Decisions taken in the 68th
Meeting of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee held
on June 1, 2006
The 68th Meeting of the
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) was held on
1.6.2006 in the Ministry of Environment and Forests under
the Chairmanship of Shri B S Parsheera Additional Secretary,
MoEF and Chairman GEAC.
1.0 Consideration of Proposals
1.1 Permission for multi-locational trials recommended by
RCGM in its meeting held on 23.5.2006.
1. In compliance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated
1.5.2006 in respect of WP NO 260/2005 – Aruna Rodrigues &
Others vs Union of India, the Committee considered the
recommendations made by RCGM on the 25 applications for
conduct of multi-location field trials on transgenic crops
in its meeting held on 23.5.2006.
2. After careful and in-depth consideration of the proposals
and the recommendations of RCGM, the GEAC approved the
proposals recommended by RCGM in the meeting held on
23.5.2006 and authorized Member Secretary, RCGM to issue the
requisite communications in this regard.
3. During the deliberations, RCGM was advised to stipulate a
condition requiring the Applicants to provide details of
locations where it would undertake multi-location field
trials within 30 days of issue of the clearance letter to
the GEAC/RCGM/ State Department of Agriculture/ State
Agricultural Universities. Both Member Secretaries GEAC and
RCGM informed the Committee that approvals for field trials/
commercial release accorded by the GEAC/RCGM are
communicated to the Secretary State Department of
Agriculture of each State without any exception. However,
the information from the State department does not percolate
to the district level and field level functionaries in
proper time and this gap is projected by the NGOS as lack of
transparency or intentional withholding of information. The
Chairman GEAC opined that this gap needs to be addressed on
a priority basis and informed the Committee that the matter
may be taken up with the respective State Govts through a
D.O. letter..
1.2 Permission for large scale trials and seed production
of seven Bt Brinjal hybrids namely MHB-4 Bt, MHB 9 Bt, MHB
10 Bt, MHB 80 Bt and MHBJ-99 Bt, MHB 11 Bt and MHB 39 Bt
expressing cry 1 Ac gene.
1. M/s Mahyco has produced transgenic brinjal plants with
cry 1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis tolerant to the
fruit and shoot borer, one of the major pests which attack
the brinjal crop throughout its life cycle. This gene had
been obtained as per the permit dated 16.3.2006 from the
DBT. This gene was used to transform the proprietary brinjal
line through Agro-bacterium –mediated transformation. The
gene was then transferred into other Mahyco brinjal
proprietary lines through traditional backcrossing method.
2. The Committee considered the application for large scale
trials and seed production of Bt Brinjal hybrids namely
MHB-4 Bt, MHB 9 Bt, MHB 10 Bt, MHH 80 Bt, MHBJ-99 Bt, MHB-11
Bt and MHB -39 Bt containing cry 1 Ac gene submitted by M/s
Mahyco. The Member Secretary briefed the Committee on the
deliberations and decision taken in the previous GEAC
meeting held on 22.5.2006. She informed the Committee that a
brief background note on the development of Bt Brinjal and
presentation made by the Company in the previous meeting has
been posted on MoEF website on 29.5.2006.
3. The Committee also considered the representations
received from Centre for Sustainable Agriculture,
Greenpeace, several civil society groups and individuals and
noted their demand for posting the biosafety data on MoEF
for 90 days for feedback on the findings of the biosafety
tests prior to approving large scale trials of Bt Brinjal.
4. The Committee also deliberated at length on the protocol
proposed for LST and noted that trials at 20 locations of
seven hybrids are too large a number. The Committee
suggested that the trials may be done only at 10 locations
for each hybrid so that proper control and effective
monitoring can be exercised. The Committee also opined that
an isolation distance of 200 m should be maintained while
conducting the field trials. The Committee further opined
that the large scale field trials should be conducted with
the full knowledge and involvement of Gram Sabha, District
Magistrate and Block Development Officer. The issue of
technical support to the Gram Sabha was also discussed. It
was clarified that the involvement of Gram Sabha is to
address social issues and apprehensions expressed by NGOs
regarding sale of unapproved varities, maintenance of
isolation distance, awareness on biosafety issues etc. The
technical support for monitoring and evaluating the field
trials would be provided by the SAUs. The Committee
recommended a five member monitoring team, comprising of
nominees of Head of Department of Horticulture / Vegetable
breeding, Commissioner/ Director of Agriculture,
Representative of GEAC, Representative of DBT and
Representative of ICAR or its nominee. The large scale field
trials would be monitored twice.
