interview with:
Martin PICK
Pickseed Companies Group
Joined Otto Pick & Sons Seeds Ltd in 1958.
In March 1959 Otto Pick died and with brother Tom Pick and
mother Marie Pick continued the work started in 1947 by Otto.
In 1960 established Pickseed's presence
in Manitoba, buying certified forage seed directly from
producers. Continued growing the Pickseed business with Tom
throughout 60's, 70's. Joined with Kent Wiley Jr. and Tom Pick
to establish Pickseed West Inc in Tangent, OR- right in the
heart of the Willamette Valley.
Served as President of the Canadian
Seed Trade Association 1991-92.
Today the Pickseed Companies Group is a
leading forage seed and turfgrass company throughout North
America and internationally.
Currently serving as Vice-Chairman of
the Pickseed Companies Group.
What does the seed industry look like today from your vantage
point? The seed industry is
much more stratified with distinct activities.
In the 50's & 60's forage and turfgrass were the dominant seed
industry sectors. Today that no longer is the case with annual
crops capturing a much higher profile. The seed business, like
agriculture, has become consolidated and is a much more B to B
Furthermore the role of government as plant breeders, extension
advisors, etc. has diminished with industry too taking up these
From your perspective, what are currently the major
issues, significant challenges and key opportunities in your
sector of the Canadian seed industry?
The Forage & Turf seed industry has become somewhat minimized in
the headlong rush towards biotechnology. While herbicide
tolerant, transformed forages and grasses are in the wings,
their use and resultant payback to the technology owners is
undetermined. The industry-wide obsession with GMO issues has
paralyzed industry spokespersons from dealing with some very
crucial day-to-day issues. For example the subsidized grass seed
production from the European Union is tantamount to dumping.
Other industries would be pounding on their respective
governments to be of assistance. The issue barely gets a nod
from industry associations. The issue of variety registration in
Canada has been in a state of animated suspension for the past
2-3 years and again industry has to deal with this example of
beauraucratic lethargy in isolation.
A major challenge (opportunity) would be to return to a level,
international playing field. Canada has some of the best forage
and turfgrass seed production opportunities, cheap land,
outstanding growers, a highly modernized infrastructure enabling
Canadian production to be very low cost to the world - without
artificial stimulus. The opportunity is there. The challenge is
to get the issues on the political table.
How do recent developments in the global seed industry
impact your company and other seed companies in your country?
I have made reference to the issue of EU subsidies.
The detritus of the ABT meltdown is still impacting our industry
with undisciplined seed contracts still overfilling the market
requirement; the overall destruction of pre-ABT orderly
marketing operations have to be seen out.
These factors have had a significant and negative impact on the
forage and turfgrass segment of the seeds industry.
What has been the impact of ag biotech so far in your
sector of the industry, and what further short term developments
do you anticipate?
As mentioned the perennial crops have been among the last to
attract the attention of the technology providers and even then
there is a lack of consensus on how these providers will extract
what they consider to be their fair price.
There was some concern of contamination by the "adventitious
presence" of GMO in small seeded forages but this issue seems to
have faded. In the eastern half of North America herbicide
tolerant forages still seem to be a solution looking for a
problem until herbicide tolerant grasses also become available
to companion the legume(s).
Which other technologies do you see having significant
impact on the seed industry, and what changes are they bringing
Corn rootworn BT must be significant in that it also signals
continued use of this technology rather than harsh, risky
pesticides. Any time pesticides can be replaced should be viewed
as positive. As an aside it fascinates me to hear anti-GMO
advocates rail against the use of this science, when the same
individuals were posturing against pesticides 1-2 decades ago.
However, I have recently read Charles Daniel's "Lords of the
Harvest" and he seems to conclude that, until the development of
some directly bankable benefits to the actual consumer are
available from this science, progress and acceptance may be
How much impact will the new American and European organic
produce legislation have in your country?
It seems that the "growth" of consumer acceptance of organic
has plateaued.
