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India adopts event-based approval system for GM crops
July 7, 2006

Source: CropBiotech Update

In what could expedite commercial release of new genetically modified (GM) Crops, India’s Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) has decided to adopt the “Event Based Approval System” of GM crops in the country. Key decisions in this regard were taken during a recent GEAC Meeting, and include the following:

In 2006, the projected area under official Bt cotton cultivation will be around 3.28 million hectares, or 38% of the total cotton area, as compared to1.3 million hectares in 2005. There will be 59 Bt cotton hybrids planted across India’s three cotton growing zones. A total of 121 Bt cotton hybrids are currently in various field trial stages, and are likely to receive commercial approval in 2007.

An “Event Based Approval System” will be adopted, after taking into consideration recommendations for streamlining the current regulatory framework for GM crops. This will speed up the introduction of new GM crops to the country without compromising bio-safety and environmental safety.

Seed production and large scale trials of Bt brinjal (eggplant) will be granted, taking into consideration comments received by July 15th, 2006.

For more information, contact Bhagirath Choudhary of the ISAAA South Asia Office

- Bt cotton to cover 8.1 million acres in India in 2006
- Decisions taken in the 68th Meeting of India's Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) held on June 1, 2006

Source: CropBiotech Update

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