Using the Verdict system is made as simple as possible. It
consists of dedicated software, small Verdict data loggers
(battery, sensor and memory-chip) and all the rest you need
to easily use this integrated Supply Chain Solutions.
With our dedicated software, a
Verdict data logger is
programmed to monitor seeds from your warehouse to your
customers door. This is called a mission.
The software is
already preset with some typical settings for the seed industry.
Therefore, to program a data logger takes less then a minute.
From this moment it will register the temperature and,
optionally, the moisture inside your shipment.
standard document can be printed for every shipment, containing
information with regards to the customer, shipment, seedlot,
crop etc. Then, the Verdict data logger is put in the box or
container, along with the seeds. The box is now ready to be
closed and shipped out.
Every Verdict data logger carries a
unique ID number and holds the specific data of the shipment and
the customer.