June 2002
1945, after World War II,
I joined my family’s seed
business, the L. Teweles Seed
Co. in Milwaukee. My great
grandfather, Ludwig Teweles, had
founded the company in 1865
and I was the fourth generation.
At that time, Teweles was
considered the second largest
forage seed company in North
America, right after Northrup
King & Co.
Since those early days, not a
year has passed when I haven’t
heard industry executives say,
"The seed industry is
changing." One of the early
changes led by our firm was the
branding of seed in the 1920’s.
Previously, forage seeds were
sold as a grade - prime, choice
and fancy. My grandfather, Hugo
Teweles, was a zoo buff and he
branded our top quality Badger
brand, with two lesser qualities
to be known as Buffalo brand and
Elk brand. Shortly after I
joined the company, forage seed
began to be sold in smaller
bags, 60 pounds for alfalfa,
clovers, etc. and 45 pounds for
timothy, with orchard and brome
grass in 50-pound bags.
Previously, the legumes had been
in 150-pound grain bags, timothy
in 125 pounders, with orchard
and brome grass in 100’s.
Believe me, these packaging
changes pretty nearly blew the
whole company apart.
Another significant change was
the advent of publicly developed
certified seed, being produced
on contract in the western
states. Alfalfa was the big
tonnage at the time and the
killer crop. The first publicly
developed was Certified Ranger
alfalfa, grown of all places in
the hot San Joaquin Valley of
California. Because of
isolation, the seed crop
maintained its northern
hardiness. One of the huge
commercial problems with the
Certified alfalfa was that it
wiped out the quality and brand
difference between the major
companies and the locals. This
had the unpleasant result of
creating a price war, which was
very damaging to the majors.
After a few years of blood
letting, our competitor in
Minneapolis, Northup King &
Co., came forward with a
brilliant idea. They blended
various state origins of similar
hardiness alfalfa together and
gave the product a brand name
919. Wisely, NK established
dealer and retailer prices on
919 to allow the local retail
merchant a 50% greater profit
margin on 919 than on Certified
Ranger alfalfa. NK heavily
promoted 919 in the agricultural
media. 919 was a huge success.
If you’re not the leader, you
better follow quickly and the
next year at Teweles we marketed
Multi-Strain brand alfalfa,
which was a combination of
Ranger, Grimm, Cossack, and
Ladak varieties, all produced in
Montana. These new branded
products gave the majors a real
shot in the arm in terms of
increased revenue and
profitability. But this was just
the beginning.
The next step for the leading
forage companies was to hire PhD
plant breeders to develop our
own proprietary varieties
of alfalfa, clovers, field
grasses, etc. This was the
beginning of the brain drain of
plant breeders from the USDA and
land grant colleges into the
private forage seed sector. That
change is pretty much evident
today with very little forage
seed research being done in the
public sector. Historically, a
similar pattern had previously
taken place in the 30’s in the
hybrid seed corn industry where
the early hybrids were developed
by the plant breeding staff of
the land grant colleges. Then,
the profit margin squeeze of
small and large companies having
access to the same pedigrees
forced the majors, DeKalb,
Pioneer, etc., to establish
research departments and breed
their own hybrids. In many cases
they utilized inbreds developed
by the public experiment
Things rocked along pretty well
at the old family company. Then,
in the early sixties an
apparently innocuous event took
place. The Woodruff Seed Company
of Milford, Connecticut was
acquired by the Upjohn Company,
Kalamazoo, Michigan, a major
pharmaceutical firm. This event
was as far as I can remember the
first important seed company
acquisition although at the time
we didn’t have any idea of why
the acquisition was made and
where it might lead. Woodruffs
were vegetable seed breeders and
marketers as well as turf seed
specialists. Why in the world
would a multibillion-dollar drug
company want to own a piddling,
little $20 or $25 million annual
sales seed company? None of us
had any idea of the ultimate
impact of this early
transaction. But, again, this
was the changing seed industry.