Producing quality "organic" forage seeds, particularly legumes,
is very difficult and expensive.
How much is the consumer prepared to pay to be able to consume
"organic". How much can the "organic" dairy or meat producer pay
for seeds and other cost of production inputs until they hit the
market / price wall?
Where do you see your sector of the seed industry going in
the next 5 to 10 years?
The North American forage seed market has shrunk significantly
over the past decade. Some players have already withdrawn, and
more consolidations and/or closures will continue until the
industry fits the market. There are some real environmental
opportunities, which will require a political will for their
manifestation, but that will eventually occur.
The turf grass market is a dynamic one and once the ABT
repercussions are digested one would hope this market and
production too will meet the real needs. This sector too will
likely reduce in numbers. New varieties will turn over very
rapidly and it will become increasingly important to establish
unique products in the market. "Me-too" varieties become
commodities and cannot support their marketing costs. Costs of
operations of sports facilities will become important criteria;
recently a well-known golf course industry member chose dwarf
blues over bent for fairways. He reckons that bents have a 3x
maintenance cost over the blues.
Developing products to meet the agronomic, as well as the
budgetary needs of the consumer will become important again.
What are your hopes and aspirations for the future of the
seed industry?
The seed industry is a key part of agriculture. Therefore, the
entire ag community must consider the impact of trade-distorting
subsidies, support programs, etc. This is true in the seed
industry too. Give the industry a level playing field and the
strongest plant breeders, producers and marketers will prosper.
The minute a contrived artifact enters the equation the skews
become extreme.
I would also appreciate the development of quick, reliable seed
ID technology to enable plant breeders to readily defend their
intellectual property and discourage the rash of plagiarism that
currently exists in OP crops.
What important lessons have you learned during your years
in the seed industry?
Developing strong relationships with customers (and I view
growers and users both as customers) is crucial to success.
Selling crop varieties on a "features / benefits" platform and
assuring a reasonable reward for your own efforts is crucial to
assure the success of your customer's and your own enterprises.
Could you please tell us about an individual in the seed
industry whom you have found particularly inspirational?
This is easy. Mr. Tib Szego of Lindsay, Ontario, now retired, is
the most visionary person I have known in this industry. He
established the idea of "proprietary varieties" in North
America; he established the first private plant breeding program
in Canada and he could foresee developments throughout his
entire career.
Tib came to Canada just before WW II, first working for the
McKenzie Seed Co., in Brandon, Manitoba. For the longest time he
lead the seed department of Maple Leaf Mills from Lindsay,
Ontario, a forage, turf and seed corn enterprise. He then set up
National NK Seeds, the precursor to the NK presence in Canada.
Following that he acted as a broker and eventually retired in
Lindsay. He is still a great source of seed industry lore and a
strong sounding board on this segment of the industry.
What would you like the
readers to know about your company and its activities?
The focus of Pickseed is forage crops and turf grasses. Drs.
Jerry Pepin and Don Floyd, along with Hal Lewis head a dynamic
turfgrass breeding program from the Wm K. Wiley Jr. Research
Centre at Corvallis, Oregon. Jay Hackney, M.SC. is product
development manager on the forage side. Terry Ewacha, Doug King
and Kurt Shmon head up the Group's various production units
assuring the timely delivery of quality products to the
marketing / distribution teams. Peter Craig, Chris McDowell,
Karl Fiander, Tom Burns, Charles Pick head up the sales efforts
in North America. Exports are handled by Tom Burns and Kurt
The Group's leadership has been recently entrusted to Mr. Robert
Clark, President and Chief Operating Officer. Rob has been with
the Companies Group since 1999.
The Pickseed Companies Group is a strongly knit organization
involved in the development, production and marketing /
distribution of forage crop and turfgrass seeds. It is strongly
integrated and focused on quality, customer service and
delivering outstanding quality in both the seed and the genetics
package of every kernel of seed.
For more information, please visit
Martin Pick can be reached at