneer TruChoice program
Bayer CropScience
introduces innovative chemistry to protect potato crops
August 06
Liberty Link 601 found in
LSU AgCenter foundation seed rice
Bayer CropScience plans
to acquire assets of California cotton company CPCSD
Bayer CropScience to
divest a limited number of crop protection products to United Phosphorus
Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld
& Toll announces six state class action filed against Bayer CropScience
over rice contamination
Emerson Poynter LLP
files class action complaint on behalf of U.S. rice growers
Strong second quarter
26006: continuing success for Bayer both strategically and operationally
Statement by U.S.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns regarding genetically engineered rice
Bayer CropScience
comments on the identification of traces of biotechnology rice in U.S.
rice samples
Third annual Certified
FiberMax Cotton Quality Summit helps unite industry commitment, demand
Bayer CropScience's
Indian affiliate Proagro conducts training for cotton seed farmers to
enhance productivity
Innovative active ingredients to control
fungal infections in cereals: prothioconazole and fluoxastrobin receive
marketing authorization in the important French market
Innovative Wirkstoffe
gegen pilzliche Krankheiten im Getreide: Prothioconazole und
Fluoxastrobin erhalten Zulassung für den wichtigen französischen Markt
July 06
Bayer CropScience targets
new markets in hybrid rice seeds with Arize
Bayer CropScience and Nufarm sign
multi-year supply agreement for DFF ® (diflufenican), herbicidal active
ingredient for effective weed control in cereals
Bayer CropScience und
Nufarm unterzeichnen ein mehrjähriges Lieferabkommen für DFF®
(Diflufenican), herbizider Wirkstoff zur effektiven Unkrautbekämpfung
bei Getreide
Green Field
yields results for members of the Western Growers Association
Bayer CropScience gets
“wired” in western horticulture
June 06
Bayer CropScience
and Magellan BioScience Group establish agrochemical discovery
Cellectis and Bayer
CropScience enter into a collaboration to use meganuclease
technology in plants
U.S. EPA approves
higher label rate for Bayer CropScience's TRIMAX PRO insecticide
Bayer CropScience acquires rights
to FMC Corporation´s insecticides discovery pipeline
CropScience erwirbt Rechte an Insektizid-Forschungspipeline der
FMC Corporation
Bayer CropScience to
introduce two new hybrid rice varieties in the Philippines
Bayer Innovation announces licensing
agreement with greenovation Biotech
Bayer Innovation und
greenovation Biotech schließen Lizenzvereinbarung
May 06
Use of modern
agricultural technologies is essential to avert the impending
consequences of overpopulation
Nutzung moderner landwirtschaftlicher Technologien
unabdingbar, um die drohenden Folgen der Überbevölkerung
CropScience introduces TRILEX AL seed-applied fungicide for soybeans in
the U.S.
April 06
Vanguard Corporation enters into exclusive multi-year agreement with
Bayer CropScience to distribute Bayleton
March 06
Bayer CropScience divests
its U.S. on-farm seed treatment business
Bayer honors its
outstanding research scientists
Bayer zeichnet herausragende Forscher des Konzerns aus
U.S. growers using PONCHO
seed-applied insecticide turn in impressive NCGA Yield Contest
2005 a very successful
year for Bayer
2005 war ein sehr
erfolgreiches Jahr für Bayer
February 06
New technologies
to shape cotton seed-applied vision: Bayer CropScience
anticipates several product launches in near future
Deliberate release into the E.U.
environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the
- Field trials with
glyphosate herbicide tolerant cotton transformation event GHB614
- Field trials with
glyphosate herbicide tolerant cotton (transformación event GHB623)x
- Field trials with
insect resistance and glufosinate ammonium herbicide tolerant cotton
transformation event T303-3
- Field trials with
insect resistance and glufosinate ammonium herbicide tolerant cotton
transformation event T304-40
- Field trials with
insect resistance and glufosinate ammonium herbicide tolerant cotton
transformation event GHB714
- Field trials with
insect resistance and glufosinate ammonium herbicide tolerant cotton
transformation event GHB119
- Field trials
with herbicide tolerant cotton, for production of reference
New formulation
technology from Bayer CropScience "O-TEQ" - Innovation for enhanced
plant protection systemic insecticide with faster, more reliable and
longer-lasting action
CropScience: New corporate structure to safeguard future competitiveness
Unternehmensstruktur zur Sicherung der zukünftigen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
Bayer CropScience
adopte une nouvelle structure garantissant la compétitivité future de
Clothianidin, one of
Bayer CropScience’s most promising active ingredients for insecticidal
seed treatment, included in EU positive list
Clothianidin, einer der aussichtsreichsten Wirkstoffe von Bayer
CropScience im Bereich der Saatgutbehandlung, in EU-Positivliste
Bayer CropScience
announces new formulation in BAYTHROID XL insecticide in the U.S.
