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Looking at the inside

X-ray radiography has been used since the fifties for determining several seed quality aspects. Looking at the seed interior, it can be assessed whether all the essential seed components are adequately present, and if seed processing, pests or diseases, damage seeds. Upgrading, based upon X-ray images, therefore appears to be a very promising method, with little waste compared to conventional upgrading techniques.


Indeed, several investigations have shown that by using X-ray radiography and manual selection, germination characteristics can be improved. Research performed at Incotec indicated that tomato seed lots could be upgraded to give a high level of usable seedlings, in a much more efficient way than with conventional techniques.

Figure 2. X-ray images of normal and abnormal seeds which result in normal and abnormal seedlings after germination.

Need for priming

Before using X-ray, the seed has to be primed. By priming, the seeds within a lot are advanced to the same level of maturity, and would show the same level of detail when X-rayed. In unprimed seed lots, many seeds do not show enough detail.

Figure 3. X-ray images of unprimed and primed tomato seed.

Seed sorting system

So far, all the work has been done using X-ray negatives and manual sorting. The good results incited Incotec to develop a fully automated seed sorting system that uses X-ray technology. In the system digitized images are analyzed by a computer system that controls the sorting machine.

In close cooperation with three prominent companies Incotec has, after several years of developmental studies, almost reached the stage in which we can actually start the construction of the first prototype.

Figure 4. Automated Seed Sorting System

With this prototype we would be pleased to service you by offering trial X-ray separations in near future. Please contact our Account managers for the latest news on the X-ray seed sorting system.


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