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European Commission urges the Czech Republic, Spain and Hungary to transpose provisions of the seeds Directive

Brussels, Belgium
November 24, 2010

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The European Commission has asked the Czech Republic, Spain and Hungary to notify national implementing measures as required by Directive 2009/74/EC on botanical names of plants and the scientific names of other organisms. The request takes the form of a "reasoned opinion" under EU infringement procedures. In the absence of a satisfactory response within two months, the Commission may decide to refer the above-mentioned Member States to the European Court of Justice.

The Czech Republic, Spain and Hungary have not communicated the measures implementing Directive 2009/74/EC on the adaptation of the botanical names of seeds and the authorisation to market these seeds.

The marketing of vegetable and cereal seeds plays an important part in the agricultural activity of the European Union. The production of healthy, high-quality crops depends to a large extent on the standard of the material used in cultivation. Healthy, high-quality cereal and vegetable seeds contribute to a more competitive EU seeds sector and enhance consumer choice in good-quality products.

Earlier this year the Commission initiated the infringement procedure, described in Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), by sending a letter of formal notice to the three Member States. Since the three Member States continue to not comply with the Commission's request, a "Reasoned Opinion," is being sent to formally request their compliance within a period of two months. Subsequently, the Commission may decide to refer the Member States to the ECJ if action to ensure compliance is not taken.

For more information on the infringement procedure, please see:


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More news from: European Union

Website: http://europa.eu

Published: November 25, 2010

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