Leapfrogging ahead to 1972, we
sold our family seed company to
Kent Feed Company in Muscatine,
Iowa. After three and half
generations, the ownership of
Teweles seed shares was widely
split among those of us in the
family who were operating the
business and the other family
shareholders who needed
dividends from the business to
maintain their lifestyle. It
became clear that our company
could no longer continue
investing significantly in
research and pay the kind of
dividends the shareholders felt
they deserved. By that time our
company had moved aggressively
into hybrid seed corn and
proprietary soybeans and our
research budget had become
significant. Selling the company
resolved these problems to the
satisfaction of all the
Brother Bob Teweles moved to
Muscatine, Iowa to become
General Manager of the seed
company for the new owners. Like
so many other things in life,
chance brought an opportunity
that was to change my world. I
was 49 years old, unemployed,
with four children and had just
purchased a new house. I needed
work. Opportunity came in the
form of a phone call from the
Arthur D. Little Company,
Boston, Massachusetts, a major
consulting company, who had just
finished marketing a multiclient
study entitled "The US Seed
Industry". ADL had orders for 35
of these multiclient studies
from multinational agricultural
chemical and/or pharmaceutical
companies around the globe. ADL
had a problem - who was to
execute the study, which they
sold for $30,000 each, fifty
percent payment in advance?
That’s where I lucked out. I was
hired on a per diem basis to
help ADL write the study,
working with their top
executives. As I said, I needed
work. While the wages were not
exactly executive category, the
assignment was really very
simple because at that time I
had already been in the industry
for 28 years and understood how
it worked. Not to mention having
dozens and dozens of friends,
former competitors, in high
places in the seed industry. So
I said, "Yes, let’s roll."
A question arose in my mind at
that time. Why were 35 famous
multinational companies
interested in investing in a
multiclient seed study? As I
got behind the scenes, it
developed that the McKinsey &
Company, a leading international
consulting firm, had sold the
idea of the seed industry as
significant investment and
growth opportunity to the chief
executives of these companies.
Some of the names have come and
gone since then, but I will
mention a few just for old time
sake: Sandoz, Ciba Geigy, Dow,
Union Carbide, Pfizer, Unilever,
Hoechst, Merck, etc. Little did
I know these and many more were
ultimately to become my clients.
The seed study took about nine
months. Again and again, my seed
trade friends asked me, "Why was
I working for Arthur D. Little
Company and couldn’t I go into
business writing and selling
these studies myself?" One day
flying back from Boston,
lightening struck and I decided
to setup L. William Teweles &
Co. in the library of my home
and installed a separate
telephone line and had some
business stationery and calling
cards printed; I was off and
My first project was the
"Global Seed Study" which
encompassed not only North
America, but Europe, Latin
America and Japan. ADL had setup
a pretty good pricing schedule,
which I followed plus 15
percent. I think all of the
subscribers to the ADL study
acquired my study and maybe a
few more.
A few months after publishing
the "Global Seed Study" one
night I received a telephone
call at home on my business
line. It was from the head of
the agricultural division of
Pfizer who had subscribed to my
study and wondered whether I
could help them make some
acquisitions in the seed
industry. I told them I would
think about it and get back to
them the next day. Five months
later, I had helped Pfizer
acquire Clemons Seed Farms, a
major Iowa producer and marketer
of soybean seed. Clemons had
been a producer of soybeans for
the Teweles Company and I knew
them very well. The check I
received for the Pfizer
transaction was the largest I
had ever seen. A whole new world
was opening for me. Shortly
thereafter, I sold Pfizer two
more seed companies. My
consulting business now could be
labeled a consulting and
investment banking business.
Very exciting times.
Soon thereafter, a number of
other multinationals gave me
acquisition assignments. The
first wave of seed company
acquisitions was underway. I
soon learned that the McKinsey
strategies for the
multinationals was that seed was
the basic foundation in the food
chain and that by controlling
the source of seed the
multinationals could control the
entire food chain from seed
through processing and the
distribution phases. This proved
to be a great story and the
multinationals bought in. I also
learned that in the
multinational world "monkeys
see, monkey do". The majors
followed each other, not willing
to let a competitor get ahead.
These seed scenario instructions
to management came via their
board of directors as marching
orders. So much for the first
stage of seed company
acquisitions in the 1970’s.
Interestingly enough, just as
the momentum of food chain
scenario for the multinationals
was beginning to slow, another
unforeseen event took place that
rekindled the acquisition fever.
This was the discovery of double
helix by Watson and Crick, which
unleashed the profound new
science of plant biotechnology.
