May 09
U.S. Organic
Trade Association welcomes USDA announcement for $50 million
in funding for organic food production
U.S. organic
sales grow by a whopping 17.1 percent in 2008
U.S. Organic
Trade Association releases its 2009 Organic Industry Survey
December 08
U.S. land
devoted to organic cotton production increases
September 08
Organic Trade Association names new Executive Director
June 08
U.S. Organic
Trade Association sues Ohio's Department of Agriculture to
protect organic standards
January 07
Organic Trade
Association helps launch new educational institute: Organic
Agriculture and Products Education Institute receives first gift
Trade Association names new Director of Marketing and Public
U.S. acreage of
organic cotton gains ground
December 07
U.S. Senate
approves Farm Bill with provisions for organic agriculture
October 07
The Organic
Trade Association hails preliminary research findings showing
nutritional benefits of organic products
August 07
U.S. Organic
Trade Association urges U.S. and Canada to begin equivalency
July 07
Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives endorses aid for
organic farmers
May 07
U.S. organic sales
show substantial growth
U.S. Organic Trade
Association launches a web site for farmers
and processors transitioning to organic
April 07
Organic Trade
Association member testifies before U.S. Senate Agriculture
Committee, tells Congress that organic requires infrastructure
for continued growth
January 07
U.S. farm bill
proposals are a good first step, says Organic Trade Association,
but organic farmers need more
December 06
U.S. organic acreage
grows, but more is needed, says the Organic Trade Association
September 06
Organic Trade
Association welcomes Canadian organic regulation
June 06
USDA moves
ahead with final rule
May 06
U.S. organic
sales continue to grow at a steady pace
January 06
U.S. organic cotton
production trends: acreage of organic cotton gains ground
October 05
The Organic Trade
Association applauds U.S. Congress' decision to restore national organic
Organic Trade
Association asks U.S. Congress to take action to keep organic standards
May 05
Recent analysis distorts
organic market in Canada
April 05
Organic Trade Association
celebrates 20 years of service
January 05
Organic Trade
Association works to address issues raised concerning national
organic standards