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Lettuce Lineup

Some of the most strenuous conditions that a lettuce seed can be asked to develop under are that of the Desert SW. 

With its unique high temperatures, less then ideal soil conditions and an array of planting challenges, the desert demanded a pellet that could provide each lettuce seed the potential to survive under these unique growing conditions.



Because of these unique growing challenges, Incotec developed the original Splitkote pill more then 30 years ago. Splitkote has been known since its origination as the true workhorse of all the direct seeded pellets.

A heavy pill designed for direct sowing, Splitkote provides the potential for optimum placement under most soil conditions. The unique coating material allows for quick access of both moisture and oxygen to the seed. And as the name implies, Splitkote splits open and allows the seed to therefore develop quickly. In addition through the use of Incotec’s unique SHARP program for lettuce, Splitkote can also be ordered with custom primings, specifically Splitkote D and Splitkote Special. These two products were specifically formulated to provide top performance where thermal and photo dormancies can be a problem.

For the best in Desert Performance, Splitkote and Splitkote D are two products you can count on!

For greenhouse and open field.

When your lettuce pelleting needs call for growing versatility, Incotec 136 can provide you with the optimum pellet to fill these requirements. Incotec 136  is the pellet designed to meet the objectives of direct seeded field performance along with greenhouse seeding versatility. Incotec 136 displays unique features of a moderate pill weight, having a wide moisture range tolerance, and different sizing options (both Opti and Mini) to meet your dual requirement needs.

And like Splitkote, Incotec 136 is tied into Incotec’s unique SHARP lettuce program, thus adding the benefit of primed seed to meet both Thermo and Photo dormancy problems.

If your conditions require a pellet for either the greenhouse or the field, ask about Incotec 136. It’s the proven partner!

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