Department of Agriculture
Agricultural statistics
Agricultural statistics at a glance (08/04)
Central Organisation for Oil
Industry and Trade
Fact sheet on biotech crops under development in India (08/05)
News releases etc.:
Revolution in Indian cotton
cements rising star status in world cotton production
cotton acreage rises 20% in India (08/08)
- Sowing
of kharif pulses and bajra jumps by a big margin
compared to last year (07/08)
Kharif sowing progressing well
in India: major food crops see increase in area planted
over last year (06/08)
Import of quality
seeds and planting materials with a view to improve productivity
demand for flowers in India
Economic and environmental benefits and costs of
transgenic crops in India and Bangladesh (02/08)
Cotton Advisory Board estimates an all-time record
cotton production in 2007-08(01/08)
Sowing progressing well in the present rabi season
production is rising
India: Bt cotton grown in nine cotton-growing states
Certified area under organic farming has reached 3.12
lakh hectares in India (11/07)
area under rice, other major crops exceeds last year's coverage
Area under
rice goes up to 54.4 lakh hectares - Cotton and oilseed coverage
rises significantly (07/07)
Bt cotton to
cover 8.1 million acres in India in 2006
Wheat situation
Indian cotton
production forecast at a record 18 million bales
India now a major
player in transgenic crops (01/05)
under Bt cotton rises (11/04)
Agriculture and
AgriFood Canada
Bulletin: India
Cotton demand to
exceed output by end of 10th Plan
For the first time, it appears that India will have a
larger share of China’s imports than the USA (04/10)
USDA/FAS GAIN reports:
Oilseeds and products annual (04/10)
Cotton and products annual (04/10)
Oilseeds and products update (03/10)
Grain and feed annual (02/10)
Grain and feed update (12/09)
Cotton quarterly (12/09)
Grain and feed update (10/09)
Oilseeds update (09/09)
Cotton and products
annual (04/09)
Oilseeds annual (04/09)
Cotton update, quarterly (02/09)
Grain and feed annual (02/09)
Oilseeds and products quarterly update (02/09)
Grain and feed update (01/09)
Planting seeds annual
Cotton and products quarterly (12/08)
Oilseeds and products quarterly update (11/08)
Cotton and products quarterly (09/08)
Oilseed and products, quarterly lock-up report
Biotechnology annual (08/08)
Cotton and products update (08/08)
Oilseeds annual report
Cotton and products annual (05/08)
Grain and feed quarterly lock up report (05/08)
Cotton and products update (03/08)
Grain and feed annual (02/08)
Oilseeds and products
quarterly report
Planting seeds 2006-07
Pulse situation and outlook (01/08)
Proposed amendments to plant quarantine order with
provisions for imports of barley for malting and
specified plant seeds and planting materials (01/08)
Cotton and products, quarterly update (12/07)
Oilseeds and products update (11/07)
Wheat update (10/07)
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS)
report (09/07)
Cotton and products, quarterly update (07/08)
Grain and feed lock-up report (08/07)
Agricultural biotechnology report
annual (06/07)
Oilseeds and products annual
Grain and feed quarterly (05/07)
Cotton and products quarterly lock up report (03/07)
Grain and feed
annual (02/07)
Oilseeds and products (02/07)
Grain and feed report (01/07)
Oilseeds and products (01/07)
Oilseeds and products report (12/06)
Grain and feed report (12/06)
Planting seeds, annual report (10/06)
Grain and feed report (09/06)
Cotton and products report (09/06)
Oilseeds and products report (09/06)
Food and agricultural import regulations and standards
Oilseeds and products monthly (08/06)
Annual agricultural
biotechnology report (07/06)
Grain and feed: monthly lock-up report (07/06)
Amendment to the plant quarantine order 2003 relating to wheat
imports (07/06)
Monthly lock-up report (06/06)
Biofuel production report (06/06)
Oilseeds and products annual (05/06)
Foreign trade policy amendment makes GMO declaration mandatory for
imported food products (05/06)
Cotton and products annual
Grain and feed report (05/06)
Indian wheat imports likely to be massive (04/06)
Oilseeds and products update (03/06)
Cotton and products quarterly report (03/06)
Grain and feed annual (02/06)
Standards for vegetable oils (01/06)
January-August rice exports (12/05)
Cotton and products update (12/05)
Planting seeds annual (10/05)
Grain and feed update (09/05)
Agricultural biotechnology report 2005
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (07/05)
Grain and feed: montly lock-up report (07/05)
Plant quarantine (regulation of import into India) Proposed third
amendment (06/05)
Standards for vegetable oils (06/05)
Oilseeds and products annual
Growth prospects for India's cotton and textile industries
Parliamentary committee invitees comments on the seed bill
Cotton and products annual (05/05)
Grain and feed update (04/05)
Plant quarantine amendments (04/05)
Rice exports CY 2004 (03/05)
Grain and feed annual 2005 (02/05)
Cotton and products update (12/04)
Grain and feed report (11/04)
Planting seed annual 2004 (10/04)
Cotton and products update (10/04)
Plant quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (4th Amendment)
Order, 2004 (09/04)
Oilseeds and products update (09/04)
Grain and feed update (08/04)
Cotton and products update (08/04)
Food and agricultural import regulations and standards (08/04)
Plant Quarantine (regulation of import into India) (06/04)
Oilseeds and Products annual
2004 (05/04)
Cotton and products
annual 2004 (05/04)
Cotton and products (05/04)
Wheat update (04/04)
Plant quarantine (04/04)
Rice update (04/04)
Cotton and products
update (03/04)
Grain and Feed annual 2004
Plant quarantine (regulation of import into India) order, 2004
Indian seed industry under transition (01/04)
Plant quarantine (regulation of import into India) order, 2003
Grain and
feed update (12/03)
Cotton and products
update (12/03)
India edible food sector: imports fill rising demand (ERS
Oilseeds and
products update (11/03)
Planting seeds annual
Grain and Feed
October update (10/03)
Country report (08/03)
Oilseeds and Products update (07/03)
Pulse update (07/03)
Cotton and products annual (06/03)
Grain and Feed annual 2003 (06/03)
Oilseeds and Products annual (06/03)
Grain and Feed update (05/03)
Planting seeds annual
IFPRI report:
Agricultural and
Economic Development Strategies and the Transformation of China and
India (01/06)
The role of
policy and industry structure in India's oilseed markets (04/06) |