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Seed companies aim to market seed more than 99,9% pure and with the best possible germination characteristics. During harvest however, it is nearly impossible to obtain seed without undesired intermixes of other crop- or weed seeds, sticks, chaff and other inert material. These intermixes can seriously influence growth and yield of the crop during the next growing season. Therefore seed cleaning and upgrading are important phases in seed handling processes after harvest. Furthermore, clean and pure seed lots are of great importance to Incotec especially for applying our coating and enhancement technology.

Incotec is specialised in improving seed quality to the highest possible standards, and has a wide range of experience in polishing, upgrading and mechanical scarification. These techniques are aimed at improving seed germination characteristics and overall quality of flower, vegetable and tobacco seeds.

Upgrading is performed through a range of technologies, ranging from mechanical cleaning and upgrading, liquid density separation and in the near future X-ray. Upgrading is marketed as a separate product (e.g. Improver) or can be applied in combination with enhancement techniques (e.g. Priming) and/or coating. Incotec offers you the following upgrading products: Improver, X-ray (in the near future) and Purifier.

Figure 1. Liquid density separation


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