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GMOs and sweet corn seed purity at Harris Moran
In today’s GMO world, seed purity has taken on a new meaning because of the adverse reaction in International markets to GMO crops and the negative campaigning of vocal extremists. In any case, Harris Moran is committed to providing our customers with the quality of seed you and your markets require.

To accomplish this, Harris Moran has instituted procedures to test for the presence of GMOs in our sweet corn seed. To date, we have tested over 200 lots of stock and commercial seed and NO lot has tested positive for the presence of transgenes based on the 0.1% limit of detection of the tests. The independent company AgroGene conducts these tests using the rigorous quantitative method of real-time PCR analysis developed by Perkins-Elmer and called "Taqman".

HM chose this testing because we believe it is the best methodology currently available and it is accepted by companies and regulators worldwide.

In addition, we have asked the International audit firm, SGS Agricultural Services, to audit our sweet corn production process and seed processing facility to insure we had the methods in place to do the best possible job in keeping our Non-GMO varieties free from GMO seed.

Harris Moran’s production methods and processing plant in Nampa, Idaho passed the SGS audit. The auditor concluded that "the supplier has good IP (identity preser-vation) plans to insure the integrity of the product and have sufficient policies and standards in place to provide Non-GMO seeds."

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