Cresset BioMolecular
Discovery and and Bayer CropScience announce collaboration on molecular
field technology
start to new model for the production of high-quality, safe food: Bayer
CropScience backs "food chain partnership"
January 06
Bayer CropScience at
Fruit Logistica 2006 in Berlin
Bayer acquires Icon Genetics AG
Bayer übernimmt
Icon Genetics AG
December 05
International Bayer
CropScience Fungicide Symposium held in Lyon
Fungizidsymposium von Bayer CropScience in Lyon
Novel Bayer CropScience
fungicide fluopicolide gains first registrations in the UK - New option
for the control of downy mildew and late blight
October 05
Plant biotechnology to
improve the quality of cotton
Bayer CropScience
starts marketing new formulation technology ODesi® with superior
biological performance
Bayer CropScience plans
to accelerate introduction of new products in Japan
Bayer CropScience
launches New Zealand website
September 05
Bayer CropScience:
- Sales of new
products should rise to € 2 billion - Company counting on its
first-class product pipeline
- Umsatz mit neuen Wirkstoffen soll auf 2 Milliarden Euro steigen -
Unternehmen setzt auf erstklassige Produktpipeline
De nouvelles
substances actives offrent la perspective d’un chiffre d’affaires de 2
milliards d’euros - L’entreprise mise sur un pipeline de produits de
toute première qualité
August 05
Bayer Group: Dynamic
sales and earnings growth continues in the second quarter
July 05
Bayer CropScience invests
in seed processing plant in Canada
Dormagen – the largest
production site worldwide for Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience offers
novel solutions for the farmers in the new EU member states
June 05
Bayer CropScience’s
vegetable seed business now completely under the name of Nunhems
Gene Technology Regulator approves limited and controlled release of GM,
hybrid, herbicide tolerant Indian mustard
Bayer CropScience and Sumitomo Chemical to jointly develop new rice
May 05
Nidera has acquired
100% of the corn and soybean seed programs of Bayer Seeds in
Bayer CropScience
announces U.S. registration of Oberon, miticide/insecticide that
helps manage insects and resistance in cotton, corn,
strawberries and vegetable crops
Bayer unit to focus
on production of hybrid field and vegetable seeds
Bayer CropScience
starts marketing new fungicide Nativo
CropScience plans further profitable growth
Bayer Cropscience comples construction of
hi-tech seed conditioning plant in The Philippines
Results from Brazil’s 2004-5
growing season again prove that FOLICUR
fungicide is best choice for Asian soybean rust control
April 05
Large Scale Biology
Corporation and Bayer CropScience announce research and development
LifeScience and Bayer CropScience continue successful cooperation
Bayer CropScience and
Makhteshim Agan sign multi-year non-exclusive supply agreement for
Bayer CropScience und Makhteshim Agan Industries schließen
mehrjährigen nicht-exklusiven Liefervertrag für Imidacloprid
Bayer CropScience
announces supply agreement for Imidacloprid with Cheminova
CropScience kündigt Liefervertrag mit Cheminova für Imidacloprid an
March 05
BASF obtains access to
tebuconazole from Bayer for co-pack with Headline fungicide
February 05
Bayer CropScience moves
Eastern Canada regional office to Guelph
Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. announces tebuconazole agreement
with Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience
acquires the assets of Associated Farmers Delinting
Bayer CropScience
erwirbt die Assets von Associated Farmers Delinting
Bayer CropScience, Max
Planck Society, Monsanto Company resolve agrobacterium patent dispute
Bayer CropScience,
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Monsanto beenden Patentauseinandersetzung
über Agrobacterium
Bayer Crop Science
intends to further expand its market leadership position in Latin
Medicago announces research collaboration with Bayer CropScience
January 05
Icon Genetics
announces strategic research alliance with Bayer CropScience
Cargill, Bayer
CropScience form alliance to provide market with specialty
canola oil
Pannar acquires
Pau Seeds, Inc. from Bayer CropScience
Environmental Protection Agency grants approval for use of Bayer CropScience’s
Stratego fungicide to control Asian soybean rust
December 04
herbicide now registered in California
November 05
Bayer CropScience
intends to further reinforce its leadership position in the Asia Pacific
crop protection market
October 04
American Vanguard
Corporation enters into an exclusive agreement with Bayer CropScience to
distribute soybean pestice in SmartBox system
Bayer CropScience
confirms profitability targets
September 04
Bayer CropScience names
Bernd Naaf as Head of the Asia Pacific Region
German companies commit to investment in agricultural
Bayer CropScience
underlines commitment to plant biotechnology
Inauguration of Bayer's
Plant Biotechnology Innovation Center in Gent, Belgium
Bayer CropScience creates Seed Treatment Business Unit
within its U.S.
