Manhattan, Kansas
March 23, 2006
Kansas enjoyed a mild, albeit dry
winter through much of the state, but that does not necessarily
mean farmers will see more insects in their corn this year, a
Kansas State University entomologist said.
"Populations of most below-ground insects, such as wireworms and
white grubs, probably were not greatly affected," said Randy
Higgins, field crop entomology specialist with K-State Research
and Extension.
The mild winter may have an impact on other insects, however.
Higgins provided the following information on several pests
common in Kansas corn fields:
Black cutworms - The generally accepted theory is that most of
these insects enter the state as egg-laying adults from southern
regions. So, problems depend on how many invade Kansas and
whether the female moths find conditions suitable for egg laying
and larvae survival.
Weed cover at or before planting can lead to increased cutworms
because egg-laying female cutworm moths are attracted to weeds.
But, moths must move through an area and find a field before
laying eggs on a favorable site. If this happens and large
numbers of cutworms start feeding on the weeds, problems in the
crop could develop, particularly if a tillage operation or a
burn-down herbicide eliminates the weedy food source before they
have finished feeding.
Flea beetles - Adults overwinter in grassy or brushy areas.
Survival depends on winter conditions, including temperatures,
so producers should watch for these insects, paying attention to
the earliest emerging corn. Unusually high densities of flea
beetles were not present last fall, however, in most areas
inspected as the beetles were moving into protected
overwintering sites.
Spider mites - These mites overwinter in such vegetation as
brome and sometimes alfalfa and other cover crops. A mild winter
can mean greater numbers at the start of the growing season, but
factors can interfere weeks or months later with the development
of large populations. Seasonal conditions and mite predators
will help determine the seriousness of future populations.
European corn borers - These pests overwinter as large larvae
inside stalks of non-Bt corn. Field-to-field movement and mixing
of the population occur after the adults emerge. Storms during
mating and egg laying may possibly influence the significance of
future problems more than the borers´ success in surviving the
One potential issue involves the southwestern corn borer (SWCB)
in north central and northeast Kansas. Typically, this pest is
more of a problem in the sandy areas south of Great Bend and in
some southwestern counties. Reports last fall and winter,
however, indicated good numbers had, in fact, been present in
some non-Bt corn fields (including refuge and white corn sites)
within Clay, Jewell, Osborne, Republic, and Marshall counties.
Close inspections of lodged plants revealed that non-Bt
cornstalks had been extensively tunneled in a few locations. So,
this might be a year to keep an eye out for the pest in north
central and northeast Kansas.
"Now is a good time to evaluate whether winter was harsh enough
to kill SWCB larvae that tried to overwinter outside their
traditional range," Higgins said. "Split several stalk bases
from plants that were girdled and determine if the large whitish
larva inside survived.
"Even if the SWCB larvae are still alive and eventually produce
adult moths, they may or may not develop into a problem within
nearby fields during midsummer. In most years following a fall
problem in the north, the local larvae do not survive, and if
that´s so now, the species will need to reinvade northern
counties to be an economically important problem for corn
Cultural practices such as rotations also can have an influence
on insect pests expected to be of concern in this year´s corn
fields, Higgins said. If corn is planted after a non-corn crop,
for example, rootworms should not be a problem, although other
pests could still be a concern.
Rootworms lay eggs in the soil during the late summer and fall,
he explained. In Kansas, they prefer to lay their eggs in
existing corn fields. As a result, when a grower rotates to
another crop, rootworm larvae emerging from eggs laid in last
year´s corn ground should starve, because suitable food sources
are unavailable.
Fortunately, Kansas does not yet have the strain of rootworm
that prefers to lay many eggs in nearby soybean or other
non-corn fields. That problem occurs in some eastern and
northern U.S. corn production regions, Higgins said. Growers
there may be treating for rootworms every year, regardless of
their rotation schedule.
In contrast, wireworms and grubs seem to be more of a problem
when corn follows some type of grass or sod.
But, where corn follows corn, rootworm protection of some type
is often justified unless the field was scouted last year and
low levels of rootworm adults were present - which means low egg
laying potential and relatively low populations of larvae will
be present.
Paying for additional protection also may not be justified where
moderate to high adult rootworm populations were developing last
year, but timely and effective adult control treatment(s)
was(were) applied. If frequent scouting through the end of the
egg laying period showed the egg-laying adult population did not
rebound to threatening levels through immigration from
surrounding fields, treatment this year may be unnecessary.
Several management options are available that can suppress root
pruning by rootworm larvae and lessen other types of plant
damage that corn pests can inflict, the entomologist said.
Growers can refer to the K-State Research and Extension "Corn
Insect Management 2006" recommendations, publication MF-810, for
information on seed treatments, planting time insecticides,
post-planting rescue and foliar treatments, and host plant
resistance (including the use of BT corn) as insect management
tools. This publication is revised annually and is available
on-line at Printed copies can be
picked up at most county or district K-State Research and
Extension offices. |