5. The Committee also considered the views expressed by the
Expert Members in the previous GEAC meeting and recommended
that the following additional studies may be undertaken by
the Company in tandem with the large scale field trials.
a. Foliage toxicity study in Goats.
b. Analysis of fruit dry matter to determine differences in
yield from the agronomic trials in respect of Bt and check
c. Bt brinjal being a food crop, a flavour analysis of Bt
and non-Bt fruits.
d. The Company to review if the highest MIC95 value should
be kept for monitoring rather than the average for the
target pest vis-à-vis Cry1Ac protein expression levels.
6. After detailed deliberation, it was decided that in the
first instance the following information would be posted on
MoEF website for 15 days from the day the information is
posted on the website:
List of biosafety studies undertaken by the Company and its
protocol as approved by RCGM.
Biosafety data generated in respect of each study.
Proposed Protocol for LST and seed production.
7.0 The feedback received would be referred for further
review to Experts and the consolidated comments would be
placed for consideration of the GEAC in its subsequent
1.3 Permission for large scale trials and seed production
with IT 925 Bt and IT 928 Bt expressing Cry 1 Ac gene (Mon
531 event) in the South zone by M/s Proagro Seeds Co. Pvt
1. The Committee considered the request for conducting large
scale field trials with IT 925 Bt and IT 928 Bt expressing
Cry 1 Ac gene (Mon 531 event) in the South zone and noted
that both MEC and RCGM have recommended the hybrid IT 925 as
suitable for South zone.
2. After detailed deliberations and taking into
consideration the findings of the mulit-location trials and
recommendations made by RCGM and MEC and in accordance with
decisions taken in the previous GEAC meeting the committee
approved IT 925 for LST at 40 locations in the South Zone
and 100 ha seed production.
1.4 Permission for large scale trials and seed production
with Navkar 5 expressing encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry
Ac) ‘ GFM in the North, Central and South zones by M/s
Navkar Hybrids Seeds Pvt Ltd.
1. The Committee noted that the request for direct entry
into large scale field trials was considered by the GEAC in
its meeting held on 3rd May 2005 wherein it was decided to
await the Gazette notification of Ministry of Agriculture
notifying NAVKAR 5 as a centrally released variety. The
Member Secretary informed that, subsequently the hybrid has
been notified vide notification of MOA dated 25.4.2006.
2. The Committee had also decided to set up a two Member
sub-committee comprising of Dr Akhilesh Tyagi and Dr P Anand
Kumar to evaluate the case verification documents
(confirmation of gene event, protein expression level and
DNA finger printing). The Chairman invited Dr Anand Kumar to
give his views on the information furnished by the Company.
It was stated that the information is in order. However the
Company may be advised to submit the MOU signed with M/s
Nath Seeds for transfer of Bt technology and copy of
Southern blot for Navkar 5 Bt hybrid. Subject to submission
of the above documents, the Committee approved LST and ICAR
trials with Navkar 5 in the North, Central and South zones.
3. As per the prevailing practice only one year LST and one
year ICAR trials are mandatory for notified varieties. Since
Navkar 5 bt would fulfill this requirement during Kharif
2006, the Committee approved the request for 100 ha seed
1.5 Permission for 2nd large scale trials with ACH 155-1
Bt expressing Cry 1 Ac gene (Mon 531 event) by M/s Ajeet
Seeds Ltd.
1. The Committee considered the request for conduct of
second year LST with ACH 155-1 Bt containing Cry Ac gene
(MON-531 event) in the South zone. It was noted that the
field trials have been monitored by MEC. The MEC has
recommended the hybrid for commercial release subject to
completion of procedural requirement. The second year LST is
being requested because the procedural requirement of two
year ICAR trials has not been completed.
2. In view of the above stated facts, the GEAC approved the
conduct of second year LST with ACH 155-1 Bt in the South
zone at 40 locations during Kharif 2006 and seed production
in an area of 100 ha.
1.6 Request for seed production in 100 ha during first
year LST/MLT.
1. The Committee considered the request from several
Companies for seed production in an area of 100 ha in light
of the new procedure recommended by the sub Committee under
Dr C D Mayee, Chairman ASRB and Co-Chair GEAC. The Committee
noted that if the new procedure is adopted, several
Companies would be at a disadvantage in view of the limited
seed production permitted by GEAC. After detailed
deliberation, the Committee recommended 100 ha seed
production for all Bt cotton hybrids containing Cry 1 Ac
gene (Mon 531 event) approved for LST by GEAC.