business operations
Bayer CropScience names
William Buckner to head U.S. business operations
July 04
Bayer sells KWS
shares to
fulfill contractual obligation assumed on acquiring Aventis CropScience
June 04
Bayer CropScience
streamlines its management structures
May 04
Deliberate release into the environment of GMOs for any other
purposes than placing on the market:
- Field trials with
herbicide tolerant cotton, following a two-year program frame
(2004-2005) - Bayer CropScience, S.L. - Spain
- Field trials with
herbicide tolerant soybeans - Bayer CropScience, S.L. - Spain
Syngenta acquires glyphosate
tolerance technology for corn from Bayer CropScience
April 04
CSIRO licences
DNA-delivered RNAi gene silencing technology to Bayer CropScience
March 04
Court revives Bayer,
Monsanto lawsuit
Bayer CropScience
discontinues further efforts to commercialise GM forage maize in the UK
Bayer CropScience to
purchase Crompton´s share of Gustafson seed treatment business
Bayer CropScience and
Aventis reach agreement on final purchase price
Official French Food
Protection Agency study confirms safety of Gaucho for bees
January 04
Prof. Friedrich
Berschauer named new CEO of Bayer CropScience
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Berschauer wird neuer Vorstandsvorsitzender von
Bayer CropScience
November 03
Following grant of
European patent on Agrobacterium transformation of plants
, Bayer CropScience AG and Max Planck Society announce new licensing
Paradigm Genetics signs
fungicide evaluation agreement with Bayer CropScience - Screening tests
may lead to future licensing agreement
Science Forum 2003: The
Molecular Future of Crop Quality - Bayer CropScience promotes scientific
Paradigm signs two-year
extension of its herbicide discovery collaboration with Bayer
Bayer AG:
third-quarter results in line with expectations
Bayer plans stock market
flotation for chemicals activities and strategic refocus of health care
Bayer CropScience
and Monsanto submit joint application for trialing GM canola in
New South Wales
October 03
Bayer CropScience and
Monsanto reach agreement providing farmers broader access to patented
September 03
Bayer CropScience
aiming for No. 1 position in the industry
Address by Dr. Jochen Wulff, Chairman of the Board of Management,
Bayer CropScience AG
August 03
Bayer CropScience
announces management changes
May 03
Herculex I hybrids offer
tolerance to Liberty herbicide
April 03
Bayer launches new North
American organization and new leadership
March 03
LemnaGene LLC announces agreement with Bayer CropScience, the Weizmann
Institute and RhoBio on Lemnaceae activities
Bayer CropScience completes
product sale to BASF subsequent to acquisition of Aventis CropScience
Bayer CropScience
participates in fungal genome sequencing initiative by providing the
decoded genome of the fungal corn pest Ustilago maydis to
Whitehead Institute
January 03
Agrinomics identifies new
genetic mechanisms that control plant resistance to fungal infection
French registration of
Bayer CropScience’s insecticide Gaucho in maize maintained
December 02
Agrinomics and Renessen
establish alliance to enhance seed oil content
Britain's Advisory
Committee on Releases to the Environment responds to concerns associated
with the public hearing on Bayer CropScience's GM maize CHARDON LL
Bayer CropScience
presents four new active ingredients
November 02
Bayer CropScience to
sell additional products to Makhteshim-Agan
July 02
Exelixis delivers assays to
Bayer CropScience for screening to identify novel crop protection
June 02
Bayer CropScience forms
strategic partnership with United Industries
Closing of Aventis
CropScience acquisition - Bayer CropScience ready for launch
Australia’s Gene Technology
Regulator seeks comments on risk assessment and risk management plans
for two proposed limited and controlled releases of genetically modified
