Bio Economic Research Associates announces new service focused on the use of crop plants as biomolecular production platforms

Cambridge, Massachusset
August 20, 2003

New service to address economic, regulatory, and environmental aspects of biomolecular production in crop plants
Offers in-depth, independent, expert analysis of the challenges ahead

Bio Economic Research Associates, or bio-era™, a leading independent research and advisory firm providing analysis on the future of the global bio economy, today announced the launching of a new service focused on the use of crop plants as biomolecular production platforms. 

The new research and advisory service, entitled “CROP PLANTS AS BIOMOLECULAR PRODUCTION PLATFORMS: Seeds of Conflict or Fields of Opportunity?” explores the rapid emergence of crop plants as production platforms for pharmaceuticals and other industrial materials, and the far-reaching implications for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical, food, and agriculture sectors. The service will provide stakeholders in these industries with independent, economically-oriented insight and analysis of the key issues surrounding this emerging and controversial area for biotechnology applications. 

Beginning in September 2003, bio-era will provide enrolled clients with in-depth proprietary research reports — including an exclusive strategic stakeholder survey and analysis — combined with interactive teleconferences and a one-day Executive Roundtable in Washington D.C.   A complete description of the new service, including scheduled research reports, events, and service options, is available along with enrollment information, at

The service team of bio-era professionals is led by:

Gregory Graff, Ph.D, Director of Research
Greg Graff is responsible for managing the bio-era research agenda. Greg is a biologist and agricultural and natural resource economist with special expertise in the economics of agricultural biotechnology. He is an author and co-author of numerous articles and papers on various aspects of the agricultural and biotechnology industries. His most recent work has focused on public sector intellectual property rights in agricultural biotechnologies, and the changing structure of the biotechnology industry.

Rodrigo Martinez, Vice President Strategy & Business Development
Rodrigo Martinez is responsible for bridging the research agenda and growth strategy of the company. He was previously a founding member of Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project. Over the last six years, Rodrigo has designed and coordinated several projects that assess the economic impact of the biotechnology industry at the regional, industry, and company levels. He has a Masters in International Development from Harvard University.

Service Team Senior Associates:

Ann Bublitz, President, BioTech Decisions
Ann Bublitz has over 20 years of experience in the agricultural biotechnology and the seed industries. In 1990 Dr. Bublitz joined Pioneer Hi - Bred International, Inc. where she worked for more than 10 years in various positions in business development, marketing and licensing.

Alan Bennett, Executive Director, University of California Office of Technology Transfer and Research Administration
Alan Bennett is one of the world's leading plant geneticists, and an expert in intellectual property. He is responsible for intellectual property management throughout the
University of California system, including policy development, patent prosecution and enforcement, as well as management of a portfolio of over 4,000 active cases, 700 active licenses and revenue in excess of $100 million.

Thomas Hoban, Professor, North Carolina State University
Thomas Hoban is a well-known authority on how new technologies and public policies affect consumers, industry, natural resources, and society. He has directed many surveys that assess public attitudes about biotechnology; farmers' adoption of management practices; industry adoption of innovation; and public attitudes about the environment.

Paul Prentice, President, Farm Sector Economics, Inc.
Paul Prentice is a widely recognized authority on agricultural economics, markets and industry structure, with over 20 years of experience in macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis. Paul was formerly the Chief Macro Economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

John Schnittker, President, Schnittker Associates
John Schnittker is widely recognized as the "dean" of American agricultural economic consultants. Since launching his economic research and consulting firm in 1972, Dr. Schnittker has been a prominent agricultural economics consultant to farm organizations, trade associations, food and agribusiness firms, and foreign companies and governments

David Zilberman, Robinson Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
David Zilberman is one of the world's most accomplished agricultural economists and a leading authority on the economics of pesticides, agricultural and food policy; technological change; natural resource economics, and microeconomic theory.

Bio Economic Research Associates (, Cambridge, MA, is a leading provider of independent research and advisory services for key stakeholders in the bio economy.  Its primary mission is to help decision-makers understand and respond to the risks and opportunities arising from the economic and societal impacts of human-induced changes to biological systems.  Bio-era research and advisory services provide independent and authoritative research, access to the bio-era network of specialists, and opportunities for participation in interactive events, including scenarios workshops, learning journeys, and other events that bring together stakeholder groups with bio-era experts.

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