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September 20, 2024

BRS A502 - Excelente opção de cultivar de arroz para o sistema de terras altas

September 18, 2024

PhilRice launches safe, healthy rice

September 13, 2024

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates on August 23, 2024

September 12, 2024

Embrapa participa em Goiás do 1º Simpósio de Arroz de Terras Altas

September 11, 2024

IRRI researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice

Establecen fechas para la venta y siembra de semilla de arroz y maíz en Casanare

September 10, 2024

Madagascar mise sur le riz hybride (L'Express de Madagascar)

September 9, 2024

India - New flood-resistant rice variety released by agri research institute in Karaikal (The Hindu)

September 6, 2024

New herbicides, cultivation alternatives for rice farmers - Field day at the Rice Experiment Station in Biggs, California offers solutions amid low prices, fallow land

September 5, 2024

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) hosts technical training on rice at Vercelli, Italy

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

September 4, 2024

Science uses gene editing to develop blast-resistant rice
Ciência usa edição gênica para desenvolver arroz resistente à brusone

September 3, 2024

Sowing unity: Cultivating first joint breeding efforts In India

September 2, 2024

IRRI researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice

August 30, 2024

Le Gabon s’apprête à produire du riz développé localement (SciDev.Net)

Burkina Faso - La culture du riz sous la menace d’un virus du maïs (SciDev.Net)

August 29, 2024

Indian Council of Agricultural Research Complex for North Eastern Region (ICAR-NEH) Manipur Centre develops RC Manichakhao-1, a high yielding variety of Chakhao - black rice (E-Pao)

Indústria lança primeiro arroz rastreado com tecnologia da Embrapa

August 28, 2024

Arkansas, USA - State rice research efforts get over $885,000 in grants (The Pine Bluff Commercial)

August 27, 2024

Accord entre Taïwan et Haïti pour l’augmentation de la production de semences de riz (Le National)

August 22, 2024

Genetic diversity: the key to protecting rice crops

August 15, 2024

RiceTec celebrates 25 years of hybrid rice in the US

August 14, 2024

Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center at the University of Arkansas hosts inaugural NERREC Rice Field Day

Reinventing salt-tolerant rice breeding on ground zero

Suspected blast disease on rice in south Kashmir, India

August 12, 2024

Study finds wide variety of nitrogen-use efficiency in Indian rice varieties (The Hindu)

Irak - Les fermiers innovent pour sauver la production de riz (La Dépêche)

Bolivia - El Centro de Investigación de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) ofrece semillas de arroz de alta calidad para la nueva siembra (El Mundo)

August 8, 2024

Sénégal - Saint-Louis : Un plan d’actions régional a été dressé pour résoudre les problèmes liés à la production de semences de riz dans la zone nord (NDAR Info)

August 7, 2024

Cibus achieves positive initial field trial results for stacked gene edited herbicide tolerant traits in rice



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