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Guangxi-ASEAN exchange activity on new varieties of vegetable held in Guangxi, China

Beijing, China
June 3, 2010

Source: Farmers' Daily via Ministry of Agriculture

Recently, the 2010 Guangxi-ASEAN Exchange Activity on New Varieties of Vegetable was launched at Guangxi University. In total, 132 renowned vegetable seed producers and research institutions are participating with over 800 new varieties. In addition, over 1000 major vegetable producers at Guangxi Autonomous Region, sales brokers and ASEAN vegetable traders have also been attracted to the activity.


This activity is meant to build a new platform for agricultural development and cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN, so as to intensify agricultural cooperation and exchanges of the two sides and to promote the leap-forward development of the vegetable industry of Guangxi. During the activity, 12 institutions and enterprises have signed agreements involving the development of vegetable industry, international cooperation, technical service, and product purchase and sales, worth 365 million yuan. In addition, the Seminar on the Innovation of Vegetable Germplasm in Southern China and the Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources of Producing Areas has been held concurrently, focusing on the latest progress in the innovation of vegetable germplasm, soil nutrition and moisture in Southern China, and the control and prevention of pests and diseases.

More news from: Chile, Ministry of Agriculture

Website: http://www.minagri.gob.cl

Published: June 4, 2010

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