April 02
European Commission
clears Bayer's acquisition of Aventis Crop Science, subject to
substantial divestitures
Exelixis delivers
novel crop protection targets to Bayer through Genoptera joint
Bayer and Exelixis
joint venture, Genoptera, is first to sequence Heliothis moth genome --
achievement advances goal of developing safe, more innovative
March 02
Dr. Attila Molnar named
head of Bayer Corporation; Helge H. Wehmeier to retire after 35 years of
service - Bayer AG top management named
February 02
Paradigm Genetics
delivers novel targets-based assays for developing herbicides to Bayer
January 02
Bayer names Board of
Management for Bayer CropScience
Bayer benennt Vorstand für Bayer CropScience
Syngenta and Bayer reach agreement on patent disputes
Bayer takes its place on
the New York Stock Exchange with a clear blueprint for a new corporate
Exelixis identifies
additional crop protection targets delivered to Bayer through Genoptera
joint venture
December 01
Bayer to establish
management holding company with operating subsidiaries
October 01
Bayer AG
receives additional novel targets-based assays from Paradigm Genetics for
developing herbicides
Bayer acquires Aventis CropScience
September 01
Paradigm Genetics
and Bayer AG discover 250th herbicide targen in their
commercial partnership
Bayer Supervisory Board
supports Board of Management's new strategy
August 01
Additional milestones
reached by Exelixis in joint venture with Bayer
July 01
France S.A. acts on unfounded allegations against Gaucho
Exelixis/Bayer joint
venture Genoptera identifies new genomics-based pesticide targets
Aventis, Schering in exclusive negotiations with Bayer
- Bayer aims to acquire Aventis CropScience
Aventis CropScience
negotiations to be continued exclusively with Bayer AG
Les négociations sur
la cession d’Aventis CropScience se poursuivent en exclusivité avec
Bayer AG
Verhandlungen über Aventis CropScience werden exklusiv mit der Bayer AG
of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will not affect Bayer's claim
against Syngenta's thiamethoxam
Entscheidung des U.S.-Patentamts hat keinen Einfluss auf Bayers
Patentverletzungsklage gegen Syngentas Thiamethoxam
Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., (U.S.)
has filed a lawsuit against Bayer AG
AG accepts additional high-throughput assays from Paradigm Genetics
delivers more novel targets to Bayer in Genoptera joint venture
accepts new high-throughput assays from Paradigm Genetics; New assays
based on novel targets identified by Paradigm
Paradigm Genetics
discovers 100th herbicide target - Arabidopsis GeneFunction
Factory(TM) discovers novel, validated herbicide screening targets
faster than conventional methods
delivers several targets to Bayer through Genoptera joint venture
delivers two assays for high throughput screening to Bayer In Genoptera
joint venture
and Bayer reach milestones in Genoptera joint venture - Several novel
insecticide targets selected
Corporation to employ Weathernomics technology from Planalytics to
identify and serve customer needs
Bayer Agriculture Division to
launch e-commerce platform for business supply chain
& Exelixis establish research joint venture to search for new
generation of insecticides and nematicides
With or without Gaucho in sunflowers, the
mysterious French bee malady continues
April 99
Pharmaceuticals delivers target for screening to Bayer AG as part of genetics research
October 98
Bayer and
Paradigm Genetics cooperating in crop protection research
September 98
Bayer and
AgrEvo provide capital to set up US$85 million agricultural biotechnology fund
Crompton & Knowles and
Bayer to form seed treatment joint venture
May 98
Exelixis Pharmaceuticals and Bayer AG sign
genetics research alliance - Exelixis' expertise in model organism genetics to accelerate
identification of novel targets for crop protection |