Almost overnight, the price of
seed companies ramped up, and
then some, as the competition to
acquire became fevered. Row crop
companies, i.e. hybrid seed corn
and soybean seed, were the
favored targets. But,
vegetables, sorghum, even
grasses, showed up on the
acquisition list. Running
through every thoughtful
seedsmens’ mind was the question
of the future; were the local,
regional and national seed firms
going to become extinct? Were
the multinationals going to run
the whole seed world; were the
giants going to up prices and
their profit margins and would
this hurt the farming community?
There were more questions than
answers. Fear was in the air.
Those multinationals that had
acquired early in the "food
chain" scenario now looked very
wise indeed as the value of
their seed company investments
But, as I said earlier, the seed
industry is always changing.
Come the late 80's, many of the
multinational seed acquirers had
grown disenchanted with seed.
Those of us who had been in the
trade for years knew this is not
a high profit margin business.
Further, the majors discovered
that their highly paid MBA
management, who were successful
in running chemical and
pharmaceutical businesses, were
facing new problems in the seed
trade and in many cases made
poor decisions.
Thus, the next period of change.
A number of the
multinationals left the seed
trade, selling their trophy
companies to other
multinationals who still saw a
pot of gold at the end of the
seed rainbow. Other family seed
business that had resisted the
early call to sell, now decided
to cash in and take their chips
off the table. The merger &
acquisition activity in seeds
reached a new, higher plateau in
the eighties. The company names,
headquarters location,
management personnel and crop
portfolios were in constant
flux. Europeans acquired in
America and Americans acquired
in Europe. You needed a
scorecard to keep track of the
transactions. By this time, L.
William Teweles & Co. had become
thirteen people with an office
in Tokyo and London. We counted
more than 100 transactions,
which we had initiated and
managed; ultimately, the number
was closer to 140.
Came the mid 1990’s the
seed world was again in change.
Plant biotechnology was
powering ahead but the financial
payoff always seemed to be just
five more years out. A number of
multinationals had taken off for
greener pastures. Two privately
held consolidators Agrigenetics
and Genesis took the leadership.
We helped Agrigentics acquire 14
independent seed companies and
Genesis acquire 7. However, both
of these consolidators expanded
too rapidly and spent too
generously on research.
Ultimately, they were sold to
those multinationals who were
still acquisition oriented. In
the late 1990’s, AgriBiotech
followed this scenario; sort of.
A case of history repeating
During these turbulent years,
the once "seedy" seed industry
achieved a much higher profile
in the financial and science
communities. Seed as a buggy
whip industry died. Suddenly, we
were high tech and sexy.
In the very early 90’s and in
early 2000, came another
change; this time in the form of
divestitures, spin-offs and
recombinations of the
remaining multinational ag
companies. Once again, it was
fashionable to be independent,
family operated, and profitable.
Those major seed companies now
acquired by the multinationals
earned their place in the sun by
being profitable. Management saw
to it that their seed
subsidiaries increased their
gross margins and bottom lines.
The surviving independents were
laughing again, all the way to
their country banks. Their
market shares had increased at
the expense of their big
brothers who now number just six
or seven, down from 35 in the
Once again, in early 2002,
industry leaders are again
asking themselves "what’s the
next big change?" and "how can
we prepare our company?" If one
is to judge the future by the
past, I believe we will be
revisiting the acquisition binge
once more. The powerful science
of plant biotechnology is
gaining momentum. This
technology is almost entirely in
the hands of the six
multinationals that are leading
the science charge. The multi
million-dollar annual research
investment by these firms
ultimately needs to be recouped.
I expect they need to have
control of the distribution of
the technology envelope, in the
form of seed. To deny this is to
deny the history, power and
success of multinationals’
activities in other industries.
I believe the next wave of
consolidation will take multiple
forms. There will be pure
acquisitions, joint ventures,
franchise arrangements, and
strategic alliances. I expect
the multinationals, with their
enormous research investments
and technology portfolios, to
reassert their control of seed
research, marketing, and
distribution now in the hands of
the independents.
In my own case, I have buried a
copy of this paper in a time
capsule at the site of the
old L. Teweles Seed Company in
downtown Milwaukee with
instructions that it not be
opened until Year 2020. If any
of you have had the patience to
read this paper and can find me
at that time, I will be very
interested to hear how the next
change plays out. |