August 09
Zero tolerance
for non-authorised GM plants in the European Union once again
under discussion
GM sugar cane
with a 25 percent yield increase expected in 10 years in Brazil
July 09
Germany, Central
Commission for Biological Safety: No new evidence of
environmental risks through genetically modified maize MON810
decreasing or acceptance increasing? An overview of European
consumer polls on attitudes to GMOs
GMO compass note une progression des opinions favorables sur
les OGM en Europe
June 09
April 2008 wheat
field trial destruction in Gatersleben, Germany: court says that
GM opponents must pay compensation
New EFSA Opinion:
BASF now calls for approval of the Amflora potato
April 09
decreasing or acceptance increasing? An overview of European
consumer polls on attitudes to GMOs
German Agriculture
Minister bans MON810 Bt maize
Coming to the
market soon in the USA: genetically modified soybeans for
health-conscious consumers
March 09
European Union
approves import of biotech T45 rapeseed from Bayer CropScience
on planting genetically modified maize cannot be enforced, says
German agriculture
November 08
EU Council of
Ministers: Second generation of GM soybeans close to
October 08
Council of
environment ministers of the European Union reach no joint
alignment on GM authorisation
New biosafety
research projects to focus on methods to prevent a spread of GM
September 08
Cultivation of
GMOs rises in many European countries
July 08
European Food
Safety Authority concludes that national bans on MON810 are not
scientifically substantiated
Australia continues
to test drought-resistant GM wheat
Germany publishes
online map of GM cultivation
USA 2008: GM
cultivation almost at 60 million hectares
May 08
Agriculture in the
21st century - Results of the GMO Compass snapshot poll
April 08
First field tests
of Golden Rice in the Philippines
More than 100
farmers to plant GM canola in Victoria, Australia
March 08
EU Commission
approves GA21 maize
French supreme
court confirms ban on MON810
engineering of cut flowers
Amflora potato:
not this year
New report
indicate large GM potential for South Asia
February 08
GM maize in
Europe: 110,000 hectares under cultivation
Approval of GMO
crops: US and EU seek agreement, EU farmers’ associations press
for speed
Cultivation of
GM maize extended without co-existence problems
biotechnology law jumps last hurdle
struggles with its attitude towards biotechnology
Parliament amends biotechnology law
January 08
Poland may not
ban genetically modified plants
The western corn
rootworm: on its way to European maize fields
December 07
BASF expects
European Union approval of Amflora potato within weeks
June 07
New method for
better profiling of GM plants
US study: Bt crops
more ecological than conventional cultivation
May 07
New surveys suggest
that fewer farmers in UK and Germany are opposed to planting GM
crops than is often believed
April 07
Greece bans 16
additional GM maize varieties