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Since 1992, SeedQuest
has been aggregating
data and information of value to seed professionals.

The result is this website,
a steadily growing archive for the seed industry, our common memory bank.

Now, SeedQuest wants to reach further back into the past in order to facilitate access to the history of the seed industry.

Gregor Mendel's pioneering work in the 19th century, many generations of  breeders and seed growers have created and brought
to market increasingly high yielding and resistant varieties.

These have made it possible to feed a rapidly growing world population.

This section of SeedQuest shall provide greater access to the history of these individuals and companies, showing how their collective endeavors have shaped the modern seed industry.

SeedQuest calls on its vast readership to participate in this project and help build the gateway to this history.

Please send us:

  • Titles of publications, documents, books and articles on the subject

  • Links to sites that contain relevant materials

  • Leads to individuals and organizations that research this history

  • Your own recollections of key accomplishments and events from years past

  • Memories from previous generations

  • Photos

  • etc.

the accomplishments
of generations
of seed professionals
and their
to feeding
the world population


Many people bring to our attention specific books and publications that are only available on their own bookshelf or at a nearby library. We are trying to find a way to digitize these books so they can become available to all.


We will post them here with credit to all contributors.

Please write to

Thank you.


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