June 09
Major challenges
for the Irish tillage sector
April 09
Teagasc scientists
find shift in septoria sensitivity to triazoles
February 09
Expansion in
energy crops needed, says Ireland's Teagasc researcher
December 08
Organic farming
expanding in Ireland
September 08
launches bioenergy DVD
August 08
conference on agricultural biotechnology bring world’s leading
scientists to Cork, Ireland
July 08
Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC) to be held in
February 08
Teagasc – 50
years of research
National Potato Conference and Trade Show 2008 highlights
nutritional value of spuds
January 08
conference discusses cereal prospects in a new era
June 07
Exciting new
disease resistant potato varieties for organic farms in Ireland
Teagasc at Oak Park
host major crops open day
May 07
Declining bee
numbers raise concerns over plant pollination
April 07
Teagasc highlight
the economic implications of GM crop technology in Irish
January 07
Biofuels can
provide a future for Irish tillage farmers
Demand for
energy crops drives world grain prices
Teagasc and
Gurteen Agricultural College commence part-time advanced
certificate in agriculture
Ireland hosts
international potato conference
July 06
Agricultural College – 100 years contributing to Irish
May 06
Teagasc Open Day
highlights biofuel and biomass options
There is potential
to increase the area under organic farming in Ireland to meet
the increased demand for organic produce
Closer co-operation
between Teagasc and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland
April 06
Irish Agriculture
and Food Decelopment Authority: Focus on energy crops at
Agriculture and Food 06
March 06
Sugar beet farmers
in County Cork, Ireland consider alternative crops