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Australia - The wait is over: sorghum growers now have two new and competitive varieties from Nuseed to choose from

July 7, 2017

Neil Weier, Sales Manager at Nuseed, said that trials have shown both Cracka and Rippa to perform strongly.

The grain sorghum market has been dominated by two breeding companies, so for quite some years, sorghum growers have had little option but to choose from the same pool of existing varieties and genetics to plant each season.

That situation will change for the better in 2017 with the launch of two grain sorghum hybrids from Nuseed.

Named ‘Cracka’ and ‘Rippa’ to highlight their strong performance characteristics, as well as to give a nod to their Australian breeding and genetics, both hybrids give growers the opportunity to choose a new and competitive alternative that suits their agronomic and yield expectations.

Chris Haire is Program Manager for Nuseed’s summer crops breeding program. Chris said “I am confident that in an average season, we would expect Cracka and Rippa to perform as well as, or better than, what’s currently available.”

Chris explained that these new hybrids are the first two releases out of Nuseed’s sorghum breeding program using new genetics now available to Australian growers.

“It’s an exciting development for our ongoing sorghum breeding program, but it’s also exciting for growers given these new hybrids are locally bred to perform in Australian conditions,” Chris said.

Neil Weier is Sales Manager at Nuseed and spends much of his time out in the field with growers. In recent years he has identified a real appetite for new sorghum hybrids that offer a solid performance in Australian conditions.

Neil said, “Currently, many growers are genuinely looking around, asking themselves, can I get a better hybrid from an alternative supplier?”

“I have confidence in our new hybrids. They have been trialled in conditions and environments that have tested their capabilities, and they have been shown to perform strongly. Growers now have these hybrids to choose from, offering them a new and improved agronomic package that includes competitive yields and improved grain production,” Neil added.

Chris said that one thing about both hybrids is that he has confidence in is their standability, and that growers would be able to notice the difference in this characteristic compared to some other hybrids available.

“Cracka offers a yield consistency over a range of growing environments and soil types doing best in a yield environment of 3-6 T/ha, while Rippa is more suited to higher rainfall zones or irrigated cropping and a yield environment of over 6 T/ha,” Chris said.

He also highlighted that both have a list of agronomic traits that tick the boxes, and both have shown consistent test weights in tough conditions, consistently going above the threshold for Sorghum 1 classification.

The Nuseed commitment to the future of Australian agriculture is demonstrated by an ongoing commitment to improvement and innovation.

Neil said, “When we sell seed to a grower, we are also selling them their livelihood for the next 12 months. This is important to Nuseed.”

“We want to be sure we’re offering them the best seed we can, because by constantly improving we’re ensuring growers have access to a new generation of strong performers that help them get them the best results. I have confidence Cracka and Rippa fit the bill,” he concluded.

For more information on Cracka and Rippa, contact your local Nuseed Area Sales Manager or visit our grain sorghum product page.


More news from: Nuseed Pty. Ltd.

Website: http://www.nuseed.com

Published: July 10, 2017

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