July 09
Saving seed in
tough times
June 09
Kansas State
University's Grain Science Department introduces wheat harvest
survey mapping tool
April 09
Kansas State
University researchers study best forages for cattle in SE
January 09
New web site
about U.S. organic agriculture production features land-grant
university research
Kansas State
University, Texas A&M researchers boost lettuce calcium content
Kansas State
University researchers to use $1 million USDA grant to study the
wheat blast fungus that could threathen crops across the state
December 08
Kansas State
University wheat breeder takes new approach to leaf rust
November 08
Kansas State
University entomologist study wheat plant genes affected by
aphids to create low-risk method of pest management
New Kansas
State University sorghum breeder brings international experience
September 08
Insecticide-treated wheat seed provides early protection
Wheat blends
increase chances of yield stability
In Kansas,
environmental changes have opened the door to crops such as
cotton, canola - and now sesame
Kansas State
University researchers develop herbicide-resistant grain sorghum
August 08
Pioneer and
Kansas State University research recommends irrigating through
grain-filling stage - Research provides at-season
July 08
Gray leaf spot in
Kansas corn near epidemic levels in some areas
Kansas State
University's 2008 Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings guide
now available
May 08
Plant analysis can
help wheat growers increase yields
April 08
inoculation provides insurance for growers
Kansas State
University economist expects more corn, fewer soybean acres than
USDA report forecasts
Wheat may be
entering a down trend, says Kansas State University grain market
March 08
Triticum Mosaic
Virus adds new wrinkle to wheat disease picture
Kansas State
University grain sorghum work on parasitic weed could help
reduce hunger in Africa
Spring wheat in
Kansas may face production, marketing challenges
February 08
Kansas State
University researchers move one step closer to curbing pests´
appetite for crops
DuPont and
Kansas State University Research Foundation partner to
commercialize sorghum herbicide-tolerant traits
November 07
Delivering new
herbicide options to Australian sunflower growers
September 07
Proper timing
of last alfalfa cutting can improve long-term productivity
Asian soybean
rust confirmed for first time in Kansas
Kansas State
University scientists outline wheat seed quality, seed treatment
August 07
Canola as a
wintertime alternative to wheat in Kansas and Oklahoma
Kansas State
University commits $1 million to grain sorghum research
Wheat seed test
weight or variety adaptation: which is more important this year?
July 07
Why are test
weights in wheat so low this season in Kansas?
March 07
Army cutworms
could threaten wheat, canola and alfalfa in Kansas
Roundup Ready
alfalfa faces planting strictures in the United States
December 06
Variable sorghum test
weight has little impact on cattle rate of gain
October 06
Kansas State University
researcher finds new wheat virus
Kansas State University
is part of international effort to enhance grain sorghum, millet
August 06
The history of wheat
production in Kansas: surprising and little-known facts
July 06
Kansas State university
researchers are developing lab-on-a-chip for wheat testing
May 06
Lumax herbicide now
registered for use on grain sorghum in Kansas
April 06
Kansas State entomologist
provides tips for corn rootworm management
March 06
Entomologist suggests corn
growers consider pest issues before planting
February 06
U.S. grain sorghum
growers may get new weed control option
November 05
Kansas State University
administrators, researchers pleased with U.S. Congress-approved
September 05
Lawn seed
quality can vary widely
Kansas State
University releases new hard white winter wheat variety
August 05
Canola can complement wheat for U.S. growers in the Southern Plains
Pioneer Hi-Bred International and Kansas State University collaborate to
identify resistance to Chinese soybean aphid - Research to result in
expanded Pioneer soybean aphid resistant varieties
U.S. wheat growers urged to consider
Hessian fly threat before planting
June 05
Kansas State University is
part of effort to completely sequence common wheat genome
May 05
product reduces insect damage in stored wheat grain and seed
Kansas State University, Kansas Wheat Commission are part of
global effort to tackle wheat genome sequencing
Stripe rust, cold weather threaten Kansas wheat
Kansas State University software helps irrigators determine what
crops to plant
April 05
Freezing temperatures may have nipped
newly-emerged corn
March 05
Hard white wheat production at crossroads
in the United States: Kansas State's International Grains Program
conference highlights the issues
- Kansas State University
- White wheat issues discussed
at Kansas State's International Grains Program conference
Research suggests that
wheat varieties exhibit a range of cancer-preventing traits
Early warm weather spurs
rapid winter wheat growth in Kansas
February 05
Nitrogen is yield spark
for wheat after sorghum
Planting soybeans this
year? Irrigation timing makes a difference
January 05
Kansas landowners and
agricultural producers enter the marketplace for carbon credits
December 04
2004 Sarachek
Predoctoral Honors Fellowship awarded to Kansas State University
plant pathologist for her work studying the causal agent in
bacterial blight of rice
October 04
Soybean rust in the
United States sparks flurry of insurance questions
The official word on
soybean rust and crop insurance
Discovery of soybean
rust in U.S. means growers should prepare / Soybean rust: what to
look for and where it came from
Leaf rust showing up in
Kansas wheat
Options exist for
late-planted wheat
September 04
Kansas State
University, other universities to study how climate affects plant
evolution - US$5 million National Science Foundation grant to fund
research effort
Unprecedented amount of
sudden death syndrome in Kansas soybeans
Kansas State
University's National Agricultural Biosecurity Center receives $1.3
Million from U.S. Department of Defense for ag security program
August 04
Kansas State University
inks agreement with University of Baghdad
K-31 tall fescue, the best
adapted cool season turfgrass for year-round lawn use in Kansas
Grain sorghum research at
Kansas State University's Agricultural Research Center in Hays
July 04
Sprouted wheat can be used
for seed – sometimes
New sorghum silage insurance
available for Kansas and Colorado
June 04
State University
researchers share $1 million grant to study insect pests
Kansas State
University patented starch technology used in low carb, high
fiber foods
May 04
Kansas State
University to break ground on new flour mill and wheat quality
New traits developed
in summer annual forages
April 04
Kansas State
University's International Grains Program dedicates new
conference center
Kansas State
University ag economist discusses crop insurance contracts
Treated seed aids crop
yields even when insects are scarce
March 04
Take steps to make soybean
seed go farther
Kansas State University
uses geographic tools to track plant pathogens
Planting treated seed calls
for adjustments, 'additive'
Take steps to avoid army
cutworm damage
Heed soil temperature when
preparing to plant crops
Kansas State University,
other universities win Homeland Security grant funds to go for training
in crop biosecurity
February 04
Kansas Crop Performance
Tests evaluate crop varieties, hybrids for Kansas - New supplemental
tests added this year
Weed software can help
farmers with management decisions
January 04
Kansas State University
researcher conducts wheat winterkill study
November 03
Worms evident in some
Kansas wheat and alfalfa
October 03
Kansas State University's
State Diagnostic Center is part of National Plant Diagnostic Network