Deputy CEO
Groupe Limagrain
A graduate of ESSEC,
Pierre Lefebvre has held numerous management positions at Groupe
Limagrain, first as CFO of Tézier (1980) and Groupe Limagrain
(1983), then as CEO of Ferry Morse in California (1984) and of Vilmorin, Clause & Cie (1990). In 1996, he became Deputy
CEO of Groupe Limagrain.
Pierre Lefebvre
currently serves as:President of the CFS (Confédération
Française des Semenciers), President of the Vegetable Section of
IFS (International Seed Federation), Board Member of the
Vegetable Section of ESA (European Seed Association) and
President of the Vegetable Section of GNIS (Groupement
Interprofessionnel des Semences et Plants). |