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Privacy Notice on SeedQuest  



My SeedQuest account (daily news feed)

When you signed up for SeedQuest's daily newsfeed, you entered the following information:

  • your first and last name, password, company name, country, e-mail address, and
  • your choice of topics, species and countries about which you wish to receive news.

This information is safely kept on our secure server at a large hosting company.

This information has been and is being used solely for the purpose of delivering to you a version of our daily news feed tailored to your specifications.
This information has never been used to send you any message other than the daily news feed. It never will be.

This information has never been shared with any company or individual outside of SeedQuest. It never will be.

The only ads that appear in the daily news feed are the banner ads that also appear at the top of the news on the SeedQuest website at https://www.seedquest.com/news.php.

To unsubscribe, please contact editor@seedquest.com and request that your account be deleted.
Your request should be sent from the e-mail address to which the daily news feed is sent, so we can identify you correctly. Your account will be deleted upon receipt of your request, and we will confirm this to you.

My Career Center account

When you signed up for a My Career Center account in order to advertise job announcements on SeedQuest, you entered the following information:

  • e-mail address
  • password
  • first and last name
  • your company name and address
  • phone number.

This information is safely kept on our secure server at a large hosting company.

This information has been and is being used solely for the purpose of enabling you to advertise jobs on SeedQuest.
This information has never been used for any other purpose. It never will be.

This information has never been shared with any company or individual outside of SeedQuest. It never will be.

When you submit a job announcement, our server asks you to prepay and requests the following billing information and payment details, which is required by our bank so it can process your payment:

  • first and last name of the person making the payment
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • credit card type
  • card number
  • expiration date

This information is NOT stored on our server. It is sent to the bank's server, where your payment is processed.
The bank informs us that payment has been made.

You may at any time request that your My Career Center account be deleted.
Simply contact editor@seedquest.com and request that your account be deleted.
Your request should be sent from the e-mail address you used when you established your account, so we can identify you correctly. Your account will be deleted upon receipt of your request, and we will confirm this to you.


SeedQuest has never used cookies or tracking devices, and never will.

Registration in the White Pages 

If you have registered to be listed in the White Pages, you may contact editor@seedquest.com at any time to ask that your listing be modified or deleted. We will promptly modify or delete the listing, and we will confirm to you.

Registration in the Directory of Seed Professionals 

If you have registered to be listed in the Directory of Seed Professionals, you may contact editor@seedquest.com at any time to ask that your listing be modified or deleted. We will promptly modify or delete the listing, and we will confirm to you.


Enquires should be addressed to editor@seedquest.com.

Copyright @ 1992-2024 SeedQuest - All rights reserved