2. The request for seed production in an area of 100 ha in
respect of RCH 2 BG-II and ACH 33- 2 BG-II, both containing
Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab gene ( MON 15985 event) during first year
LST was also considered by the Committee. It was noted that
RCH 2 is a centrally notified variety and ACH 33-2 has been
recommended by the Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards,
Notification and Release of varieties for Notification in
its meeting held on 31.5.2996. As per the prevailing
practice only one year LST and one year ICAR trials are
mandatory for notified varieties. Since RCH 2 BG -II and ACH
33-2 BG-II would fulfill this requirement during Kharif
2006, the Committee approved the request for 100 ha seed
1.7 Representation received from Centre for Sustainable
Agriculture regarding mortality in Sheep flocks after
grazing on Bt Cotton field at Warangal Andhra Pradesh.
1. The Committee deliberated at length on the representation
received from the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture
regarding mortality in Sheep flocks after grazing on Bt
Cotton field at Warangal, Andhra Pradesh. The general
opinion was that the report appears to be highly exaggerated
and is based more on hearsay than scientific facts. The Bt
cotton released for commercial cultivation have been
approved after evaluation of biosafety data which also
includes feed studies. The 90 day animal feed studies
conducted at ITRS, Lucknow, feeding studies conducted at G B
Pant University of Agriculture, Pantnagar on lactating cows
and on fish at Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar indicate
no toxic effect.
2. The acute oral toxicity study of Bt protein in mice
conducted at Agriculture Group/ Environmental Health
laboratory, USA concludes that there was no treatment
related adverse finding in any of the groups administered
B.t.k. HD-73 protein by oral gavage at dosages up to 4200
mg/kg. The oral LD50 for B.t.k HD-73 protein in mice is
greater than 4200 mg/kg and the no-observed effect level is
4200 mg/kg.
3. Further mice gavage studies have shown that an intake of
4300 mg Cry1Ac / Kg body wt. had no ill effect on the mice.
Assuming a similar upper safe limit for goats, in order to
have an intake of 4300 mg. of Cry1Ac / Kg of body wt., the
goat should eat (assuming the goat weights 15 kgs) 24,339 kg
of leaf / 50,300 kg of boll rind which is not practically
4. The Member Secretary RCGM informed that, the above
representation was discussed in the RCGM meeting held on
23.5.2006 wherein it has been recommended that DBT may
sponsor a study to assess the problem at Warangal District
with the help of local Veterinary Hospital in the district.
The Committee requested DBT to expedite the study so that
the allegation made by the NGOs can be brought to a logical
conclusion. The Committee also agreed that, in future, leaf
toxicity studies need to be included as part of the
biosafety studies. The Committee further decided to refer
the matter to the State Department of Agriculture for a
factual report on the allegation made by the NGOS and the
findings of the post mortem report.
1.8 Permission of GEAC for sale of Bt cotton hybrids
under different brand names.
1. The request of M/s Rasi Seeds and M/s Nuziveedu for sale
of their hybrids under different brand names was discussed.
2. After detailed deliberation the Committee opined that:
A. The name/number of the hybrid as approved by the GEAC
should be prominently displayed on the label and the trade
name may be indicated in parenthesis.
B. The parent Company who has obtained the approval of GEAC
would be liable for any violation or misinformation under
the provisions of EPA /Seed Act.
C. In future, the Companies may indicate the different brand
names under which they propose to sell the Bt cotton seeds
in their original application itself.
D. The matter being a State subject, the State Govt may take
a final view on the issue taking into cognizance the
provisions of the Trade Mark Act.
1.9 Permission for one year large scale trials and seed
production in an area of 100 ha in respect of RCH 2 BG-II
expressing cry 1 Ac and cry 2Ab (Event 15985) in the South
1. The request for one year LST and seed production in an
area of 100 ha in respect of RCH 2 BG-II expressing cry 1 Ac
and cry 2Ab (Event 15985) during first year LST was also
considered by the Committee. It was noted that RCH 2 is a
centrally notified variety. As per the prevailing practice
only one year LST and one year ICAR trials are mandatory for
notified varieties. Since RCH 2 BG -2 would fulfill this
requirement during Kharif 2006, the Committee approved the
request for one year LST and 100 ha seed production.