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Seed Health And Refinement Program

Specifically for the N. American lettuce program

Are you ready for
a Revolutionary Concept?

Each year we receive lettuce seed from many sources, with each seed lot being unique and special in its needs. 

We take that seed and produce products that allow precision planting and enhanced seed performance under stressful conditions. 

It is our goal to maximize the quality of each seed product that we produce and that requires knowledge of the seed, which in turn requires testing and trialing. The end result is called S.H.A.R.P.

S.H.A.R.P. uses new tests and progressive trial regimes to constantly update and "refine" our production methods. Therefore, we are able to maximize seed quality for each and all of our primed products.

Based originally on quality concepts, S.H.A.R.P. brings together the ideas that quality is the result of knowledge combined with a lot of work.

OnX seedlings undergoing
 S.H.A.R.P evaluations

The testing and trial programs that make up S.H.A.R.P. require time and materials that go beyond the normal standard regimes. 

We believe this extra effort makes a difference in the quality of the product, whether it be in new products such as OnX Special or one of our quality standards like SplitKote D.

 S.H.A.R.P seedling evaluation

As new genetics from seed companies are introduced every year, they continually produce a constantly changing set of requirements for evaluating seed. S.H.A.R.P. is the Incotec answer to those challenges. So if you want to bring new levels of quality expectations to the seed industry, inquire about how S.H.A.R.P. can work for you.

It’s not just a concept anymore!

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