Bio Economic Research Associates (bio-era)
Bio Economic Research Associates is a leading provider of independent research and advisory services for key stakeholders in the bio economy.  Its primary mission is to help decision-makers understand and respond to the risks and opportunities arising from the economic and societal impacts of human-induced changes to biological systems.  Bio-era research and advisory services provide independent and authoritative research, access to the bio-era network of specialists, and opportunities for participation in interactive events, including scenarios workshops, learning journeys, and other events that bring together stakeholder groups with bio-era experts.
May 05

Agbiotech 2005: Regional Trends in Adoption and Acceptance

January 04

Bio Economic Research Associates announces new research on biomanufacturing - New reports examine economic opportunities for crop plant biomanufacturing and the farm sector implications

August 03

Bio Economic Research Associates announces new service focused on the use of crop plants as biomolecular production platforms

February 03

New study on agricultural biotechnology industry finds rapid maturation and consolidation

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