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INCOTEC Coating and Seed Technology
PROTEIOS International
Flower Seed Technology
SeedGard (Thermoseed)


Pelleting and Encrusting
Film coating
Additives and Actives (PPPs)

FarMore D 200

a novel approach
superior disease protection
trial results
value of seed treatments

FarMore D 300

DISCO High Performance

other innovative solutions


INCOTEC sponsors a section of SeedQuest  focused entirely on
seed coating technology


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Seed Treatments: A First Line of Defense

Value of Seed Treatments

A healthy start sets the foundation for strong performance as plants grow. Seed treatment provides protection during the critical germination and stand establishment stages when the seed and emerging seedling are unable to protect themselves from
invasive pathogens.

Serving as the first line of defense for seeds and seedlings, seed treatments can improve seed germination, seedling emergence, stand establishment and plant vigor. As a result of this early season performance, plants treated with seed treatments have an edge over untreated plants when it comes to realizing yield, quality and profit potential.

Seed treatments offer:

  • Seedling health
  • Targeted and accurate application
  • Protection for high value seed
  • Complements other crop protection methods
  • Grower convenience
  • Excellent worker protection and environmental profile
  • Improved seed germination and seedling emergence
  • Optimum stand establishment and plant vigor

Note: FarMore™ D 200 is offered by INCOTEC
in the United States only.

For more information, visit the Syngenta Crop Protection website at or
call 866-SYNGENTA (866-796-4368).

©2004 Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., Greensboro, NC 27409.

Important: Always read and follow label directions before buying and using this product. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. warrants that its products conform to the chemical description set forth on the products’ labels. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL APPLY TO SYNGENTA PRODUCTS. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. neither assumes nor authorizes any representative or other person to assume for it any obligation or liability other than such as is expressly set forth herein. IN NO EVENT SHALL SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION, INC. BE  LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY USE OR HANDLING OF ITS PRODUCTS.

No statements or recommendations contained herein are to be construed as inducements to infringe any relevant patent now or hereafter in existence.

FarMore™, Underground Security™ and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a
Syngenta Group Company.

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