February 11, 2012
THE 2012 release of the new wheat variety Elmore CL Plus provides NSW and QLD wheat growers with their first high performing “two-gene” imidazolinone tolerant wheat. Elmore CL Plus has been specifically developed to be tolerant of Clearfield Intervix® herbicide (implemented with Best Management Practices under the Clearfield Agency System administered by Crop Care). Until now, Clearfield Jnz has been the predominant imidazolinone tolerant wheat option for NSW and Qld- However, as Clearfield Jnz only exhibits single gene tolerance to its’ registered Clearfield Midas® Herbicide, it lacks adequate tolerance to Clearfield Intervix Herbicide, specifically developed for more robust application to Clearfield “two-gene” crops which exhibit superior crop tolerance.
Elmore CL Plus joins Justica CL Plus and Kord CL Plus in AGT’s impressive stable of new Clearfield® Plus “two-gene” Intervix® herbicide tolerant varieties. Elmore CL Plus is possibly the most suited of these varieties to NSW and Qld growing regions.
Harvesting a 7 t/ha Elmore CL Plus seed increase wheat crop 2011.
Elmore CL Plus - Clearfield Plus “two-gene” imidazolinone tolerant variety:
Developed by AGT, Clearfield Plus “two gene” Intervix herbicide tolerant varieties have improved crop safety to this more robust herbicide, enabling herbicide application at an earlier crop stage ( 3 leaf ) compared with “single-gene” cultivars ( from 4 leaf ). This trait promotes greater flexibility, permitting earlier herbicide applications to control problem weeds prior to undesirable crop competition eventuating.
The development of Elmore CL Plus wheat suited to NSW and QLD complements the existing portfolio of Clearfield and Clearfield Plus cropping options available to farmers. Management guidelines defined within the Clearfield Best Management Practices system and implemented by Clearfield-Accredited Agronomists ensure sustainable cropping systems are adopted, maximising production potential whilst promoting and enabling effective and sustainable cropping rotation strategies.
Clearfield® Intervix® Herbicide:
Clearfield Intervix Herbicide offers superior one-pass post-emergent knockdown and residual control of many major grass and broadleaf weeds. Intervix is registered to control brome grass (Bromus diandrus and B. rigidus), barley grass (Hordeum leporinum), Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale), muskweed (Myagrum perfoliatum), wild oat (Avena fatua) wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) and wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii). It is also registered to control annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), dense flower fumitory (Fumaria densiflora), marshmallow (Malva parviflora) and sub clover (Trifolium subterraneum), just to name a few.
Intervix® provides useful suppression of weeds including bedstraw spp. (Galium tricornutum and G.aparine), doublegee (Emex australis) and silver grasses (Vulpia bromoides and B. myuros). Subsequent crop competition results in surviving plants being stunted and uncompetitive with the crop, and seed set will be prevented or greatly reduced.
Intervix is also compatible with Transit® Herbicide (CLOPYRALID) for control of legume weeds. The addition of POLO® 570 LVE will improve control of phenoxy sensitive weeds and provides an additional mode of action for resistance management.
Intervix is also registered for the control of volunteer cereals, including non-Clearfield wheat (Triticum aestivum), non-Clearfield barley (Hordeum vulgare), oats (Avena sativa) and triticale (Triticosecale spp) varieties.
Intervix is a member of the imidazolinone chemical family with Group B mode of action. As with all herbicides, it is crucial to understand the process of weeds developing tolerance and resistance to herbicides. It is important to rotate herbicides from different groups and to use an integrated weed control approach that includes strategies other than herbicide use alone.
As is the case with all herbicides it is important to read and understand the label. For example, do not graze or cut for stock food for four weeks after application of Intervix.
Maturity and yield ability:
Elmore CL Plus is an early to mid maturing variety similar to Janz. An ideal sowing window varies according to district and paddock (for example elevation, aspect). For many typical slopes and plains districts it is around 10th May to the end of June, although it generally performs relatively well in comparison to other varieties should desirable sowing opportunities be delayed.
On average Elmore CL Plus has produced consistently higher yields than Clearfield Jnz in most districts and is competitive with most other conventional non-Clearfield main season varieties.
Rust resistance and other diseases:
Elmore CL Plus has solid overall resistance to the three rust diseases; stem, leaf and stripe rust. It is rated resistant to moderately resistant to stem rust (R-MR), the potentially most serious rust disease in Qld and NSW. Elmore CL Plus is rated moderately resistant to moderately susceptible (MR-MS) to stripe rust and leaf rust , a superior overall rust resistance rating to Clearfield Jnz and many other common varieties.
Elmore CL Plus , like many current varieties, is susceptible to yellow leaf spot.
Grain quality:
Elmore CL Plus has an Australian Hard (AH) quality classification for Vic. It will be submitted for classification in NSW, Qld and SA in autumn 2012. Expectations are that it will receive a similar grade classification (AH) to that obtained for Vic, however this remains to be confirmed.
General agronomic type:
Elmore CL Plus has a similar plant type to Janz with good seedling vigour, good early growth, good straw strength, low vulnerability to shattering and is easy to thresh. It has an intermediate level of tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting similar to Janz
Seed Availability:
AGT’s Territory Manager, Kerrie Gleeson, reports that seed is available in good supply for 2012 through an AGT Affiliate or their local retailer.
Plant Breeders Rights:
Elmore CL Plus is protected by PBR and all production (excluding seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR) which funds future wheat breeding and evaluation. Elmore CL Plus growers will be subject to a Growers license that acknowledges an EPR of $3.55/t, exc. GST.
Elmore CL Plus was developed by AGT wheat breeder Dr Russell Eastwood and colleagues at AGT’s Horsham breeding base.
Herbicide availability:
Intervix® Herbicide is available via the Clearfield Agricentre Agency system, administered by Crop Care. For further enquiries, please contact Crop Care Customer Service on 1800 111 454.
The information contained in this release is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing. Growers should be aware of the need to regularly consult with their advisors on local conditions and currency of information. Always consult the product label(s) prior to use.